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Joseph Scales
Adelaidian 👨🏼‍🌾 lost in Sydney 🏙 — Campaigner 🗳 & advocate 🙋🏼‍♂️ — Coffee addict ☕️ & podcast enthusiast 📻
Joseph Scales 已轉推
Penny Sharpe 7月27日
Women having abortions are not criminals. Very hopeful that in the next few weeks NSW will finally decriminalise abortion. The bill will be introduced into parliament this week.
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Joseph Scales 7月21日
回覆給 @Raecooper1
I find a collection of short stories helps get me going again when I’m in a reading rut!
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Craig Foster 7月19日
There are a multitude of ways to support change. Let us confront the reality that treatment of our indigenous peoples is a national and international shame and change it together, all of us. By truly listening. And acting:
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Joseph Scales 7月19日
I just watched — wow. Reliving those attack on Adam Goodes through a condensed, clear, chronological record is chilling. A must watch for all Australians — do it this weekend, it’s on 10 Play. , as always, explains it best:
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Anthony Albanese 7月18日
. is one of the most impressive people in politics. Her first battle with cancer led her to run for Parliament – and her second isn't going to keep her away. The whole Labor family is with you in this fight. You've got this.
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Shirleene Robinson 7月17日
Thanks for your continued (and long-standing) commitment to rights 🌈😀
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
The Today Show 7月15日
“The information that she’s providing across the country is nothing short of scare-mongering.” responds to Pauline Hanson's comments over shutting down climbing on Uluru.
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Joseph Scales 7月14日
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Joseph Scales 7月14日
so what you’re saying is that if Rae is terrified now, she’s done for come season 3?
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Joseph Scales 7月14日
回覆給 @Raecooper1
ooh I’ve been tempted. Let me know what it’s like!
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Senator Tim Ayres 7月14日
Terrific article on Germany’s industrial transition - achieved with cooperation between unions, government and employers - lessons for Australian policy makers beyond , but also critical for good jobs with new tech and challenges in our regions and suburbs.
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Chris Bowen 7月14日
Getting the super guarantee to 12% is running more than 25 years late. Every day of that delay is due to successive LNP governments. If the Liberals wanted to yet again delay the SG increase they should have had the guts to say so before May 18.
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Joseph Scales 7月13日
Have a read of this to go beyond the political fray of this year’s NAIDOC Week & be a better ally
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
James Hancock 7月13日
Adelaide: Australia’s most underrated capital.
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Patrick Dodson 7月11日
This NAIDOC week, let’s not airbrush Treaty out of 'Voice. Treaty. Truth'. My opinion piece in Fairfax today:
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Joseph Scales 7月11日
“It’s the humble acts that change the world — it’s not the big pieces of legislation or things that drop from above. And that means you deciding to make a commitment” —
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
Indigenous Land & Justice Research Hub 7月11日
LB: truth-telling process must be community led perhaps by local governments and Local Aboriginal Land Councils. The nation can look to important local massacre commemorations at Myall Creek and Appin where descendants of victims and perpetrators come together
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
UTS: Jumbunna Institute 7月11日
回覆給 @LindaBurneyMP
. 'Part of what's happening now politically will give us fresh encouragement to have the difficult conversation. The process of truth-telling should not just be a big national thing, it needs to happen locally — community by community.'
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
UTS: Jumbunna Institute 7月11日
回覆給 @LindaBurneyMP
. 'People have to be active participants. We have to have those big and difficult conversations, and we have to have them for a very long time.'
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Joseph Scales 已轉推
UTS: Jumbunna Institute 7月11日
. 'I hear people in the public sphere confusing Treaty and Voice. These are the things we need to be clear about. A Voice is not the same as Treaty, but they might be connected in the long run. Let's get our ducks lined up.'
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