Security and Backup Services for WordPress Sites

Keep your site safe, secure, constantly backed up, and free from intruders.

Should I worry about security?

Yes. But you shouldn’t have to.

Unfortunately, all websites are targets for hackers and spammers — the more popular your website becomes, the more important it is for you keep your site and content safe. And its not just malicious attacks that are a concern; accidents happen to the best of us, and any hosting companies or developers can experience downtime or infiltrations.

Website security can be hard, especially if you’re not an expert, which is why Jetpack provides an entire suite of one-click simple security services.

The best part? We’ll auto-configure everything for you, and most features need a single click to turn on.

What Jetpack security services do for your site:

  • Prevent brute force attacks from botnets and hackers.
  • Monitor your site for downtime and notifies you accordingly.
  • Provide secure authentication via accounts.
  • Keep plugins automatically updated and allows bulk management.
  • Back up your entire site to a secure, off-site location.
  • Restore your site with 1-click and easy site migration.
  • Scan for malware and infiltrations and helps you fix them.
  • Give you access to expert priority support from our Happiness Engineering team.
  • Automatically filter comment and pingback spam.

Feature detail

Learn more about each of Jetpack’s security services:

  • Brute force attack protection We automatically block attempts to access your site from millions of known malicious attackers.
  • Downtime monitoring If your site goes down, we’ll let you know instantly. When it’s back up, we’ll let you know how long the outage was.
  • Secure authentication Make sure anyone accessing your site is protected by secure logins.
  • Automatic plugin updates Keeping plugins up to date is good security practice. Jetpack does it for you.
  • Site backups Every bit and byte of your site is backed up safely to an off-site location.
  • Site restores and migrations Restore or migrate your site with a few clicks.
  • Security scanning Automatic scanning of all your site code to detect malicious code changes.
  • Expert priority support If you’re stuck, we’ll help you (or your developers) fix any security threat we detect.
  • Spam filtering We’ll make sure no questionable content or comments are published on your site.
  • Security Library A constantly updated library of known security issues we automatically scan for.

Frequently Answered Questions

Answers to common questions we get asked. We’d be more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have!

Will the free services always be free?

Yes. All Jetpack services that are currently offered for free will always be offered for free.

Why should I choose Jetpack?

There are many plugins offering similar services, and the choice is yours. Customers love Jetpack because they get everything they need in one bundle rather than multiple plugins, and because Jetpack is brought to you by the people who manage and secure millions of WordPress sites on

Satisfaction guarantee

If for any reason you’re not satisfied we will issue a full refund within thirty days. No questions asked.

Doesn’t my host provide backups and security?

Yes. Most hosting companies nowadays provide a backup service (if yours doesn’t, we’d recommend finding one that does!). But if your site represents your brand or directly generates revenue, we don’t recommend relying on a single backup point.

A backup you can rely on should something go wrong with your host can avoid a lot of panic (and lost traffic) at critical moments.

Get Started

Whatever sort of site you’re running, Jetpack’s features are designed to keep your site secure, build your brand, and better engage with more readers.

Don’t have Jetpack?

If you don’t currently have Jetpack install it now so you can begin taking advantage of our features. Installation is easy and free — you don’t need a paid subscription.

Install Jetpack

Undecided about paid plans?

Visit our plans page if you’re still undecided. (We’ve kept it simple: there are only three.) You are guaranteed a full refund within thirty days for whatever reason should you be dissatisfied.

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