Automatic Plugin Updates

Choose which WordPress plugins you want to keep automatically updated.

Should I keep my WordPress plugins up-to-date?

If you have a WordPress site, you probably have one or more plugins installed (hopefully Jetpack is one of them!).

Keeping plugins updated to the latest version is a best practice — developers update their plugins to nix bugs and close any security loopholes they may have discovered since the last release.

Outdated plugins can affect your site in a variety of ways:

  • Hackers can take advantage of known loopholes in outdated plugins.
  • You miss out on new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes.
  • Outdated plugins bring a higher risk of conflict with other plugins you may be using.

With Jetpack installed, it’s easy to choose which plugins (including Jetpack itself) you want to keep automatically updated without having to constantly monitor releases and manually update things each time a new version is released.

Get Started

Feature Detail

  • Turn auto-updates on or off with one click.
  • Activate auto-updates on a per-site basis, or in bulk for all of your WordPress sites.
  • Install, activate, de-activate, and delete plugins in bulk across multiple sites.
  • Get notifications of new releases, successful updates, and when an update fails.

Part of Jetpack’s suite of security services for WordPress sites including brute force protection, uptime monitoring, data backups, security scanning, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some common questions. And we’re always more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

How much do automatic plugin updates cost?

Automatic plugin updates are provided for free to all WordPress sites running Jetpack.

How do I turn it on?

Simply install Jetpack and enable it with one click from your Jetpack dashboard. For advanced settings and troubleshooting, read our detailed support document.

Get Started

Whatever sort of site you’re running, Jetpack’s features are designed to keep your site secure, build your brand, and better engage with more readers.

Don’t have Jetpack?

If you don’t currently have Jetpack, install it now so you can begin taking advantage of our features. Installation is easy and free -- you don't need a paid subscription.

Install Jetpack

Still undecided about paid plans?

Visit our plans page and explore your options if you're still not sure. Keep in mind that you're guaranteed a full refund within 30 days if you're dissatisfied for any reason.

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