

Danielle Catanzariti plays a compliant Victorian poppet in The Nether.

Spiders in the dark web

The creator of a virtual vice den is hauled in for questioning in a neat procedural drama spanning two worlds.




Alt-right poster boy: David Campbell plays John Wilkes Booth, the killer of President Abraham Lincoln, in Assassins.

Taking aim at the President

A musical vaudeville devoted to the men and women driven to the ultimate expression of disapproval with their head of state seems eerily on point in the Trump era.



Comedian Kathy Griffin: After her Trump stunt, she could not get a publicist in Hollywood to work for her.

Why Kathy Griffin has stopped saying sorry

She has been investigated by the Secret Service and spurned by Hollywood but, on the eve of an Australian tour, Kathy Griffin says having two siblings diagnosed with cancer puts everything in perspective.