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Facebook Photo Ads

Photo ads

Use beautiful images to share your message.

Create an Ad

Inspire your audience with a Facebook photo ad

Whatever your business goals are, a photo ad on Facebook or Instagram is a great way to increase awareness of who you are and what you do. A photo ad gives you a clean, simple format to use with inspiring imagery and engaging copy.

You can now also place a photo ad on Instagram Stories. Learn more about Instagram Stories ads.

Inspire your audience using visual advertising
Grab attention with Facebook Photo Ads

Get more attention for your brand

Captivating photos get people to notice your business on Facebook or Instagram.

Raise awareness of products with Facebook Photo Ads

Raise awareness of products

If you have a new product or service to promote, a photo ad is a great place to show it.

Facebook Photo Ads are easy to create

Create a photo ad in minutes

You can create a photo ad right from your Facebook Page by publishing and boosting a post with an image.

We create campaigns to make already-popular products even more popular, but Facebook makes it really easy to promote other, lesser-known products too. With Facebook, we can introduce them with a nice story and engage our audience.

Sebastian Bumann

Co-founder and Marketing Manager, hä?

Get attention with photo ads now.


Learn more about working with Facebook photo ads


Creative Best Practices


Create Facebook Ads on Mobile


Creative Inspirations for Businesses


Ad Policies for Content, Creative, and Targeting


Instagram for Business

Additional resources

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

Facebook for Business

Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.