Tagged: demonstration

Politicians vs Bristol – Fight The Cuts


Think it should be none of the above? Then join us in the streets this Saturday & Tuesday! 

The fight against cuts has been a long and tough one, but we can’t afford to let up. Not when peoples’ livelihoods, well-being, and very lives depend on it. It won’t end with the upcoming protests (see below for details). In fact, it will need to step up a gear in the months afterwards, if it is to have any impact.

The government in Westminster continues to demand cuts to essential services, still telling the same old lie that it is for ‘the sake of the economy’ or to lower the national debt. The reality of the past seven years says otherwise. Councillors across the country have spoken about being ‘anti-austerity’, but so far have only put their careers and the easy life first, passing on the cuts, regardless of which party they belong to.

In reality, these cuts are an attack on working class and vulnerable people across the country. It’s about giving less of the wealth that we produced to us – whether we receive it in our wage packets, our benefits, or our access to state services – and giving more of it to the few at the top. Privatisation goes hand-in-hand with this, creating yet more profit for the millionaires, and it’s all the easier to implement when services are already stretched to breaking point.

So, what can we do about it?

First off, join the protests ! Continue reading


Bristol Joins Actions Against Byron

well busy outside

Setting up the banners for the picket

This weekend, responding to a call out from ourselves and SolFed, forty people gathered to picket the Bristol branch of Byron Burgers.

We wanted to show our opposition to their owner’s cowardly & selfish decision to lay a trap for their own workers, rather than risk a fine. By joining in with the UK wide campaign we aim to hurt Byron Burgers economically and show our solidarity with ALL workers – regardless of where they are from.

The demonstration certainly had an impact, the entire time we were present (7pm-9pm on a Saturday night!) only one group of people went into the chain, and there were only a handful of deliveries. Whilst it was a ‘little’ empty inside, the entire front of the shop was taken up with protesters, who were spilling out either side in front of the neighboring (closed) shops. The response from passers by was largely positive, many reminded of the news story and talking about it as they went past after seeing us. We handed out hundreds of leaflets, only stopping near the end when we simply ran out. Meanwhile, the trouble makers down in Wessex Solidarity Continue reading

Rebellious Weekend in Bristol – Bookfair & May Day !

bookfairThis Saturday see the eighth incarnation of the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair! For those who haven’t been before, it involves over a thousand people listening to talks and participating in workshops from a variety authors, editors, activists, historians and local and nationwide campaign groups. It will cover everything from Mental Health & the NHS, to a world without borders, money and prisons via environmental campaigning and the housing struggle. There will also be an Art Area (and an exhibit straight out of Dismaland), kids space, vegan cafe and over 50 stalls with all the books, badges, T shirts, Patches, zines, guides, papers and information you could want!

Apparently this is what a Labour 'Party' looks like... this Saturday come and see how the Anarchists Party... we promise its far more exciting!

Apparently this is what a Labour ‘Party’ looks like. This Saturday come and see how the Anarchists Party… we promise its far more exciting!

There will also be a fundraising after party hosted with Bristol LadDIYfest kicking off at 7.30pm at the Stag & Hounds and featuring bands and DJs playing Folk, Punk, Hip Hop & Party Anthems.

On Sunday we will be celebrating May Day! The first of May is a to often forgotten celebration of international workers struggles, it is where we can remember those who have fought and died for a better world, and where we can stand in solidarity with each other as we continue that fight today.

This year local Trade Unions have organised a March from Castle Park followed by a rally at Trinity. We will be joining in as part of the Radical Workers Bloc! We need as many people to join us to help bring a message of radical resistance to proceedings – and to help participate in an action we have planned on the day. Just look for the Red & Black flags on the day.  The meeting point is 11.30am in Castle Park, with the march setting off shortly after.

The last May Day radical workers bloc in Bristol

The last May Day radical workers bloc in Bristol

If this isn’t enough for you, there’s also a protest against George Ferguson and the policy of housing shortage and homelessness that he has presided over. Its kicking off outside the Tobacco Factory at 5.30pm on Saturday and marching to college green.

All this after a week that has seen both Library and NHS workers out on strike and demonstrating, and a fortnight that has seen action taken against the flogging off of much-needed council homes.

Rebellion is in the air of Bristol again!

May Day Demonstrators Clash with Mall Security


Being removed from the galleries, video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLEj8DrsL8w

Last Friday was May Day, and as working class agitators we wanted to celebrate it with some action.  Having dedicated much of our time to the Bookfair, Anti-Election Campaigning, SolNet, workplace organising, and producing Organise!84 we didn’t have quite as much time to plan and mobilise as in 2012/13. A call out for a week of action against workfare made it easy to choose what to do though. Afterall the DWP listed us as a threat to the workfare scheme – and we want to disappoint our fans. Continue reading

Santa Bloc : Spreading Anti-Capitalist Seasonal Cheer

On Saturday 13th of December, a group of spirited anarchists and other rebellious pixies, donned Christmas hats and Santa beards. Armed with several hundred leaflets, several dozen mince pies, and a handful of song sheets we set out to inject a bit of anti capitalist rebellion into the heart of the consumer season!

We’d decided that companies exploiting people via the governments ‘workfare’ forced labour schemes were particularly worthy of our scorn at this time of year. We set about demonstrating and partying outside and, despite the protests of a tag along PCSO, inside a number of serial offenders.

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Some Very Busy Anarchists : Upcoming Events in Bristol

calendarThere is loads going on in Bristol over the next couple of months of interest to anarchists and other radicals. So much infact that we were having trouble keeping track of it all, especially with the sad end of Bristol Indymedia.

Anti Workfare action, quiz nights, a season of WWI events from Bristol Radical History, Reclaim the Night, discussions from Men Against Patriarchy and the Dangerous Thoughts Collective, a talk from author Peter Gelderloos, Kebele cafes, Solidarity Network meetings and a weekend away in London for the Bookfair and Anarcha Feminist Conference.

It was getting so much that we’ve decided to create and update an online calendar to keep track of it all. Head on over to our new events tab to look through it, or subscribe via ICal or XML.

Get in touch if you would like an event added, we hope this can become a comprehensive list of protests, actions, talks, discussions and other anarchist evens.  See you on the streets, in this cafes, at the bookshops…

Statement on the SWP and its Rape Apologism

People may be aware of the allegations of a cover-up of sexual assault and rape within the Central Committee of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and the subsequent repression of SWP members who questioned it. Anarchist Federation members and other comrades in Manchester and Glasgow were man-handled & attacked when they confronted SWP leaders over their rape apologism. The SWP has not spoken out against these assaults carried out by its supporters.

Bristol Anarchist Federation has always had strong political, theoretical and tactical disagreements with the Socialist Workers Party, however we have sometimes worked alongside them on broader campaigns. Continue reading