Who we are

London AF is a local group of the Anarchist Federation

The AF was founded as the Anarchist Communist Federation more than 25 years ago. We describe ourselves as anarchist communists and revolutionary class struggle anarchists, and operate as a membership organisation.

What is anarchist communism?

Anarchist communism advocates the abolition of the state and capitalism, because they’re both oppressive structures, in favour of replacing them with horizontal networks based on voluntary associations and working class self-management.

Central to our liberation, is the advocating of direct action (i.e. we act for ourselves, without mediation through a third party using tactics such as strikes, occupations), strengthening solidarity amongst our class, and practising prefigurative politics (i.e. we struggle against oppressions like racism and sexism in the here and now). We reject parliamentary politics or indeed party building exercises, because these mimic the features of existing society that we object to.

We are heavily influenced by the ideas of Errico Malatesta, Nestor Makhno, Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman and a host of other revolutionary thinkers and our tradition is informed from a diverse range of struggles from the important revolutionary movements of the twentieth century, through to the Poll Tax and women’s and gay rights movement of recent times.

We fight for a militant and unified anarchist movement and we urge those who agree with our aims and principles to join us.

Please check out our facebook page, which is regularly updated.

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