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Around 6,000 workers strike at Vietnam garment factory: media
September 7, 2017 / 4:41 PM / Updated 2 hours ago

Around 6,000 workers strike at Vietnam garment factory: media

HANOI (Reuters) - Around 6,000 workers have gone on strike at a garment factory in northern Vietnam to push for higher pay and changes to rules they say are inhumane, local media said on Thursday.

The strike began on Wednesday at the S&H; Vina Co. Ltd factory in Thanh Hoa province, VnExpress said. Other media also carried the report. The company was not immediately available for comment.

The factory is an affiliate of South Korea’s SAE-A Group, according to SAE-A’s website.

Among the rules the workers wanted changed was a requirement to give three days notice to take leave for a death in the family.

Vietnamese media said the company had agreed to discuss the demands and had fired one manager.

Reporting by Mi Nguyen

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