Glasgow Events September 2017

Networking & Culture


On Thursday 14th September, an anti-fascist Ukrainian queer duo Tangerinecat who use electronics and hurdy-gurdy are playing at Old Hairdressers, 27 Renfield Lane. I enclose a few of their songs. Apologies in advance that the venue is not all-accessible as it is up some flights of stairs.


Schitalochka, by TANGERINECAT
from the album H.R V.I.P

I Don’t Want to be a White Master: I Don’t Want to Be a White Master | TANGERINECAT
I Don’t Want to Be a White Master by TANGERINECAT, released 15 November 2015 Yes, I’m white but I don’t want to be a white master. I was born on the outskirts of …

BLURB: Fierce yet tender vocals, provocatively honest lyrics, the huge many faceted sound of the hurdy-gurdy, bass lines, electronic dance beats, mesmerizing whistles, field recordings, loops and lush synth voices all come together in a live setting to create an image evoking, emotionally intense, utterly captivating and unforgettable audience experience that is tAngerinecAt.
Drawing from a vast range of influences, this hard to define duo have been labelled with various genres from electronic rock to psychedelic drone punk and post industrial. Formed by London based
multi-instrumentalists Eugene and Paul in 2008 in Ukraine they have released four albums to date and have performed hundreds of shows.


Glasgow Events workers theatre weekender and lots more

Whilst the pantomime of representative democracy proceeds, don’t let that distract you from real politics, and the only ways we can truly effect meaningful change – by organising with the wider class, direct action, solidarity and mutual aid. Vote how you like on Thursday if that’s your thing, but get yourselves along afterwards to A-Chat in the evening at Glasgow Autonomous Space for informal chat and no-pressure discussion with anarchists about what we believe and how we see society could be organised for the benefit of all and the planet, rather than the profits of the few, authoritarian Maybot’s control freakery and destruction of our planet.

Workers Theatre is a new project to “liberate art” and is having a weekend of events 9-11th June. Read more about it at and see below for full listings of the weekender.

And we at AFed are super happy to be once again collaborating with one of the many other great projects in Glasgow. WestGap and AFed are co-hosting a presentation and discussion on benefits, disability, and the capitalist state on 22nd June, as part of week of action around austerity and assaults on the benefits system and those unable to work.

Plus plenty more coming up over the next month. As always, email any events you want us to promote to for inclusion in future mailings.

Take care of yourselves and those around you.



David Rovics // MacSorleys // June 6th

9pm. Free admission

David Rovics grew up in a family of classical musicians in Wilton, Connecticut, and became a fan of populist regimes early on. By the early 90’s he was a full-time busker in the Boston subways and by the mid-90’s he was traveling the world as a professional flat-picking rabble-rouser. These days David lives in Portland, Oregon and tours regularly on four continents, playing for audiences large and small at cafes, pubs, universities, churches, union halls and protest rallies. He has shared the stage with a veritable who’s who of the left in two dozen countries, and has had his music featured on Democracy Now!, BBC, Al-Jazeera and other networks. His essays are published regularly on CounterPunch and elsewhere, and the 200+ songs he makes available for free on the web have been downloaded more than a million times. Most importantly, he’s really good. He will make you laugh, he will make you cry, he will make the revolution irresistible.


Anarchist Social – A-Chat

June 8th. 6-9pm

Many of you who’ve previously attended A-Fed public discussions will agree the best bit is the opportunity to have a chat, whether it’s about the discussion topic, some current affairs or your dreams of an anarchist future. This is why we’re presenting A-Chat: an open, unstructured evening full of the finest anarchist chit-chat Glasgow has to offer!

Glasgow Autonomous Space. Tradeston.


Workers Theatre Weekender

9th -11th of June – Glad Café – Tickets from £3!

This is the first ever weekend festival from the Workers Theatre, Scotland’s new arts co-operative, featuring the most exciting new theatre, spoken word, music and strangeness from Scotland and further afield. With children’s events and evening entertainment, social breakfasts and community workshops, games and plays, the weekender has something for everyone and welcomes all.


– Day passes: £10/12 (unwaged / waged)

– Weekend passes: £18/22/30 (unwaged / waged / solidarity price)


– £3 / £5 / £7 per event (unwaged / waged / solidarity price)

All events at the Glad Cafe, Glasgow, unless otherwise stated.

All venues have step-free access and wheelchair-accessible toilets.

As this event is unfunded, we have not been able to arrange BSL interpretation or captioning for events, but are committed to doing so whenever we receive public funds.


5pm: Fat Kid Running by Katherine McMahon, spoken word theatre about radical body love. Buy tickets!

7pm: Workers Theatre Cabaret, featuring Jenny Lindsay, Juana Adcock, Lewis Sherlock, Declan Welsh and more. Buy tickets!


11am: Eaten by Mamoru Iriguchi. A family show about talking to our food. (Venue TBC) Buy tickets!

1-4pm: Forum Theatre Workshop, Active Enquiry. A participatory session looking at transformative political theatre. (Venue: Govanhill Baths.)

5pm: The Fair-Ground, Forum Theatre Performance, Active Enquiry

7pm: MEGAPHONE: Two works in progress from our Kickstarter-funded artists-in-residence

9pm: Workers Theatre Cabaret, featuring Beth Frieden, Calum Rodger, Chrissy Barnacle and more. Buy tickets!


11am: Brunch Social in a secret location near the Glad Café, all weekender ticket-holders, artists and Megaphone supporters welcome.

3pm: Panel discussion on the politics of Scottish theatre, details TBC.

5pm: Bambiland, directed by Peter Lorenz.

7pm: MEGAPHONE: Two works in progress from our Kickstarter-funded artists-in-residence

9pm: Farewell toast from the Workers Theatre team


Girls Rock Glasgow Fundraiser 10th June / 2pm-11pm

Kinning Park Complex. 43 Cornwall Street, G41 1BA

Join GRG for our summer school FUNDRAISER PARTY! All dayer for all ages with bis, Marble Gods and Breakfast MUFF!

Bored out of your kaftan at the summer pool party? Escape Stepford.

Join us for feminist fun in 3: all ages afternoon of music, make your own lapdog & most disgusting buffet food competition (meal for 2 prize at The Hug and Pint for that), baked goods/clothes sale, a licensed early eve karaoke/cocktail hour and a night of noise.

We need funds to make our July Rock School for Girls go fantastically. Proceeds go towards volunteer’s expenses, equipment and venue hire.

Read more about Girls Rock Glasgow here:


PeaceCore – 12 hour rave – raising money for Faslane Peace Camp

Biscuit Factory – Edinburgh

June 10th 3pm – 3am

12 hours of rave 3pm-3am!! MASSIVE HARDCORE PARTY IN CELEBRATION OF 35 YEARS OF RESISTANCE AT FASLANE PEACE CAMP raising money and awarness for the Faslane Peace Camp and calling for the demilitarisation of the earth, featuring an incredible international line-up! Pretty version >

PeaceCore ; to struggle for peace, directly and militantly.


Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation

June 18th 7-9pm

Glasgow Autonomous Space.

Peter Gelderloos discusses his new book, Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation.

According to Worshiping Power, we need to stop thinking of the State as a potential vehicle for emancipation. From its origins, the State has never been anything other than a tool to accumulate power. This inno­vative and partisan study of human social complexity cuts through in­adequate theories of early state formation to uncover social practices and institutions that have stifled egalitarian forms of self-organization throughout history. Just as importantly, it shows that the difficulties and consequences of state formation are not relegated to prehistory. Despite a ubiquity that renders them almost invisible today, states are constantly trying to augment their power, and all are closer to the brink of collapse than they would like to let on.

Peter Gelderloos is an anarchist writer originally from Virginia. He is the author of How Nonviolence Protects the State, Consensus, and Anarchy Works.


“An insightful, sweeping analysis of how and why states have arisen (or haven’t), delivered in sparklingly clear prose. It is everything that an anarchist history should be: heretical, tentative, and provocative, as well as deeply researched, persuasive, and above all, relevant.” —Kenyon Zimmer, author of Immigrants Against the State

“A work of ethnographic theory that suggests stimulating new avenues of empirical research and theoretical inquiry. The book is also an excellent read!” —Andrej Grubačić, author of Living at the Edges of Capitalism

“Gelderloos dares to do what most contemporary thinkers blindly refuse. For far too long we’ve been gripped by an unshakable faith in statist politics.… Worshiping Power is not just a reclamation of our history, it offers a glimpse into the reconvening of our humanity.” —Simon Springer, author of The Anarchist Roots of Geography

“Contemporary radical state theory owes much to an anarchistic ethos. Gelderloos’s important little book surveys and reinterprets this literature, and then gives it a coherent anarchist politics.” —Alex Prichard, University of Exeter


Benefits, Disability, and the Capitalist State.

WestGAP and Glasgow Anarchist Federation.

Talk and discussion.

Kinning Park Complex 43 Cornwall St, Glasgow, G41 1BA Glasgow.

Thursday 22nd June, 7-9pm (after the community meal)

As part of the Week of Action organised by Action Against Austerity which this year looks at the impact of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independent Payment (PIP), WestGAP and the Anarchist Federation will hold a joint event exploring DLA and PIP and the problems with the changes to these benefits: we will describe what these changes are and why the government says its implementing them. We will also present our own analysis of why a capitalist state governing over a capitalist economy would implement these changes, looking at the logic of austerity and at the way the state defines and redefines disability for its own, and capitalism’s, purposes.

*Please note * This is Not a benefits advice session, for more info on WestGAP and the support they offer please go to:


No to militarism stall on Armed Forces Day

June 24th 11-1pm

George Square

Armed Forces day is seen as fantastic time to promote militarism, this can clearly be seen with the army organising festivals on the day all around the country. Scotland Against Militarism seeks to oppose this – join us on the day for a stall showing an alternative message.


Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle + Q&A

24th June. 6-8pm GFT




For some people, a housing crisis means not getting planning permission for a loft conversion. For others it means, quite simply, losing their home. Dispossession: The Great Social Housing Swindle is a feature documentary directed by Paul Sng (Sleaford Mods – Invisible Britain) and narrated by Maxine Peake, exploring the catastrophic failures that have led to a chronic shortage of social housing in Britain.

The film focuses on the neglect, demolition and regeneration of council estates across the UK and investigates how the state works with the private sector to demolish council estates to build on the land they stand on, making properties that are unaffordable to the majority of people.

Dispossession is the story of people fighting for their communities, of people who know the difference between a house and a home, and who believe that housing is a human right, not an expensive luxury.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Paul Sng (Director), Dr Lisa McKenzie (author of Getting By), Chris Leslie (Disappearing Glasgow), Jade Murphy (Govanhill Community Campaign), Rab Harling (artist and filmmaker, Balfron Social Club) and host Dr Kirsteen Paton (author of Gentrification: A Working-Class Perspective).

* * *

“The housing crisis is one of our nation’s biggest scandals and this film shows us it’s deliberate. A must see independent film.”

– Michael Sheen

“Perhaps the most important British film since I, Daniel Blake.”

– Adrian Lobb, The Big Issue


Email future events including name/time/date/location/description to:

If you know someone who would like to be added to this list then please direct them to:

You can leave this list at any time by sending a blank email to:

The Autonomy Update is brought to you by Glasgow Anarchist Federation. Visit our blog at:


Glasgow Events ~~Glasgow Autonomy Update~~ 29.4.2017

Hi All,

Mayday is nearly upon us! Special attention to May Day Picnic at Glasgow Green. We’ll be there with a Mayday Special A-Chat (it’s just like regular A-Chat but on Mayday).

Also, we have Anarchist Federation and Unity Centre: The Asylum System in the UK: Basic Info Session on the 17th.

Hope to see you there!


Glasgow Events Red and Black singing group and women/nb/gq carpentry starting in Glasgow

Trying out a new format. Recurring events and announcements about new projects and initiatives are now at the end of the chronological section. So scroll down for those including details of new
women/non-binary carpentry collective.

For all activities at GAS/Glasgow Autonomous Space please see for location details

Also see for a complete listing of all the events happening in GAS 🙂

Have a rebellious week!

Red and Black radical choir- 1st session
Thursday 6th April

Our first ever radical choir session is this Thursday!

Come along, get involved and celebrate past and present songs of working class struggle, anti-fascism and resistance in our choir.

You don’t need any musical experience (or ability) to take part! Just enthusiasm and a love of seditious songs.

If you play any other instruments, feel free to bring them along too.

The session starts at 7pm at G.A.S (Glasgow Autonomous Space). We’ll be meeting at 6:45 at West Street Subway station before we go to the G.A.S.

Volunteer Gardening Weekend and Hazel Coppicing
April 7th – 9th 2017
Talamh Life Centre
ML11 0NJ Coalburn, Lanarkshire

Come and join us in our extensive gardens and polytunnel for some Spring gardening action. We’ve got loads to do to do the final prep for the growing season and we need your help. You’ll get some hands on experience of practical organic gardening, so long as you’re prepared to get your hands and clothes dirty!

Running along side the gardening event, there will be a chance to help & learn about coppicing Hazel. So come along & enjoy some time with us.

We can repay you in lovely food. Accommodation is camping only due to the house fire last year. Please get in touch if you want to come so we have an idea of numbers etc… or call 07340 531506

International Roma Day

Please come along and join the 4th annual Scottish rally and procession to celebrate International Roma Day. It is also a day to bring together all the wonderful international strands of our multicultural community of Govanhill.

International Roma Day 2017 will include following:

International Roma Day Parade
with speakers, live music and a celebration parade through Govanhill Saturday, 8th April 1pm
starting at Govanhill Park, Govanhill St. G42 7HU

International Roma Day Food & Social Event
a chance to meet your neighbours and continue the day of celebration Saturday, 8th April after the parade
Daisy Street Church, Govanhill
Free tea, coffee, soft drinks, and traditional Roma food

Smut Slam Glasgow: “The Great Outdoors” (April 17)
The Rum Shack
Pollockshaws Rd
It’s spring, and everything’s coming up SMUT SLAM!

This fast-paced storytelling open mic based on real life, real lust, real sex is back for another blast of smut on Monday, April 17, at 7:30pm at the Rum Shack (657-659 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G41 2AB). The theme this time around is “The Great Outdoors.” Bring your tales of smut in the wild, sex au naturel… it’ll give us something nice to think about for as long as the grey skies linger!

Created and hosted by professional touring perv Cameryn Moore, the Smut Slam features real-life, first-person sex stories, guest stories from our panel of celebrity judges, and also THE FUCKBUCKET, a convenient and funnily named receptacle for all your anonymous questions and confessions!


****SEXY PRIZES, including storytelling prizes from Luke & Jack and an Njoy stainless-steel toy for the Fuckbucket draw!

SMUT SLAMMERS sign up on the night to tell a 5-minute dirty story, based on their real lives, and a lucky eight to ten names will be drawn at random.

RULES: – no notes (this is storytelling) – no costumes or props (this is not theatre) – only five minutes (with a one-minute grace period) AND – the story must be real and have happened to you. Stories often are funny and/or epic win, but we want to encourage people to consider sharing their sad, disturbing, poignant, serious, simple and/or “fail” experiences, too.

IMPORTANT: Smut Slam is queer-friendly, kink- and vanilla-friendly, fat-friendly, sex worker-friendly, virgin-friendly, poly-friendly, … we’re really, really friendly. We welcome people with all types and amounts of sexual experiences. We DO NOT welcome stories involving racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other kind of discrimination, objectification, or fetishization. All stories must be CONSENSUAL!

NOT A SMUT SLAMMER? Don’t worry. The audience is in for a good time at SMUT SLAM! Sit back and enjoy. All we ask is: – No interrupting. – No heckling. – No necking in the front row. Doors open at 7:30pm, and the smut starts slamming at 8. Admission is £8/general, £5/concession **, 18 and over please!

** Concession: unemployed and students with respective ID/paperwork.

SMUT SLAM is CREATED by Cameryn Moore, an award-winning
playwright/performer, sex activist and educator, and former phone sex operator. When not performing or actually having sex herself, Cameryn writes Sidewalk Smut: custom type-written pornography as street performance and literary art. Find Cameryn being NSFW on Facebook, or at

Edge Fund

The Edge Fund has recently opened new funding round, and we are looking to fund grass-roots groups taking action for a just and equal world.

Groups can apply for grants of up to £3000 to support their work, and we wondered if you could help us get the word out about our fund? The deadline for applications is 17th of April.

Edge Fund supports those taking action for a just, equitable and sustainable world. We fund work that challenges abuses of power and aims to bring an end to the systems that cause injustice. This could be our economic system, our political system, or any system that discriminates against people based on their identity or background (eg class, ability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality, age or other factors).

Here is a bit more information about the funding round,

Govanhill Theatre Presents – My Name is Rachel Corrie
18th – 22nd April

The moving account of the life and early death of a young female activist, adapted from her own writings.

‘My Name is Rachel Corrie’ is a play based on Rachel’s diaries and emails, edited by Alan Rickman and journalist Katharine Viner.

Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 to March 16, 2003) was an American Evergreen State College student and member of the
International Solidarity Movement (ISM) who traveled to the Gaza Strip during the Second Intifada. She was killed by a Caterpillar D9R armoured bulldozer operated by the Israel Defense Forces during a protest against the destruction of Palestinian homes by the IDF in the Gaza Strip.

Sex Worker Festival of Resistance
20th – 22nd April

Sex Worker Open University, in partnership with SCOT PEP, Umbrella Lane and ARIKA are inviting sex workers and allies to come together, share knowledge, discuss, debate, dance and strategise on how to protect and support sex workers’ rights!

The 3 days of events will include workshops for sex workers only to develop skills to advocate more powerfully for our rights as well as public events open to all such as the seminar day, film festival and party. All bringing awareness to the issues faced by sex workers and building alliances with other progressive movements.

All events will be free or by ‘Pay What You Can’ donation. Some events ask you to register with Eventbrite – see individual events for details.

There are some Sex Workers Only events that are part of the festival, please contact for further info and how to register.

If you’d like to come but something makes that difficult for you, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with Arika and we will try to help – or 0131 556 0878.

Glasgow pro-science groups join ‘March for Science’ in Edinburgh April 22nd

March for Science is taking place on the 22nd April (Earth Day)

There will be marches taking place in many major cities all over the world. A number of pro-science organisations from Glasgow are going to head over and join the march in Edinburgh.

Members of the public are also welcome to join us … come and show your support! We’ll meet in George Square first … and then head through to Edinburgh by train.

May Day on the Green
1st May
2pm onwards.

A group of us are trying to bring May Day back to the Green and make it what it was meant to be, a family day, a fun day, a day to celebrate the solidarity of the working class.

May Day event at Free Wheel North. Monday May 1st. Bringing May Day back to the green. The workers day and celebration of spring, out in the open where it belongs.

It will be a day to meet up with friends and comrades and have a friendly afternoon. May Day belongs to the people, and belongs on the Green, let’s bring it back.

Introduction to the Asylum System in the UK.
Wednesday 17th May

AFed monthly talk. Co-hosted by the Unity Centre. Come learn about how the system really works.
More details next update – this is just a teaser trailer 😉
(aka the blurb hasn’t been fully written yet but we wanted to let all you folks know it was happening)


Splinter Collective

We are a group of women, non-binary and gender-queer people who are interesting in woodworking and DIY. We aim to learn non-hierarchically and collectively develop an anti-patriarchal building practice. We will do this by valuing everyone’s experience and contributions and by challenging cultures and practices that are only accessible to able-bodied men. We are also committed to anti-capitalist principals. We will hold a weekly drop-in and a programme of workshops, shaped by those who use the space, in a fully equipped woodwork shop at Glasgow Autonomous Space.

We want to make this space safe and accessible for anyone who wants to come, this will obviously be a working progress but we want to hear from people if there are things they feel we should address. We also want this space to be inclusive of a wide range of people so we are currently reaching out to folks interested in joining the collective at this stage of planning and organising. No prior knowledge of carpentry or DIY is required to be a part of our collective!

We totally appreciate that many folks won’t have time or energy for organising, which is totally understandable. When our weekly sessions are up and running there will hopefully be an evening meal and an opportunity to share ideas and make decisions together. However if you would like to get involved we are currently meeting every 2 weeks on a Thursday evening in different peoples houses. We always cook a tasty vegan meal and bus fares can be provided if people need them. If there are other accessibility issues such as stairs, location or childcare needs please let us know so we can accommodate them.

We will also soon be running training in things like first aid, gender awareness, facilitation and safer spaces for people interested in being a facilitator (responsible for safety & well being not technical knowledge of carpentry or DIY).

If you are interested in either of these things or would just like more info, please email us at

Unity World Cafe/Food bank
Tuesdays, 1200–1400

The Unity World Café is a friendly, safe place, welcoming destitute asylum seekers and anyone else in need of some lunch and a chat. Run by volunteers on a shoestring budget, it offers tea and cake and free food to take home; every Tuesday at GAS.

For all activities at GAS please see for location details

Arabic/English exchange
Tuesdays, 1800-2000

Come and join us for the Unity* Arabic/English language exchange!

It is a conversation class where people can learn Arabic and Arabic speakers can learn/improve their English and get to know each other in a supportive environment – an environment where English is not put on a pedestal and everyone is learning.

The class started as a response to the limited spaces for people to study ESOL at college. Many are on waiting lists for many many months, so we wanted to act together so people could practice their English in the mean time.

Anyone of any level can attend.

Come on down! 🙂

*The Unity Centre has been open almost 10 years and offers
unconditional support and solidarity to asylum seekers and all other migrants

Critical Mass
Last Friday of every month

Critical Mass is a celebration of cycling that takes place on the last Friday of every month all across the World. It takes the form of a bike ride – very unspectacular, but a lot of fun.
We meet at around 5pm for a 6pm start in George Square (Winter). Bring your bike, pals, appropriate clothing and join us!

Do you sometimes feel lost in, or intimidated by traffic? find yourself looking for bike paths without finding them? have drivers comment on you(r) cycling unconstructively? Or if you are a driver, are unsure how to behave around cyclists?

Critical Mass is for cyclists to come together on a monthly basis, enjoy the community of other cyclists (and hopefully the weather) and show: We Are Traffic.
CM is to make cyclists on roads more common-place – we want to make bicycle traffic seen. CM is also about generating dialogue: Side walks can be busy or too narrow for bikes, and traffic can be too
intimidating, fast-moving or dense to feel comfortable using the main road. Often, we don’t have our own space to travel safely and are ‘in the way’ of others.

Our informal ride is one way we can contribute to making improvements to the cycle network, maintenance of cycle paths, signage and parking real in Glasgow.

CM Glasgow is a colourful and diverse group. Everyone has different reasons to join and Everyone and All Types of bicycles are welcome! We want CM to send a positive message about bikes and cyclists in this wee green place.


Email future events including name/time/date/location/description to:

If you know someone who would like to be added to this list then please direct them to:

You can leave this list at any time by sending a blank email to:

The Autonomy Update is brought to you by Glasgow Anarchist Federation. Visit our blog at:


Red and Black choir 1st session on Thurs. New Radical Singing Group in Glasgow!

Red and Black radical choir- 1st session

Thursday 6th April

Our first ever radical choir session is this Thursday!

Come along, get involved and celebrate past and present songs of
working class struggle, anti-fascism and resistance in our choir.

You don’t need any musical experience (or ability) to take part! Just
enthusiasm and a love of seditious songs.

If you play any other instruments, feel free to bring them along too.

The session starts at 7pm at G.A.S (Glasgow Autonomous Space). We’ll
be meeting at 6:45 at West Street Subway station before we go to the

Spread the word! Solidarity!

A-Chat – Wed 29th March. 6-9pm. GAS. Anarchist Social and Tea drinking

*** Migrants welcome poster designing ***
This month we’ll have a corner where we’ll be brainstorming and sharing ideas for a series of pro migrant/refugees welcome posters that are about to be designed and stuck up around the city. Please bring slogans, pictures, wording and thinking caps.
MC_Terrorist-Tea-CozyA-chat continues after a very successful first event. We had a great evening and brilliant turnout. Thanks to all who came along.
Many of you who’ve attended A-fed public discussions will agree the best bit is the opportunity to have a chat, whether its about the discussion topic, some current affairs or your dreams of an Anarchist future.
This is why we are presenting A-Chat: an open unstructured evening full of the finest anarchist chit-chat chat Glasgow has to offer!
Location :

Glasgow Events ~~Glasgow Autonomy Update~~ 22.3.2017 –A-Chat New Date Announcement–

Hi everybody!!

Brief update for the end of March.

Please note The Workers Theatre Launch Party has moved venue to Kinning Park Complex.

Also, we finally have a date for A-Chat (28th at 1800, GAS), hope to see lots of you down there!


Federation of Autonomy Update Writers