September 15, 2017

Trump, Game On, Trick!!

August 27, 2017 Idavox 0
Tired of Trump’s stunts that are putting all of us in harm’s way for the love of those who kiss his behind? Chuck Tackett is too.

White Nationalist Terrorist Hated Women, Too

August 15, 2017 Lacy MacAuley 0
The attacker who rammed his car into our crowd of antifascist and antiracist activists in Charlottesville isn’t just a white nationalist, and isn’t just a racist. Based on available information, it seems evident that he is likely very, very sexist. […]

Glamorizing Treason Amid Cries of Unity

May 6, 2017 Idavox 0
We are supposed to be the United States. The conservatives keep hyping that up in their neo-Patriot routines. But screw with anything honoring our most disunited time, and you realize they aren’t really married to the idea.

Self Hatred and Tools of Inner Greatness

November 5, 2011 Idavox 0
Back in the day, we used to get regular taunting emails from former Aryan Nations member Sean Gillespie, but on April 1, 2004 he firebombed a synagogue in Oklahoma City, and was captured on video not only by a security […]