Leith Hill Anti-Fracking Phone-In


A two day mass phone-in to PJ Brown Construction will start on the morning of Wednesday 27th of September and finish on the evening of Thursday 28th of September.

PJ Brown Construction are one of the companies involved in the fracking operations at Leith Hill in Surrey.

We are appealing to international anti-fracking activists to spread the word about this mass phone-in.

We encourage people to politely express their disapproval of PJ Brown Construction’s involvement in the fracking operations at Leith Hill so that the company will change their mind.

On Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of September people can telephone, email and fax the company to politely voice their concerns about the potential environmental damage caused by fracking at Leith Hill.

Dialling (141) before the PJ Brown Construction’s number will withhold a caller’s personal landline number. To withhold a mobile phone’s number, a Google search for “hide or withhold number” and the make of phone will show how to change the settings.

Main Office: +44 (0) 1293 544856

Fax: +44 (0) 1293 571164

Email: mail@pjbrown.co.uk



London AF Facebook Page

Remember, we also have a London Anarchist Federation FAcebook page. Go there and click “Like”


We also have a brand new Acebook page for the ANarchist Federation for the UK’ Again, go there and click LIke:



DSEI Arms Fair-Demo on Saturday 9th September

For four days in September 2017, the international weapons industry plans to set up shop in London at a huge arms fair, DSEI.
The weapons sold here fuel the death, destruction and injustice perpetrated by militaries, police forces and at borders around the world.
Because those who torture protesters, brutalise indigenous people and murder civilians are on the guest list.
Because arms companies profit when their plane drop bombs on ordinary people
Because they profit again by pushing militarised solutions ot ‘protect borders’ from the refugees fleeing those bombs.
Because public services are cut but there’s always money for war.
Because war, repression and injustice start here

London AF members will be at Day Of Action tomorrow at Excel Centre in East London. See you there!


Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living

The murder of Heather Heyer by a neo-Nazi was horrifying but not surprising. The Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazis and the alt.right have increased in confidence under Trump and indeed in his rambling and incoherent speeches he refused to completely condemn them. Heather’s murder was not an isolated incident. It follows the shooting of a member of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in Seattle, the double murder on the Portland train, and many other incidents in Berkeley, Minnesota etc.

As the General Defence Committee of the IWW stated: “Fascism is a deadly threat to all of us. There is no escape from the demand that we confront it. Politicians, the police, and the university will not save us. We cannot vote our way to safety. As always, police aided and protected the fascists, while permitting and assisting wholesale violence against counter-protesters. University officials refused to use campus security to protect students and others from a gang of hundreds of fascists”.

Far from intimidating people the attack appears to have led to a strengthening of the movement against the growth of the far right. When the far right tried to rally in Boston shortly after Charlottesville, they managed barely a hundred supporters. They were surrounded by an angry crowd of 40,000.Trump labelled these as “anti-police agitators”. A demonstrator was quoted as saying: “Our generation has been radicalized by police murdering people of colour. And cops shut down a massive section of Boston and protected about 25 rightwingers while 45,000 people joined counter-protests. I think for a lot of people it’s clear what side the police are on. It wasn’t on the side of the people protesting white nationalists even though Marty Walsh [the mayor of Boston] talked tough earlier in the week.”

This massive response threw fear into the far right. As a result 67 rallies across 36 states organised by the hate group Act for America were cancelled. Many actions in solidarity with the Charlottesville attack took place around the USA, and around the world. In Asheville, North Carolina a crowd gathered and tore down a statue of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee. San Francisco dockers called for a strike against a far right rally organised by the Patriot Prayer group.

The movement that is developing in America is radicalising. It sees how the police protect far right rallies, is increasingly aware that the police are a murderous and racist institution, and increasingly sees now that the whole problem of racism and white supremacy is a result of the system itself. For too long the alt.right and their allies in the KKK and the neo-Nazi groups have been tolerated and have become more and more confident under a President who is himself a racist, xenophobe and misogynist. Now they are starting to panic as mass resistance to them grows. They can be swept back, Trump can be overthrown. It all depends on mass action rather than waiting on possible impeachment.


London AF Public Meeting on Modern Spanish Anarchism

Next public meeting of London Anarchist Federation:
The Anarchist Movement in Modern Spain

Report back on factfinding tour of Spanish anarchist movement by AF member
7pm Thursday August 31st at Common House, 5e Pundersons Gardens, London E2 (nearest tube Bethnal Green. Plenty of time or discussion, refreshments

Leith Hill Anti-Fracking Camp

“Europa Oil & Gas are nearing the end of the legal process giving them
permission to carry out unconventional drilling in the Surrey Hills,
despite massive community opposition. A phase of direct action is likely
to begin once the site traffic starts to arrive in October. If you’d
like to find out more, see the Leith Hill Protection Camp Facebook page 
or come and visit the Leith Hill Protection Camp which is in Coldharbour
Lane near Dorking, opposite the intended drill site. If you’d like to
join the camp, please visit first to meet the core crew.”

Anarchist Federation. Surrey & Hampshire Group.