Good Weekend

“I don’t agonise,” says Jane Harper of her writing process. “I approach it logically and just take it step by step."

Dry run

Melburnian Jane Harper's debut novel The Dry enjoyed the kind of success wannabe authors dream of – and that was before the Reese Witherspoon film offer. 

Jacinda Ardern will be leading New Zealand's Labour Party into next Saturday’s election.

The Ardern factor

New Zealand's coming election looked like a shoe-in for the governing National Party. Then Labour's young, hip and feisty Jacinda Ardern hit the scene.

Illustration by Rohan Cain.

Heartbreak hill

A violent reaction to a Donald Trump supporter - a cousin, no less - is a timely reminder of the pointless hyper-partisanship of much modern-day life.



Last year, 10 billion podcast downloads were recorded on Apple devices alone.

Audio killed the video star

An aural renaissance is the last thing anyone expected from the visual age. But the growing popularity of podcasts and audiobooks reflects our fundamental craving for deep engagement.

With a fashion designer for a mother, Spender rebelled as a teenager. “Predictably, I wore hoodies and caps for years!”

Allegra Spender

The new CEO of the ABCN, which mentors and trains disadvantaged students, is also a director of her mother and sister's fashion businesses.

Andy Griffiths and his wife Jill, the editor of his books, near their home.

Andy and Jill Griffiths

Since children's author Andy Griffiths met his editor wife, Jill, just over two decades ago, they have collaborated on more than 30 books together.

Danny Katz.

Glass action

At my daughter's birthday party, a child walked into a glass door. Should her parents help pay for its replacement?

Benjamin Law.


Some of us bemoan birthdays, but only the privileged complain about getting older.

Illustration by Simon Letch.


In the age of smartphone dependency, that out-of-office email message has a second meaning.


Illustration by Simon Letch.

Please don't like me

For a restaurant critic, the internet is gold. But it's a game I'm prepared to watch, not play.

