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Tue September 19, 2017
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(Washington Post)
Modern slavery is alive and well in this so-called civilized world of ours, where there are an estimated 40 million of them toiling away in horrid conditions. Here's where they live and what they do
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Even Robert E. Lee's former church doesn't want to be named after him anymore
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(Flathead Beacon)
Overseas hackers extorting Montana community via cyber threats. This is what happens when you don't upgrade from Windows XP
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(Extra Crispy)
Tired of everything being made with pumpkin spice? Here have a slice of pumpkin spice pizza while you debate on whether to punch the person who came up with it
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(WSAZ West Virginia)
Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that roadside drunken driving tests are not valid for pot, so spark it up, kids
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(The Tab)
Harvard meme kid speaks out about how mad his parents were when he got kicked out
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(ABC News)
Mexico City commemorates the anniversary of the catastrophic 1985 earthquake with a catastrophic 7.1 magnitude earthquake
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(Fox2 Detroit)
Bachelor party COSPlaying as 45 "Magnum P.I.'s" claim they were thrown out of Detroit Tigers' "Star Wars Night" for being a distraction. Group demands replacement tickets for next season and an invite for Tom Selleck to throw out the 1st pitch
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(I Started Something)
Photoshop this freaky fish
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"Significant Nerf gun ocular injuries are not reported in the literature, as far as we know"
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(CBS4Denver - KCNC)
Life imitates Bob's Burgers as Colorado police search for Mad Pooper
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If you're a nurse, do not post pictures and videos of yourself giving newborns the finger, calling them mini-Satans and propping them up to make them dance to hip-hop
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The latest thing killed by Millennials: Articles about things killed by Millennials
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4-year-old boy not seriously hurt after being ejected from a car. He was soon heard saying "do it again"
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(Kent Online)
"I'd rather have solidarity with DPRK than the USA." - Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but being the chairman of a Labour youth movement, that one probably should have been kept to yourself
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Enough fentanyl to kill 32 million people seized in Queens, meaning Florida residents will need to find a new way to get through this hurricane season
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(Toronto Star)
°)╯.................🐟 \o/ \o/ \o/
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(Fox 19 Cincinnati)
Guy smuggling balloons full of meth into prison by swallowing them doesn't succeed, tries again
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Puerto Rico's Public Safety Commissioner issue a blunt warning to residents of wooden houses on the island ahead of Maria's landfall :"You have to evacuate. Otherwise you're going to die, I don't know how to make this any clearer"
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Some people think Monopoly takes a long time to complete. Others think D&D takes a while to finish. Then there's this monstrosity
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A helicopter in Russia's totally not-a-cover-for-an-invasion war games just accidentally fired a live rocket at several parked civilian vehicles
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(Fox 40 Sacramento)
Transgender Kindergarten Lesson is the name of my prog rock band
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(CTV News)
Welcome to New York, Mr Prime Minister, you disgustingly handsome person. Here's your award
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(The Union Leader)
Large circle of mysterious and unidentifiable purple powder found on school property has baffled authorities, as security footage shows no one visiting the area
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(Survey McSurvFace)
Robert E. Lee High School in San Antonio is requesting the Internet's help in picking a new name.You know what to do
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(University of Oregon)
Photoshop these two blondes
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Guy who climbed mountain only in his underwear develops hypothermia - which is French for "don't climb a farkin' mountain only in your underwear"
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(Atlanta Journal Constitution)
Suicide by cop leads to three post-suicide protest arrests
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(The New York Times)
Must be a day ending in "Y" as Fox News is sued, again, for sexual harassment
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(Alaska Dispatch News)
People of Alaska, we hope you are enjoying this year's Permanent Fund Dividend check worth $1,100. If the people you keep electing into office would just stop meddling, that check could have been worth $2,350
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Toys "Я" Bankrupt
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(Washington Post)
Mars research crew emerges after eight months in isolation; reads news, asks to be returned to isolation
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Police officers are not a disenfranchised minority
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People in Switzerland want to know who is clogging their toilets with wads of cash
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(In Touch Weekly)
Come for an update on the now 27-year-old Hensel twins, stay for the completely unfounded speculation about their sex life. And by that we mean, abdicating facts to assume they skip guys for mutual incestuous conjoined lesbian masturbation (SFW)
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Mon September 18, 2017
Come here, Maria. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty
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(Boing Boing)
Considering Florida's dismal power grid, being able to use solar power during outages could be very helpful. Naturally, Florida Power and Light lobbyists made exactly that illegal
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Not News: Man commits suicide. News: While sitting in his vehicle in parking structure of international airport. Fark: His body wasn't discovered until 8 months later
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Couple driving through northern Maine forced to stop in middle of road. (Lynx go nowhere)
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(9News (Australia))
Few things qualify as more hoonigan than doing a burnout in a car being towed on a trailer
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Fark NotNewsletter: Changes afoot for online advertising
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I'd tap that
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Trump planning on copying Best Korea with a parade
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(Some Guy)
Photoshop what should be in this pot
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(The Daily Beast)
Dylann Roof wishes he had a white supremacist lawyer and not one of these horrible Jewish lawyers. How can I be declared innocent of killing a church full of black people with a Jewish lawyer? I need a creepy racist lawyer with a bowl cut
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Tonight at 8pm ET, a special Paul's Memory Bank as I pay tribute to our beloved soosh by sampling some playlists from early in the year
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(AP News)
OK, this is the Whole World. And this is us. No sir, we're not the whole world. These other thingies are other countries. No sir, we can't make them go away
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(NBC News)
After getting buzzed by North Korean missiles Japan's prime minister is looking to quickly rewrite their pacifist Constitution
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(Peoria Journal Star)
Intoxicated wedding guests try to mingle with a bison herd. Darwin heard muttering "too easy"
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Mystery woman has been crashing every funeral at local church for 14 years just so she can stuff her face at the free buffet
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
WA father claims that he accidentally shot his son repeatedly with flaming balls from a "fireworks gun" in a "safety lesson" that went accidentally awry. His 6-year-old son tells a different, more believable, and frankly better-constructed story
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(9 News)
This story of a slam poet and a stolen house gets weirder the further down you go
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(Gannett Images)
Photoshop this flying man
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Burglar jerks off after breaking in. In burglar circles this is known as a whack job
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There's a time and place to take selfies and check your backpack, and it's not while A) Riding a motorcycle on a motorway; B) Practicing wheelies; C) Doing 117 mph; D) Being followed by the police; or E) Any or all of these
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Bill Gates thinks an outbreak of disease could kill 30 million people within the next 10 years. No word if he thinks it could come from a virus
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Donation info for Farker timujin's final expenses, link goes to fundraiser
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(WFTV Orlando)
Woman with a gun, threatening to shoot herself? Don't worry, the Florida Police are there to help with that
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Headlines Of The Week for Sun 2017-09-10 to Sat 2017-09-16
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(NW Florida Daily News)
Man helps himself to bacon from woman's plate. Surprisingly, she objects. Late-night hilarity at the Waffle House ensues
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(Some Guy)
Caption these construction workers
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(KING 5 News)
*Bark* Bark* "Hello, 911?" *Bark* *Bark* "This is 911, what is your emergency?" *Bark* *Bark*
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(The Raw Story)
After harassing black passenger on bus, Seattle Nazi followed by bystanders and punched
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(Al Jazeera)
Snapchat blocks Al-Jazeera in Saudi Arabia. How will fearless reporters send dick pics to fundamentalist Muslims now?
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(ABC 10 Sacamento)
Big rig hauling 40,000 pounds of dog food overturns on freeway, spilling its contents. That's ruff
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(Fox 5 San Diego)
Lexus goes "Hey, Kool-Aid!" on fourth floor parking garage wall. Oh, yeah!
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Photoshop this magic mushroom
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(WHO TV Des Moines)
Swastika and racist message found on Drake. You'd think he'd have woken up during that
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RIP Stanislav Petrov, the man who saved the world
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Happy 308th birthday, What the Fark Am I Reading Guy
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"Is there a Tulls here? Jenna Tulls? Hey everybody Show me Jenna Tulls"
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Sometimes it helps if you put up a link to the quiz once it's ready to go. It's the (very late) Fark Weekly Weird News Quiz, Sept. 3-9 Tangerine Edition
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You, you, and your rabbit don't understand why all the voices are talking to me
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Now I know why; they're faster than I. I guess we'll die
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(USA Today)
"My life improved when I moved from a blue state to a red state," claims delusional woman
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The cruise ship industry and US Govt. really missed the boat not coming to the people that were stranded in the Caribbean islands and Houston They could have helped dammit. No food or water doggonit . How does money work?
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(The New York Times)
Clearly, the smartest thing for insurance companies to do during an opioid crisis is to restrict access to less addictive and powerful drugs
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Detective has found no evidence that deputy coroner and cop had sex at death scene, but the remaining allegations are nearly as weird
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(NBC Connecticut)
Oreo unveils their newest flavor, Cookie Butter. Wait. What the hell is Cookie Butter? This literally makes no sense
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(Oregon Live)
Dear Farmers Insurance, We have another exhibit for our Hall of Claims
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(Click On Detroit)
Police to armed robbers of Boost Mobile: "Where you at?"
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Watch out, we got a badass over here. He's also depressing and 100% right
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