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Australia's asylum seeker deal with Papua New Guinea is valid, High Court rules

The High Court has again upheld the legality of Australia's asylum seeker deal with Papua New Guinea, ruling it does not breach the Migration Act or the constitution.

The court was asked to reconsider the arrangement struck by former prime minister Kevin Rudd, in light of a court ruling in PNG last year that found Australia's detention of asylum seekers on the island breached that country's constitution.

An Iranian asylum seeker, whose bid for refugee protection was rejected, claimed the PNG ruling invalidated the deal because the constitution prevented the Australian government from undertaking business with another country that was unlawful in that country.

In dismissing the claim, the High Court declared that to be a "novel and sweeping proposition", and one that had no basis in law.

In a unanimous ruling, the full bench found there was no constitutional requirement for the Commonwealth to conform to international law or the law of another country. 

The court also dismissed the claim that the regional resettlement arrangement could not be seen as a valid "arrangement" because PNG lacked the lawful capacity to enter it. Neither of the plaintiff's claims were tenable, the court ruled, and the plaintiff was ordered to pay costs.


It is not the first time the High Court has examined the legality of Australia's offshore detention of asylum seekers – it was also considered in 2015 and upheld as lawful.

Maria O'Sullivan, deputy director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law at Monash University, said she was "totally unsurprised" by the High Court's latest ruling.

"Trying to argue that the judgment of the PNG Supreme Court ... affects the Australian constitution and how we justify things under the Australian Migration Act is a long stretch," she told Fairfax Media.

"Having said that, there is such an interaction between what Australia does and what's happening in PNG. I'm just not sure whether constitutional arguments are the way to go."

Despite the ruling, Australia's detention centre on Manus Island is scheduled to close by October 31, following the Supreme Court ruling in PNG last year.

Tensions on Manus Island have been building in recent weeks as parts of the regional processing centre are shut down ahead of an October 31 closure deadline.

Asylum seekers have been encouraged to move to the transit centre in Lorengau, but many have elected to remain in compounds where electricity and water supplies are being cut off.

The Turnbull government has confirmed a deal to resettle refugees in the United States, despite the reluctance of President Donald Trump, but as yet no refugees have been accepted by the US.

It is not clear what will happen to refugees who are not accepted by the US, or asylum seekers who have no valid protection claim but who cannot be forced back to their home countries.

In June, the government agreed to compensate about 1900 current and former asylum seekers on Manus Island to the tune of $70 million to settle a class action alleging mistreatment.

The Iranian man who brought the case has failed to be recognised as a refugee under PNG law and remains in custody awaiting deportation.

Fairfax Media contacted Immigration Minister Peter Dutton for comment on Thursday's High Court ruling. 

Separately on Thursday, the government suffered a loss in the Federal Court, which upheld an injunction preventing a ban on mobile phones in immigration detention. The court found it did have the jurisdiction to decide the matter, and will hear the government's full appeal at a later date.

Solicitor George Newhouse said the bid to remove mobile phones was "part of the process of criminalising asylum seekers".

"Mobile phones are a life line to the outside world that enables them to maintain their sanity and communicate with their families, their loved ones, the community and their legal representatives," he said.

with AAP

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