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WA's oldest gay bar believed to be Freo's Newport Hotel

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There is perhaps some strange irony that a homophobic article published in the Sunday Times in 1901 has led a historian to believe that he has found Western Australia's oldest gay bar.

It was the billiards room in the Newcastle Club Hotel, now known as the Newport Hotel in Fremantle.

History Now heritage consultant and former conservation officer with the State Heritage Office Eddie Marcus said court convictions and outraged news articles such as this were "unfortunately" the only way of documenting LGBTI+ community's far-back history in WA.

"If you pick through the court cases you can just about find enough to flesh out what it was like to be gay over 100 years ago," he said.

The piece that led Mr Marcus to his conclusion about the Newport was published in The Sunday Times on June 23, 1901.

"[It was] a very outraged editorial piece along the lines of 'how can we allow this to go on in a decent city' – a story roughly similar to something I'd imagine the Sunday Times would run today," he said.


"One of the reasons we know it was a gay bar is because it refers to the 'unspeakable crimes of Oscar Wilde' in the editorial, which is not exactly coded.

"The reason I think it is the Newport is because of the description of it being in the most elegant billiards room in Fremantle."

Mr Marcus also said that the author's description of a separate side entrance was an important clue.

"The Newport, then called the Newcastle Club Hotel back in those days, fits that description quite nicely. It could have been the Sail and Anchor, but it was much more likely to be the Newport because of the description of the side entrance," he said.

The duration of the venues' operation remains unknown, according to Mr Marcus.

"It operated in secrecy before it was exposed," he said.

"There was no way to tell because they were not exactly putting out large advertisements or displaying Connections or The Court Hotel-type posters out the front.

"But I imagine it closed shortly after this, because it was alleged [by The Sunday Times] that the police and local magistrate were members of this club and that is why it hadn't been busted earlier."

It was written that the billiards room operated as normal during the day, but this changed at the stroke of midnight.

"Gentleman would give each other the nod and strangers would be asked 'would you like to stay on for a game afterwards'. That was the clue for the doors to be locked and for this to turn into what I believe to be the gay bar of its day," Mr Marcus said.

Pride Western Australia President Andrew Barker said the archival article provided an interesting, albeit upsetting insight into the LGBTI+ community's long history in WA.

"I'm not surprised that there was a venue back then at all, because the gay community has been around as long as we have been walking on two feet," he said.

"It is interesting to read that there is something documented back then.

"It is important that people know. The fact that it has been documented would certainly make a lot of people realise that the LGBTI+ community has been around longer than just the 1970s."

Mr Barker said he could see some parallels between the language in the archived article and the way in which same-sex marriage was debated in modern society.

"Apart from the fact that it is a much more Victorian way of saying things in that particular article, it is much the same," he said.

"Modern day negative comments are made in reference to all sorts of bizarre parallels that these particularly uninformed individuals think homosexuality has got anything to do with.

"Many politicians still stand up in parliament and say these wild claims about the LGBTI+ community and make no justification or offer nothing to substantiate their claims."