- published: 05 Feb 2017
- views: 196076
The Motorola 68040 ("sixty-eight-oh-forty") is a 32-bit microprocessor from Motorola, released in 1990. It is the successor to the 68030 and is followed by the 68060. There was no 68050. In keeping with general Motorola naming, the 68040 is often referred to as simply the '040 (pronounced oh-four-oh or oh-forty).
In Apple Macintosh computers, the 68040 was found mainly in the Macintosh Quadra, which was named for the chip. The fastest 68040 processor was clocked at 40 MHz and it was only used in the Quadra 840AV. The more expensive models in the (short-lived) Macintosh Centris line also used the 68040, while the cheaper Quadra, Centris and Macintosh Performa used the 68LC040. The 68040 was also used in other personal computers, such as the Amiga 4000 and Amiga 4000T, as well as a number of workstations, Alpha Microsystems servers, the HP 9000/400 series, and later versions of the NeXT computer.
The 68040 was the first 680x0 family member with an on-chip Floating-Point Unit (FPU). It thus included all of the functionality that previously required external chips, namely the FPU and Memory Management Unit (MMU), which was added in the 68030. It also had split instruction and data caches of 4 kilobytes each. It was fully pipelined, with six stages.
▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyndagray ▸ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kyndagray ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kyndagray Mena: ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mena ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lhc_mena Wednesdays: ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itswednesdays ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/itswednesdays Felikz: ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feeeelikz ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/felikz Alecto: ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alectobeats/ ▸ twitter: https://twitter.com/alectobeats Kamera: Manuel J. Karp Schnitt: Kynda Gray Clothing: Jan-Niklas Koch
Ung talang i malmö möllan kan sin grej
Kynda Gray ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyndagray ▸ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kyndagray ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kyndagray Mena: ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mena ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lhc_mena Wednesdays: ▸ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itswednesdays ▸ twitter: https://www.twitter.com/itswednesdays Mix: Kynda Gray Master: Marley Artwork: Robin Tellem
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On Wednesday September 16th, RedBull riders Drew Bezanson and Daniel Wedemeijer went to the 040 BMX park for a demo and signing. After the park closed they stayed for a 2-hour private session to film for this Orange Juice Exclusive video. The video also contains crazy clips of local rippers Tom van den Bogaard, Kenneth Tancre, Daan van Wezel and Pim Scheers who joined the session from the beginning. Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/weareorangejuice Follow us Instagram :http://instagram.com/orangejuice_ Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Weareorangejuice Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/WeOrangejuice Visit our website: http://weareorangejuice.com/
亮勤因為自己的住處發生這麼多事,加上租約到期遂決定搬家,雅琪、忠義、耀廷等人幫忙,卻沒想到雅琪在打開窗戶時,赫然見到一個死者脖子纏繞著有線電視台的電線在窗口,嚇得雅琪花容失色。 明麗與秋霞正經營著早餐店,卻有不少親戚找上門來要錢,才知道父親福明號召親戚的投資,竟沒收到利息。福明與秋霞找上投資公司,竟被羞辱,還拿不回本金。直接導致福明與秋霞互相指責,一家人從此失和,分崩離析。就在此時,明麗卻遭男友文泰的上司博元性侵,所有矛頭都指向同一家投資公司,但明麗卻哭訴無門。 地檢署外,退伍的老伯伯哭訴無門,只有在這裡求助檢察官,石頭才知道這些人是因為投資受害,而主動展開調查。然而偉宗並沒有因為檢警調開始調查而有所收斂,反而想趁公司出事以前大撈一筆。 然而『潘氏』裡的重要幹部開始紛紛出事,石頭直覺會有更多人受害,便要求民生組檢察官何畢群協助亮勤等人調查,同時市刑大新血林瑄也帶入了新的活力,但也攪亂了一池春水。在諸多混亂當中,閃電組這次該如何找到正確的道路,尋找破案關鍵?
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