Company Summary

Congregor Investments Limited was set up on Friday the 17th of June 2016. Their current address is Charter House,5 Pembroke Row,Dublin 2, and the company status is Normal. The company's current director Alan Geraghty has been the director of 7 other Irish companies; 2 of which are now closed.

Company Name:Congregor Investments Limited
Company Status:NORMAL
Company Address:Charter House,
5 Pembroke Row,
Dublin 2
Key Executive:Alan Geraghty
Company Size:Log-In To View

Key Contact Profile

Alan Geraghty is a Company Director of Congregor Investments Limited since 2016 and a listed Director of 6 other companies.

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Latest Updates

The latest documents filed with the Companies Registration Office for Congregor Investments Limited (which can include the Account Details) are listed below.

CRO DocumentEffective DateReceived By CROView Now
B1 ANNUAL RETURN17/12/201616/01/2017Join Up
CONSTITUTION17/06/201621/04/2016Join Up
CERTIFICATE17/06/201621/04/2016Join Up

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Director:Alan Geraghty

Ownership Structure

Company Type:LTD - Private Company Limited By Shares


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