Tagged: demonstration

Time to Act on Climate Change


No to Austerity, Yes to a Million Climate Jobs

The People’s Assembly alongside trade unions and the Campaign Against Climate Change are organising an anti-austerity/pro-climate jobs bloc on the Time to Act Climate Change demo on 7 March.

Come with your placards and banners. Look out for the People’s Assembly ‘No More Austerity’ banner at the assembly point.

Why are we supporting the demo?

We face a climate crisis and a crisis of pay and employment for millions of working people. The market chooses profit and economic growth at the cost of public services and the health of the planet that sustains us.

Working people are expected to pay for an economic crisis they didn’t cause, and up to a million families in Britain have to choose between heating their homes in winter or having regular meals.

Austerity measures will continue to undermine our national response to climate change, notably our frontline flood defences and services.

Fresh solutions are available w ith the creation of one million new climate jobs. This crisis gives us the opportunity to galvanise, and show that as a movement we are stronger, together.

Let’s show we care about the world we will leave for our children and grandchildren. Together let’s bring a message of urgency which will no longer be ignored.

Saturday, March 7 at 12:30pm
Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A

Official march facebook page
Time to Act

Evict the Bailiffs – Focus E15 Mothers Action

#EvictTheBailiffs at the British Credit Awards! Weds. Feb. 11, 18:00 SHARP!

Focus E15 invite you to the Brewery (52 Chiswell Street, EC1Y 4SD) for 6pm sharp on Weds. Feb. 11, to welcome those arriving at the 2015 British Credit Awards’ £4,000-per-table black-tie affair, in which bailiffs and debt collectors will be receiving awards for making families homeless.

Since companies like ‘The Sherriff’s Office’ receive nominations by throwing people and their belongings out onto the cold streets of London, we intend to turn the front entrance of the Brewery into a mock eviction site for attendees to experience before an evening of champagne, three-course dinners, and the kudos of their peers.

We encourage anyone concerned with social cleansing and the criminalisation of poverty to bring rubbish bags, boxes, and broken pieces of furniture to scatter across the front entrance of the Brewery as guests arrive to receive awards like ‘Enforcement Team of the Year,’ ‘Third Party Debt Collection Team of the Year’ and ‘Consumer Collections Team of the Year.’

We encourage a peaceful but outraged action, and particularly hope those with first-hand experience of bailiff evictions will come out and share their stories with attendees as they enter the venue.


Housing March on January 31st

London AF members were on both the South London and East London feeder marches last Saturday 31st January. Despite the foul weather at least 4,000 turned out. This time, whilst the usual Trot suspects turned out in force, they didn’t manage to swamp and trotify the march. Nevertheless it was excruciating to hear them wetting their pants over Syriza in Greece (ahem! they’ve gone into coalition with an anti-semitic and racist Greek equivalent of UKIP!)

Nevertheless there were many groups and individuals of a libertarian/independent outlook and this stopped Trot overload. Now we must do our utmost to link up all the genuine groups in London fighting all aspects of the housing crisis, be it evictions, property developments and social cleansing. problems facing private renters, struggles in social and council housing.

AF calls for food price protests on May Day

The massive rise in food prices is yet another attack on the working class. These price increases are hitting the poorest the hardest as they spend the greatest percentage of their income on food. For the rich, the impact will be like being hit by a feather. The rises are being blamed on ‘natural’ factors such as drought, bad harvest and the increase in demand outstripping supply. Though this may be part of the story, the basic cause of rising food prices is the way the global food system works. Food is a global commodity, bought and sold by huge corporations with the actual producers seeing little profit. Rather than food being produced for a local market, it is shipped all around the world, with many countries, including Britain, unable to feed themselves without importing. In addition, food is the target of speculation, with banks essentially ‘betting’ on food and causing a large part of recent price rises. Then, once this already more expensive food is ready to be sold to consumers, the supermarkets who dominate food sales in this country make sure that they pass on the price rises to consumers, desperate to protect their profits.

Many revolutions have been started by rises in food prices. May Day is our occasion to reaffirm our commitment to creating a new society. We will be meeting up in central London at 3 pm. We will do short protests outside a number of the supermarket chain stores. You may want to join us there or else organise your own protests outside supermarkets in your local area.

More information to follow.

Barnet residents and supporters demonstrate against ‘easycouncil’

AF members supported a lively and determined demonstration against the cuts of notorious ‘easycouncil’. Hundreds turned out, despite the winter conditions. They marched from Finchley Central, with widespread support from local businesses and residents, to finish at the library that campaigners had successfully managed to save.

The text of the leaflet handed out is available under ‘Leaflets’.