Niela Orr If People Love You For Your Saddest Songs, How Can You Be Happy?

Mary J. Blige's career arc has become synonymous with pain and heartbreak — but being a perpetual medium of despair comes with a cost.

Hanif Abdurraqib Aging Out Of Diehard Fandom Is Bittersweet

As an adult, my pop culture passions have to serve as a brief and joyful escape instead of an all-consuming obsession.

Pier Dominguez Cher Is Still Changing The Conversation In 2017

Cher is still making headlines, after more than five decades in the spotlight, because she’s never stopped finding and mastering new outlets for her creative expression.

Zan Romanoff How The Kardashians Reflect Changing Ideas Around Plastic Surgery

Even as plastic surgery becomes increasingly acceptable, old ideas about class and race continue to play outsized roles in how and on whom we’ll accept it.