international solidarity

Peace Agenda for Syria

Don’t believe Trump’s crocodile tears for those “beautiful babies” dying in Syria. Children have been dying everyday in Syria for years. To add insult to injury, they’re banned from coming to the US as refugees. Instead, look at the rise in arms manufacturer Raytheon’s stock following Trump’s use of their cruise missiles against a Syrian […]

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International Solidarity with our Comrades in Cordoba, Argentina

Pictured: Police raid a community space operated by the FOL (Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha), a coordination of neighborhood based community groups.   Español Abajo We condemn the actions of the Argentine state against our comrades of various left organizations and collectives in the city of Cordoba. It appears that the dictatorship that Argentine leftists faced […]

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Support anarchist resistance in Turkey!

The anarchist movement in Turkey is a growing, vibrant, and strong force. Just a few small collectives and papers ten years ago, anarchists are now organized across Turkey and North Kurdistan. With their increasing impact and visibility, anarchists have now become a target of repression as Turkey has slid into war and dictatorship. The Black […]

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Freedom at Sunset: Rojava’s Revolution in Syria

You’ve probably never heard of a place called Rojava . It’s in northern Syria, and its name means both ‘West’ and ‘Sunset’ in Kurdish. If you don’t know who the Kurds are, they’re a people whose homeland is divided by the national borders of Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. You may have seen Syria on […]

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Kurdish Resistance Against the Curfews in Bakur: An Overview and an Anarchist Message

From a comrade in Turkey: After the stalling of the peace process between the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Kurdish freedom movement (in short, the KFM, which supports the legal political party called the People’s Democratic Party [HDP]),  a new phase of oppression has begun through the imposition of draconian curfews. According to […]

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Massacre at the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” in Ankara

This is a statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action on today’s bombing attack on the pro-Kurdish peace rally in Ankara, Turkey, which has so far killed more than 80 activists:   CAN’T BE FORGOTTEN, CAN’T BE FORGIVEN Today, on the 10th of October, the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” that was organized by various unions, associations […]

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Nuestras perspectivas y tareas sobre la Revolución en Rojava

Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra #Rojava #Kobane #solidaridadinternacional Como revolucionarios en Norteamérica quisiéramos resumir los fundamentos de nuestra perspectiva política. Como organización hemos acordado relacionarnos con los eventos recientes y el progreso de la lucha en Rojava en el Oriente Medio. Nuestra Perspectiva La revolución de Rojava probablemente ha hecho un […]

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Demonstration in Los Angeles Against Turkey’s New War

Since the ISIS suicide bombing in Suruc, Turkey, of a delegation of Turkish revolutionaries going to help the reconstruction of Kobane in Kurdish Syria, the Turkish government has started a new US-supported “war on terror” that perversely targets the same people and movements that were victims of ISIS terror, while leaving the murderous right-wing jihadist […]

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Our Perspectives and Tasks on the Revolution in Rojava

Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra #Rojava #Kobane #internationalsolidarity Artículo en español As revolutionaries in North America we would like to outline the foundations of our political perspective as well as how we as an organization have agreed to relate the recent events and the struggle underway in Rojava in the Middle […]

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Police raid teachers union in Ankara, Turkey

Black Rose / Rosa Negra is publishing this news summary as a notice to our friends and comrades who are members of teachers’ unions in the United States about the brutal war-mongering activities of the Turkish state and their repression of the segments of the labor movement that have been in solidarity with Rojava and […]

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