Tagged: Kebele

Talk on Ecology (and some Vegan Lasagne)

We are entering uncharted territory as capitalism exerts ever-increasing pressure on the earth’s ecosystems. left unchecked, the current fossil fuel economy will continue to wreck the climate and the burden of the resulting problems will fall disproportionately on the working class and those living in less economically developed countries.

Can capitalism reform its way into environmental sustainability? Can aware consumers buy their way out of global warming? Will the governments of the world save us from Climate Change? Learn out surprising answers (spoiler warning: no) and discuss the reasons why, and what we can do instead!

We’ll have copies of the pamphlet that we’re basing the talk on available. If you can’t wait to get hold of it, you can download it in PDF form here.

The location is; BASE Community Co-operative, 14 Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JY (website)
The date is: Sunday 24th of February
The talk will start at 7.30, but arrive from 6.30 to get your hands on a delicious vegan meal we’ll be cooking up in the BASE kitchen Menu this week: Armenian soup, veg lasagna, Chocolate ginger cake cake. Also selling Ginger beer to raise money for IAF (international of anarchist federations).

During the meal there will be a chance to browse the BASE info shop and radical library.

We no longer have a facebook (our page was permanently erased) but there is still an event set up, please share it around folks in Bristol as we no longer can. https://www.facebook.com/events/271616323737211/


November Events in Bristol

A selection of events involving us or our friends, and a couple we just think everyone should be at! From protests to pizza, come say hi and get involved.

Solidarity With Brazilian People
Bolsonaro has swept to power in Brazil and ushered in attacks on LGBTQ people, students, teachers and women. Stand with those confronting his fascist policies.
Friday Nov 9th 1.15pm – 3.15pm
Outside Senate House, Tyndall Avenue, BS8 1TH

Resist Surveillance!
Know your rights, resist state repression, fight back against control.
Friday Nov 9th
BASE, 14 Robertson Road, Easton BS5 6JY

Opening Bristol’s Borders
Fighting state control and standing in solidarity with Migrants!
Various Dates all November
Various Locations
(click for big)

Free Shop!
Bristol Housing Action Movement host a free shop, browse, chat, listen to music and take away some free stuff. Leave donations of clothes, toys, household stuff,  or anything else someone might enjoy!
Saturday Nov 10th 1pm – 4pm
The Bear Pit

How Did World War 1 End?
Bristol Radical History & Remembering the Real WW1, looks at the truth behind often unanswered (and unasked) questions.
Saturday Nov 10th
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
M Shed, BS1 4RN

Pizza and Anarchy!
BASE’s Sunday meal, with a chance to browse the radical library and info shop.
Sunday Nov 11th 6.30pm – 9pm
BASE 14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY

Bristol Housing Action Fundraising Meal & Film Showing
BHAM are are a collective of squatters and homeless people fighting for housing and support in Bristol. Come get a vegan Lasagna & Dessert for £4.50, and watch ‘Dispossession, the great social housing swindle’.
Wednesday Nov 14th 6.30pm – 9.30pm
BASE 14 Robertson Road, Easton BS4 5JY

March For Mental Health
Student organised event to protest the lack of mental health support at Bristol university, and the uni’s refusal to deal with issues that contribute such as high rents.
Wednesday Nov 21st 1.15pm – 3.15pm
Senate House, Tyndall Avenue, BS8 1TH

Trans Pride South West
Now in it’s third year, Trans Pride’s aim is ‘celebrating diversity of Transgender, Non-Binary, Intersex & Gender Variant individuals. Actively encouraging awareness, openness & interaction.’
Wednesday Nov 21st – Sunday Nov 25tg
Various locations

Bristol Bus Protest
Bristol’s busses are a mess, and First are still laughing all the way to the bank. Let’s demand some change.
Saturday Nov 24th 12Midday
College Green

Reclaim the Night
Annual feminist march and rally reclaiming the night for those of us who are told the night belongs only to men. (all genders welcome)
Friday Nov 30th 6.30pm
Queen Square



A previous year’s Reclaim the Night

Worshipping Power?

On Tuesday Bristol Anarchist Federation hosted a talk by Peter Gelderloos on the theories in his latest book Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation.  We packed out Kebele with people eager to hear about it, we certainly weren’t disappointed. Our friends over in Bath also hosted a talk the following day after we got in touch with them, spreading a bit more anarchy to our gentile neighbour.

It is always refreshing to hear history unchained from the often stagnant ideas of mainstream society. However not only did the talk (and book) go into how states first arose, but how they continue to adapt to sustain the power they hold over us. The lessons contained are essential for all of us fighting for a better world – not just the anarchists. One that stuck out most is one of only two characteristics that all states shared upon forming, Patriarchy.  Male domination of both the family and the people that a state would subjugate was universal. It was also actively forced upon societies that were more gender-balanced by imperial powers such as Britain, Spain and France, all seeing it as essential to their control. This is one more nail in the coffin of those who would argue that feminism is any less essential to anarchism than the fight against the state and capitalism.

If you missed it, or if you want a recap, the event hosted by London Anarchist Federation at the Anti-University was recorded here. Continue reading

Never Mind the Ballots: Eight Upcoming Radical Protests & Events

While most eyes seemed to be focused solely on the election and our political ‘leaders’, there are a lot of other events coming up to keep the anarchists and radicals of Bristol (and beyond) busy. Some of these are being organised by us, some by our friends and comrades. Others are just ones we’re going to and you should do everything you can to support or attend as well. Whatever your view on the election, make sure it doesn’t get in the way of the real politics!

Upcoming Events:

Dorset Radical Bookfair
Saturday 3rd June
Portfield Community Hall

Dorset’s first ever Radical Bookfair is happening this Saturday! There will be stalls, talks covering a range of topics (including two from us on ‘Capitalism, Anarchism & Mental Health’ and ‘Revolutionary Women’), and films on anarchism, rebellion, and the revolution. And it’s free entry!
To find out more, check out their Facebook event.


Hartcliffe Protest! Re-open the Rent Offices!
Saturday 3rd June
Symes House

Come on down to Hartcliff on Saturday to stand with residents as they protest the cuts their community has had to face and the closure of council facilities at Symes House. These are cuts we’re facing all over the city, so even if you don’t live in Hartcliff, go on down and show your support. Facebook event.

Continue reading

Prisoner Solidarity & International Tours

Upcoming events in Bristol…


Showing Solidarity with prisoners during Bristol ⒶBookfair

Prisoner solidarity is an essential part of any activism or revolutionary action. Prisons rarely, if ever, act as a deterrent to the crimes that can threaten our communities and they are downright counterproductive when its comes to ‘rehabilitation’ further oppressing and alienating people. Meanwhile the rich folks who start wars, exploit workers, destroy the environment or profit from our misery? Highly unlikely they’ll ever see the inside of a cell.

What Prisons do well is help to control the poor, marginalised, desperate, and anyone trying to take a stand and change society. The rate of this repression can vary immensely over time and place. When the state is feeling particularly vicious – or the resistance to it is looking particularly effective – you get widespread arrests and detention, such as Operation Pandora in Spain, and more recently Operation Phoenix in the Czech Republic. Continue reading

Week Of Action Against Workfare and Demo This Saturday

Boycott Workfare have called for a week of action against workfare – the infamous government scheme to force benefit claimants to work for free. It has been shown to be corrupt, expensive, illegal and immoral not to mention useless at finding people jobs. It does help line the pockets of the rich though!

around 50 People picketed Bristol Primark as part of a previous Anti-Workfare demo!

60 People picketing Bristol Primark at a previous Anti-Workfare demo!

Previous actions and public pressure have forced dozens of companies and charities to drop out of the scheme, and its about time those still in it were persuaded to rethink their position.

In Bristol there will be a Demonstration and rolling picket of workfare providers around broadmead on Saturday the 23rd meeting at 2pm at the Castle Park bandstand, everyone who opposes the scheme is welcome. See the facebook event.

Anyone who wants to get creative can join us for banner making, placard painting and last minute scheming on Thursday 21st in the Art Room at Kebele Social centre in Easton from 7pm! We have lots of paints and materials but bring some of your own if you can do!

In Bath people will be taking action outside the central poundland from 3.30pm on Friday 22nd. Facebook Event

All week there are online blockades of charities using the scheme, see the boycott workfare website for details! If you’re not going to be in Bristol or Bath this weekend get along to one of the other national actions or call your own!

See you in the Streets!

Bookfair Survivors Fry-up

Whether this Sunday you will be recovering from the after party or relaxing with a good book or pamphlet you purchased at the bookfair let Bristol Anarchist Federation take care of the Food & Drink for you.

From midday Kebele Social Centre on Robertson Road, Easton will be open for a big ol’ greasy vegan fry up with more tea and coffee than you can shake a radical news sheet at.

Brunch will be served from 12pm till 2.00pm when we will hand over to another set of volunteers to prepare your dinner, served from 6.30pm onwards.

Proceeds from the Fry-up will be split between Bristol AFed and Kebele.

A wise old woman once said “If I can’t sit around all day doing nothing while people cook food for me and bring me hot cups of coffee, it’s not my revolution.”

She wasn’t wrong, see you there!!!