- published: 22 Nov 2016
- views: 2558949
DPS may stand for:
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
A genius is a person who displays exceptional intellectual ability or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new advances in a domain of knowledge. Despite the presence of scholars in many subjects in history, many geniuses have shown high achievements only in a single subject, unlike the talented people. There is no scientifically precise definition of genius, and the question of whether the notion itself has any real meaning has long been a subject of debate, although psychologists are converging on a definition that emphasizes creativity and eminent achievement.
In ancient Rome, the genius (plural in Latin genii) was the guiding spirit or tutelary deity of a person, family (gens), or place (genius loci). The noun is related to the Latin verb genui, genitus, "to bring into being, create, produce". Because the achievements of exceptional individuals seemed to indicate the presence of a particularly powerful genius, by the time of Augustus the word began to acquire its secondary meaning of "inspiration, talent". The term genius acquired its modern sense in the eighteenth century, and is a conflation of two Latin terms: genius, as above, and ingenium, a related noun referring to our innate dispositions, talents and inborn nature. Beginning to blend the concepts of the divine and the talented, the Encyclopédie article on genius (génie) describes such a person as "he whose soul is more expansive and struck by the feelings of all others; interested by all that is in nature never to receive an idea unless it evokes a feeling; everything excites him and on which nothing is lost."
Weird may refer to:
Weird Genius - DPS (Official Music Video)
Weird Genius - DPS (Fanmade Lyric)
Gw2: [qT] Staff Weaver | First Testing - 49k DPS
Weird Genius - DPS REACTION Appie Tube
Weird Genius - DPS (Video Lyric)
Gw2 - Updated Necro Condi Scourge Dps Rotation - [AvgDps: 37.852]
Como escolher um DPS - Dispositivo protetor de surto!
Parody Weird Genius - DPS (OM TELOLET OM)
GW2 - Condition Soulbeast (40.2k DPS)
Weird Genius - DPS [Original Mix] (Audio)
Montagem de QDC com DPS e IDR
Найдены редкие покемоны Ментазавр и Ментачу / DPS go
Dispositivo de proteção contra surtos - O que é?
Weird Genius - DPS || REACTION + REVIEW
Texas DPS Class-A16
DESTINY 2 | How to Do the Max DPS (Damage Guide)
DPS atuando em 2000v 1/2
How to pass DPS ( Dubai Protective system) Dubai security guard exam
Weird Genius presents our first single and Music Video: DPS. The Music Video and the Music itself are inspired by the true beauty of Indonesian Culture, especially Bali. We took the sample of Gamelan (Terompong), one of the Indonesian traditional musical instruments and we incorporated it into our track. DPS. Enjoy. WG is a Band of 3 Producers based in Jakarta, Indonesia. With different backgrounds and talents but one similar passion: Electronic Music. Reza "Rap" Oktovian Billy Taner Eka Gustiwana Music: Weird Genius Director: @rezaoktovian DOP: @creamypandaxx @roycdc Edited by: @creamypandaxx & @rezaoktovian Special thanks to Mirror Club & Lounge - Bali by All in Entertainment for providing us with their venue. Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weird.genius/ https://ww...
Fanmade. Weird Genius - DPS Lyric Video (rezaoktovian) Lirik lagu Weird Genius - DPS - rezaoktovian Social media gw: Ask.fm: http://www.ask.fm/rafiprasetio Instagram: http://instagram.com/rafisp_ Facebook: http://facebook.com/nugget500 Line: rafiprasetio Music: Weird Genius - DPS End Screen Music: Seal - Title Screen Thankyou for reza 'RAP' oktovian, eka gustiwana, and billy for such an amazing song:) Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUcQle3S2Yo Thanks for watching! Leave Like, Comment, and jangan lupa SUBSCRIBE channel ini :) *DISCLAIMER* Just trying make lyric video, thanks for watching.. please leave like and kalau masih banyak kesalahan tolong berikan kritik dan saran membangun, bukan cacian dan makian:) terimakasih semuaa! keep watching and supporting!
The rotation for Staff seems pretty straight forward but maybe with some extra testing it can be pushed to 50k+. Gonna update the builds once were fairly certain that they're minmaxed. Stay patient xoxo All Builds - https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/builds/ We are Quantify | http://qtfy.eu/
Follow me on social media: Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/appie_tube/ Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/AppieTube/ Facebook Cosplay : https://www.facebook.com/Appiecosplay/ Twitch.tv : Twitch.tv https://www.twitch.tv/appietube **DISCLAIMER** - All 3rd party videos used within our videos are for commentary and reacting purposes only. No copyright intended. All 3rd party videos used within our videos will have the link to the original video we watched the video at in the description. If you have a copyright dispute please feel free to contact Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUcQle3S2Yo
Hey guys, After my previous video, I got so much input from the community. Thx a lot... We pushed the DPS round about 2K. And !!!!! no Dagger in Mainhand yeah XD. Over 38 is easy possible. I will test the Rotations in the next days. Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQRArY7fnM0AN9iV3Au1A83gFhBLKAkAeA6119aglaKkF6VA-jRiHQBObhBAcSAIoytdpkII7DUrnAA50PQP1fyoSwAAHAjX8iX8gxHf8xHf8+e8xHf8xHf8xHf8SBsoyK-e greets Farbstoff
Saber dimensionar um DPS - Dispositivo de proteção contra surtos é tão importante quanto saber instalar. Entender o que é a corrente nominal de descarga do DPS, as classes I, II, ou III, a tensão de trabalho e o objetivo correto do produto faz parte do conhecimento obrigatório de um eletricista. Guia de seleção de DPS http://goo.gl/mTjY48 Portal do eletricista http://goo.gl/QRojy5 DPS Oferta Schneider http://goo.gl/SIdvmi - DPS 20KA Schneider DPS Easy9: Demonstrar características dos DPS's. Saiba mais: http://goo.gl/SIdvmi Dentre os objetivos deste vídeo, destacamos: - Destacar os dois pontos principais para a escolha de DPS - Apresentar o DPS Schneider e suas características Abordamos os seguintes itens no decorrer deste vídeo: - O primeiro ponto a se analisar para a escolha d...
Lagu DPS dan momen om telolet om udah mulai basi? Yaudah, biarin. Lebih baik telat dari pada telat banget wkwkwkw. Btw, thankyou for 10k subs! yang mau ikutan give away buruan subcribe jugaaaa Follow me on: Instagram: @keryastina https://www.instagram.com/keryastina Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keryastina Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/keryastina Dukung gw untuk bikin parodi lagi dengan cara Subscribe atau kalian bisa klik disini: https://www.youtube.com/c/keryastina?sub_confirmation=1 Thanks for Hadi from Tridologi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRX3AaGMdeb8P8NG0zR4Dug Credit to: Original Song by Reza "Rap" Oktovian Billy Taner Eka Gustiwana Weid Genius - DPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUcQle3S2Yo Instrument by: adeeygvrl Written & Voiced by: Kery Astina Location: Te...
Using pre-POF realistic buffs w/ Sylvan hound. Spent an hour trying out Condition Soulbeast after the patch, first impressions; it's pretty damn OP! I'm sure you can go even higher than this since I have no idea if my gear choice was optimal, I simply aimed for 90% condition duration (We get an extra 10% from the new grandmaster trait, Oppressive Superiority). With 4x Nightmare and 2x Trapper runes, malice sigils and full Vipers we reach 89.59%, which is what I used here. Overall super happy with the changes to dagger, the #2 skill had its cooldown reduced and damage boosted, so it now fits really nicely into the rotation. Everything just feels smoother too which is always great. There's still no reason to ever switch pets from what I can tell, you simply lose too much damage to do so...
Thanks for watching, Audio by SmityHead Original Song : https://youtu.be/sUcQle3S2Yo Music: Weird Genius Director: @rezaoktovian DOP: @creamypandaxx @roycdc Edited by: @creamypandaxx & @rezaoktovian Audio edit by: @smityhead Special thanks to Mirror Club & Lounge - Bali by All in Entertainment for providing us with their venue. -------------------------[Channel]--------------------------- SmityHead - New Videos Every Weekend! ------------------------[Subscribe]--------------------------
Veja com montar um QDC (quadro de distribuição de circuitos) residencial monofásico utilizando disjuntor, IDR (interruptor diferencial residual), DPS (dispositivo de proteção contra surtos). O modelo de DPS utilizado neste vídeo, o VCLS SLIM Classe II é da marca Clamper. Mais informações sobre este produto, manual em PDF, especificações técnicas e datasheets podem ser baixados no link: http://www.clamper.com.br/produtos-detalhes.aspx?produto=80 Quadros de distribuição de circuitos podem ser bifásicos, trifásicos ou monofásicos como este que foi montado. O processo de instalar o componentes é parecido mas tem particularidades. O disjuntor em conjunto com o DPS e o IDR fornecem uma boa proteção para a sua instalação elétrica a para as pessoas que irão utilizá-la! Instalar um DPS no quadro...
Помощь каналу https://donutor.ru/id7422 Карта Сбербанка 4276854014981103 http://vk.com/dorognt Паблик ВК http://vk.com/id133440061 Страничка ВК https://twitter.com/MrRissso Twitter ----------------------------------- Юридическое агентство "Закон и Справедливость" тел.: 8 (846) 989-02-47 Юридические услуги: - Страховые споры КАСКО, ОСАГО - Защита интересов в суде - Автоюрист - Административные дела - Гражданские дела - Защита прав потребителей - Трудовые споры - Консультации ----------------------------------- Музыка: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound ----------------------------------- Подписывайтесь на канал, Комментируйте, Ставьте Лайки http://vk.com/dorognt ДПС Самара (Ждём Вас) http://vk.com/doroga63 Дорога63.РФ http://vk.com/clubsmotrasamara Smotra.ru SAMARA
Conheça o DPS dispositivo de proteção contra surtos e entenda a diferença entre este produto e um para raios ou SPDA. Aprenda a especificar um DPS a partir de informações como corrente nominal e tensão máximo de pico. O modelo de DPS utilizado neste vídeo, o VCLS SLIM Classe II é da marca Clamper. Mais informações sobre este produto, manual em PDF, especificações técnicas e datasheets podem ser baixados no link: http://www.clamper.com.br/produtos-detalhes.aspx?produto=80 O DPS protege a estrutura elétrica e os equipamentos contra surtos induzidos na rede elétrica. Deve ser instalado dentro do quadro elétrico. Ele tem um indicativo que indica se ele está em boas condições de proteção ou já teve sua proteção utilizada. O VCL SLIM da Clamper é um protetor Classe II, adequado para instalaç...
MV kedua dari seorang Reza "Rap" Oktovian bersama dengan grup musiknya yaitu Weird Genius. Sumpah keren banget genre musik dan juga MVnya. Gw harap kalian menyukai reaction dan review gw ya dan mohon maaf kalau ada yang kurang berkenan :) ENJOY! Weird Genius - DPS (MV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUcQle3S2Yo Get in touch with me on : Twitter : https://twitter.com/ChristopherDvin Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/christopher.devin.5 ask.fm : http://ask.fm/ChristopherDevin Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/christopherdevin/ Don't forget to hit that like, subscribe, and share button! Thanks for viewing my video! :)
We do ALL sorts of TRIALS and RAID challenges! This was while we were carrying some one FLAWLESS! We can help you as well if you would like to be a supporter, GUARANTEED read below =) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► *READ* We help our supporters with ALL destiny 2 Activities (Raids, Trials, Quests, Anything) on PS4 & XB1 & PC. If you want to reserve for a guaranteed spot and become a donor please email us @ realTKOgaming@gmail.com or stop by in our twitch stream! We have NEVER failed in helping anyone! We help EVERY DAY! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► We LIVE STREAM here - http://www.twitch.tv/realTKOgaming --*CONNECT WITH US ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA @realTKOgaming-- Twitter ► https://twitter.com/realTKOgaming Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/realtkogaming/ Facebook ► http://www.facebook.co...
Here's a guide on how to do the maximum damage possible in a team in Destiny 2. Useful information for the upcoming raid! If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to leave a LIKE and COMMENT down below. SUBSCRIBE for daily gaming videos! ► Subscribe to my second channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Arekkz ► Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Arekkz ►Join the Arekkz Gaming Discord: https://discord.gg/NvSVGYK ► Follow me on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/ArekkzGaming ► Follow TwoSixNine on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/twosixnine ► Like Arekkz Gaming on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ArekkzGaming ► Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/arekkz/ Check out the HyperX Headset I use: http://geni.us/ArekkzGaming
veja como um DPS atua em um surto e como ele se auto estrói. testes feitos com 2000v
All security guards work in Dubai must have DPS license. DPS ( Dubai Protective Services) training programme was introduced in 2005. Attendance was made compulsory in 2008. Security companies are allowed to set up their own training sections but the exams must be taken at the Dubai police academy. After completion of training, the students need to pass three (oral, written and physical) test. successful students are granted a certificate by the Dubai Police Academy and license from DPS.http://trueinfohub.com/
Tonight, I know in my heart
I want to be with you
Let me love you tonight
How can I make you want me?
How can I make it for real?
I wanna love you, forever
I hope that you feel the same
I'd give everything for you
To make you want to stay
I'll give everything I have
I love you more than I can say
Let me love you tonight
And I'll make you feel alright
I know in my heart
I want to be with you
Oh, baby, let me love you tonight
And I'll make you feel alright
In a million years, I won't be over you
Let me love you tonight
I know you don't want to
Be without my love
And if you're gonna kiss me
You know that you'll have to stay
I'd give everything for you
To make you want to stay
I'll give everything I have
I love you more than I can say
Let me love you tonight
And I'll make you feel alright
I know in my heart
I want to be with you
Oh, baby, let me love you tonight
And I'll make you feel alright
In a million years, I won't be over you
Let me love you tonight
Let me love you tonight
In the light, I see your face
But only in my dreams
Let me be the one to hold your hand
And make you understand
Oh, let me love you
I want to make you feel alright
Yes, I know in my heart
I want to be with you
Oh baby, let me love you
Let me love you tonight
And I'll make you feel alright
I know in my heart
I want to be with you
Let me love you tonight
And I'll make you feel alright
In a million years, I won't be over you
Let me love you tonight