

On September 24, federal elections for the German parliament will be held. Heinrich Boell's Paris office summarizes the process in this animation video

Latest Publication

Islam and Feminism, those two words seem like an oxymoron to most people. But it is not to everyone. Starting in the 90's a number of Islamic feminists from different parts of the world took the stage and made their struggle for women‘s emancipation public. This paper delves into the basic concept of Islamic Feminism and attempts to portray the counter-discourse as it is forming in Lebanon.
Ann-Kathrin Steger

Statehood & Participation

Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research invites submissions for its sixth issue slated for publication in December 2017. Young activists, independent researchers, graduate students and fresh graduates are particularly encouraged to apply. Submissions from seminal contributors in the field are also welcome.

"Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research" invites submissions for the sixth issue slated for publication in December 2017. Young activists, independent researchers, graduate students and fresh graduates are particularly encouraged to apply. Kohl also welcome submissions from seminal contributors in the field.


Environmental Justice


The garbage crisis in the context of which Beirut was haunted by bad smell in the past year, is still awaiting a satisfying solution. For the time being, it is not that hot and there is an enjoyable change of air in Beirut, so it is not that obvious.

Protest in front of the White House in Washington D.C.

President Donald Trump declared that he would start measures to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, putting his country back into the “rogue state” category in international climate negotiations. 


Conflict & International Politics


Over the past years, tens of thousands of men, women and children in Syria havee become subject to forced disappearances in Syria. All armed factions in Syria engage in arrests, abductions and human rights violations but none does so as systematcially as the Syrian regime. Despite its accession to the international convention against torture in 2004, conditions in regime prisons are excruciating. On July 12, the European Council for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) and Heinrich Boell Stiftung Berlin screened the film "Syria's Disappeared" in which survivors of Syrian prisons and relatives of some tortured to death speak out.

Where can we begin to seek for justice in a war that sees violations of basic human rights committed by almost all conflicting parties? In our conference “How to do Justice? Accountability for Mass Atrocities in Syria” we invited panelists from different fields of expertise to find answers to this very urgent question.


Culture & Dialogue

A project-installation by Andrea Monras that revisits Beirut and Berlin today in relation to their similar tumultuous paths

July 04, 2017 starting 7pm and running until July 10.
Mansion- Zoukak el-Blatt
Beirut, Lebanon

Following the success of “JOGGING- Theatre in progress”* in Beirut in October 2016, Hanane Hajj Ali will give additional performances in different places Lebanon in 2017 in order to reach audiences who have less access to theatrical performances and to discuss with them the main issues presented in the play.


BERLIN – If there are any geologists in millions of years, they will easily be able to pinpoint the start of the so-called Anthropocene – the geological age during which humans became the dominant influence on our planet’s environment. Wherever they look, they will find clear evidence of its onset, in the form of plastic waste.

The great transition - Alternative paths for a better and climate just future

The final episode of the Heinrich Boell Foundation's Podcast Series „Tipping Point“ on Climate Justice in the Anthropocene is now online: The great transition - Alternative paths for a better and climate just future

more videos

The Middle East Office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation supports the production of short and long feature films and documentaries that explore topics of immediate interest for the Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi societies. Our key topics are ecology and sustainability, statehood and participation, conflicts and international politics, culture and dialogue.

All films supported by the foundation are available with English subtitles. They can be obtained for public and private screenings as hard copies (DVD/Blu-ray/DCP), as digital files or through streaming access.

For More information, Visit our You Tube Channel

Contact us: info@lb.boell.org

Guidelines For Contributors

Heinrich Boll Foundation Middle East Office welcomes articles to be published on its website www.lb.boell.org. We consider unsolicited original submissions on arts, culture, politics, social and environmental affairs in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq or addressing issues related to the Arab World. Articles should be rigorous written in language accessible to the educated general reader interested in the region. Queries should be directed to info@lb.boell.org

There needs to be a clear concept for the article, pointing out the question the article tries to answer. Articles need to be in line with hbs values and publication ethics. more


Heinrich Boll Middle East and North Africa Office, Beirut does not offer scholarships. Please send your applications to the HBS foundation website

The 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties of United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change is taking place from 7 to 18 November 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.  Delegates from the Heinrich Boell Stiftung Offices worldwide and their partners are represented in the COP 22. The Heinrich Boell Stiftung, MENA Beirut office has supported journalists from the region to travel and report on the conference from Marrakech.


The following web-dossier includes written and audio-visual media coverage of the Marrakech Climate Change Conference from delegates and journalists in English, French and Arabic.

All rights reserved.

Perspectives - Political Analysis and Commentary from the Middle East is a publication series of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung’s offices in Beirut and Ramallah that seeks to provide a platform for presenting analysis and viewpoints of experts from the region.

When women in the Middle East make the headlines, it is usually as victims. Disturbing stories of the so called 'Islamic State' (ISIS) kidnapping and raping tens of thousands of women are sadly often the ones which stick in the Western memory. But there is more to women's political lives in the region than their victimisation and oppression. We decided to look to the future, present and past in this issue, in order to present an alternative narrative which challenges these representations of women.

Who tolerates whom? Who is "we" and who are "the others"? How private or public can/must love be lived? A Cinematic Intervention by director Angelina Maccarone and writer Carolin Emcke on equal rights for LGBTI.