20 September 2017

St. Louis Police declare “We’re in control” as crackdown on protests enters fifth day

By Genevieve Leigh, 20 September 2017

St. Louis police officers chanted “Whose streets? Our streets!” as they arrested largely peaceful demonstrators protesting police violence.

Protests continue in St. Louis as police kill eight more in US

Over forty arrested in St. Louis as demonstrations continue against acquittal of killer cop

More on police violence in America »

Senate overwhelmingly approves record $700 billion military budget

By Eric London, 20 September 2017

The bill increases the military budget by $80 billion from 2016 and includes major allocations to prepare the US nuclear arsenal for war.

UN General Assembly convenes under shadow of war

CAMI autoworkers locked in fight against GM Canada over jobs and wages

By Jerry White, 20 September 2017

Autoworkers at the General Motors CAMI plant in Ingersoll, Ontario are locked in a critical battle that raises fundamental questions for autoworkers in Canada and around the world.

For an international strategy to win the CAMI workers strike

GM CAMI workers strike in Canada

More on auto workers struggles »

Catastrophic Hurricane María heads for Puerto Rico

By Rafael Azul, 20 September 2017

The Category Five storm is the largest to hit the island territory in nearly 90 years.

More than 140 dead and counting as a magnitude 7.1 earthquake rocks Mexico City

By Andrea Lobo, 20 September 2017

Less than two weeks after an earthquake killed 99 people in southern Mexico, another quake has left widespread death and destruction in the continent's largest metropolis.

Senate Republicans push for another Obamacare “repair and repeal” bill

By Kate Randall, 20 September 2017

In addition to phasing out Medicaid expansion, the Cassidy-Graham legislation, beginning in 2027, would slash billions more from Medicaid and end it as a guaranteed program.

Change that he can believe in: Obama cashes in on Wall Street

By Niles Niemuth, 20 September 2017

Less than a year after leaving office, former President Obama has comfortably entrenched himself within the upper echelons of the top 1 percent.

Japanese PM backs US “military option” against North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 20 September 2017

Abe’s conclusion that “dialogue will not work with North Korea” amounts to a menacing threat to deal with Pyongyang either through regime change or war.

Top Canadian general stokes fears over North Korea to justify joining US ballistic-missile defence

By Roger Jordan, 20 September 2017

Canada’s top general in the North American Aerospace Defence command has made the sensationalist claim that the US would not defend Canada from a ballistic missile strike.

Portuguese nurses strike against an 11-year pay freeze

By Ajanta Silva and Paul Mitchell, 20 September 2017

Despite Socialist Party government threats, some 85 percent of the 70,000 nurses in the country took part in the strike, bringing services to a halt.

Australian government’s “media reform” boosts conglomerates

By Oscar Grenfell, 20 September 2017

The new legislation removes any, even nominal, impediment to the further concentration of media ownership within a handful of powerful corporations.

Documentary exposes the fraud of New Zealand “peacekeeping” in Afghanistan

By Sam Price and Tom Peters, 20 September 2017

Afghan villagers say New Zealand's elite SAS forces desecrated bodies and terrorised a village in Uruzgan to deliberately provoke a battle in 2004.

Bus crash in New York City kills three and leaves others injured

By Mark Witkowski, 20 September 2017

Three people died when a privately-operated charter bus struck a New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus in Queens on Monday morning.

Rural New York schools grapple with declining population, increasing poverty

By Jason Melanovski, 20 September 2017

A new report documents the crisis of rural school districts.

New in Spanish

El 150 aniversario de la publicación de El capital

Por Nick Beams, 20 septiembre 2017

El 14 de setiembre fue el 150 aniversario del primer volumen de El capital. La obra de Karl Marx marca un punto de inflexión en el desarrollo intelectual e histórico de la humanidad.

Grecia: Syriza busca atraer inversores y engalanar a Macron

Por Katerina Selin, 20 septiembre 2017

En Grecia, se acabaron las vacaciones parlamentaria y las próximas semanas y meses verán una nueva ronda de recortes que conducirán a feroces conflictos de clases.

El Proyecto de Ley de Salud de Sanders: Un encubrimiento para los acuerdos del Partido Demócrata con Trump

Por Patrick Martin, 20 septiembre 2017

La legislación ofrece un sistema de atención de salud de pagador individual que la mayoría de los senadores demócratas y todos los republicanos se oponen.

New in French

L’Assemblée générale de l’ONU se réunit sous l’ombre de la guerre

Par Bill Van Auken, 20 septembre 2017

A la veille de l’ouverture de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, de hauts responsables américains ont répété des menaces « d’une option militaire » sur la péninsule coréenne qui pourrait mener à la guerre nucléaire.

Macron prépare une explosion du militarisme français

Par Francis Dubois, 20 septembre 2017

La « lutte contre le terrorisme » proposée par Macron implique une projection militaire agressive à l’extérieur et un déchaînement du militarisme à l’intérieur.

Le 150ᵉ anniversaire de la publication du Capital

Par Nick Beams, 20 septembre 2017

Le 14 septembre était le 150ᵉ anniversaire de la publication du premier volume du Capital de Karl Marx. Il a marqué un tournant dans le développement intellectuel et historique de l’humanité.

La Corée du Nord répond aux sanctions par un essai de missile

Par James Cogan, 20 septembre 2017

Washington accule le régime nord-coréen assiégé et la seule issue de celui-ci serait une capitulation complète aux exigences américaines.

L’Espagne suspend la loi d’indépendance catalane et aggrave le conflit avec les séparatistes

Par Alejandro Lopez, 20 septembre 2017

Avec la crise sur le référendum de l’indépendance catalane, le système d’État espagnol, issu de la transition post-1978 après la domination fasciste, s’effondre.

La politique pro-guerre des Verts allemands exposée au forum d’un groupe de réflexion

Par Johannes Stern, 20 septembre 2017

Depuis que les Verts ont organisé en 1999 la première opération de combat étrangère par des soldats allemands depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ils ont été un parti de premier plan du militarisme allemand.

Pourquoi Amazon supprime-t-il les critiques négatives du nouveau livre de Hillary Clinton ?

Par Andre Damon, 20 septembre 2017

Amazon a supprimé plus de mille critiques négatives de « What happened ? », le récit de Hillary Clinton sur les élections présidentielles de 2016.

L’enquête sur Grenfell et l’argument pour le socialisme

Par le Parti de l’égalité socialiste (UK), 20 septembre 2017

Le refus de Sir Martin Moore-Bick de répondre aux questions lors de l’ouverture officielle de l’enquête gouvernementale sur l’incendie de Grenfell Tower incarne l’arrogance de classe et l’indifférence des pouvoirs actuelles envers les travailleurs.

New in German

Wie Berlin die ethnische Säuberung der Rohingya unterstützt

Von Johannes Stern, 20. September 2017

Die Bundeswehr arbeitet eng mit dem burmesischen Militär zusammen, das in der Provinz Rakhine für ethnische Säuberungen verantwortlich ist.

Google verschärft Zensur linker Websites

Von Andre Damon, 20. September 2017

Neue Statistiken zeigen die Auswirkungen von Googles Angriff auf die Meinungsfreiheit.

Die französischen Gewerkschaften versuchen den Widerstand der Arbeiter gegen Macron zu ersticken

Von Anthony Torres und Alex Lantier, 20. September 2017

Die Gewerkschaften fürchten, durch den Ausbruch von Kämpfen der Arbeiterklasse links überholt zu werden. Sie stimmen ihre Streikaufrufe daher vorab mit der Regierung ab.

Millionen europäische Arbeiter prekär beschäftigt

Von Verena Nees, 20. September 2017

Pünktlich zum 150. Jahrestag von Marx‘ Kapital zeigt ein Bericht, wie die EU ein riesiges Heer prekär beschäftigter Arbeiter geschaffen und Millionen ins Elend gestoßen hat.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
18.–24. September: Bolschewiki erhalten die Mehrheit im Moskauer und Petrograder Sowjet

20. September 2017

Seit der Kornilow-Affäre wächst die Unterstützung für die Bolschewiki unaufhaltsam. Sie erobern den Moskauer und den Petrograder Sowjet und danach auch viele Provinzsowjets. Währenddessen wütet der Krieg weiter, und Hunger und Not der Massen schüren auf der ganzen Welt die Bereitschaft der Arbeiterklasse zum Aufstand.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в русской революции
4–10 сентября: Мятеж Корнилова

18 сентября 2017 г.

Столкнувшись с угрозой полномасштабной контрреволюционной диктатуры и массовых репрессий в лице генерала Корнилова, Советы вынуждены призвать рабочий класс к защите Петрограда.

Other Languages


Trump’s “Mein Kampf” tirade at the United Nations

20 September 2017

The American president publicly threatened to unleash a genocidal war, declaring that he was “ready, willing and able” to “totally destroy” North Korea and its 25 million people.

Earlier Perspectives »

Book Review

Hillary Clinton’s What Happened: A conspiracy theory of the 2016 election

By Andre Damon, 20 September 2017

Hillary Clinton’s memoir, released September 13, represents the Democratic Party’s semi-official narrative of its electoral defeat in 2016.

Why is Amazon deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book?

Google Censorship

Google intensifies censorship of left-wing websites

By Andre Damon, 19 September 2017

New statistics expose the growing impact of Google’s attack on free speech.

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »


Facebook turns over information on Russia-linked accounts to Special Counsel Mueller

By Patrick Martin, 19 September 2017

CNN claims FBI wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman

By James Cogan, 19 September 2017

The 150th anniversary of the publication of Capital

By Nick Beams, 18 September 2017

Bank for International Settlements voices concern over finance markets

World hunger increasing for first time since turn of the century

The Grenfell Tower Fire

Grenfell Tower fire eyewitnesses: “It’s because of our class—we are the lowest socioeconomic class on the food chain”

By our reporters, 20 September 2017

A Socialist Equality Party campaign team spoke with local residents in Ladbroke Grove, London about the Grenfell Tower fire.

Survivors and local residents speak out on Grenfell Tower Inquiry opening

By our reporters, 19 September 2017

Lakanal House: Prelude to the Grenfell Tower inferno—Part 1

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »


David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return—Living inside a dream?

By Hiram Lee, 20 September 2017

Twenty-five years after its last episode aired, Twin Peaks, the surreal small-town mystery, has been brought back to life by David Lynch.

2017 Emmy Awards: Sean Spicer, self-congratulations and identity politics

By David Walsh, 19 September 2017

The Last Tycoon: Hollywood in the 1930s

Workers Struggles

Oppose the NTEU sellout at University of Sydney! For a unified struggle of all university workers across Australia!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 20 September 2017

The union is organising retrograde agreements across the university sector.

French unions try to strangle workers’ opposition to Macron

By Anthony Torres and Alex Lantier, 19 September 2017

California: SEIU sabotages San Diego County workers’ strike

By Kevin Martinez, 19 September 2017

Sri Lankan power workers on strike

By W.A. Sunil, 19 September 2017

Burlington, Vermont teachers strike continues as officials refuse to budge on concession demands

IAM ends Chicago area mechanics strike

Socialist Equality Party

No to war and social inequality! For world socialism!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Group on the New Zealand election

19 September 2017

Socialist Equality Group public meeting in Wellington
After the New Zealand election: The way forward in the fight against war

By the Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 15 September 2017

Socialist Equality Party holds election meeting in Berlin

By our reporters, 13 September 2017

Plans for major military build-up after Germany’s federal election

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

“You can't depend on our government anymore to help”
Watch: Hurricane Harvey victims applying for federal aid encounter government indifference

By Tom Hall and Charles Abelard reporting from Houston, 18 September 2017

Evacuees, volunteers describe inadequate services, police harassment at Houston convention center

Inhabitants of Irma-ravaged Saint Martin gain nothing from French President Macron’s visit

Why was American capitalism unable to prepare for Hurricane Irma?

More on Hurricanes Harvey and Irma »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
September 18 – 24: Bolsheviks obtain majorities in Moscow and Petrograd soviets

18 September 2017

Following the Kornilov affair, support for the Bolsheviks surges, and they win control of the Moscow and Petrograd soviets, followed one by one by provincial soviets. The war rages on, and mass hunger and deprivation fuel working-class rebellions around the world.

Leaders of the Russian Revolution: Ivar Tenisovich Smilga (1892-1937)
Part one

By Clara Weiss, 31 August 2017

Leaders of the Russian Revolution: Ivar Tenisovich Smilga (1892-1937)
Part two

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Mehring Books

New pamphlet: Fifty Years since the Detroit Rebellion

18 September 2017

This new pamphlet from Mehring Books examines the historical background and social roots of the events of the summer of 1967 and the outcome of the biggest and most violent urban uprising in US history.

New from Mehring Books
Why Study the Russian Revolution?
Volume I: The February Revolution and the Development of Bolshevik Strategy

28 August 2017

One hundred years after the Russian Revolution, the events of 1917, their consequences and their lessons retain a burning contemporary relevance.

Lessons of Hurricane Katrina

31 August 2017

The World Socialist Web Site pamphlet on the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina 12 years ago is critical reading in light of the current catastrophe in Texas.


The legacy of the Cassini spacecraft

By Don Barrett, 16 September 2017


A remembrance of my sister, Cynthia Brust Moore

By Steven Brust, 12 September 2017

This remembrance of Cynthia Brust Moore was sent to the WSWS by her brother, Steven Brust. Cynthia, a lifelong supporter of the Trotskyist movement, passed away on September 1.

Cynthia Brust Moore (1944-2017): A steadfast supporter of the Trotskyist movement

By Fred Mazelis, 5 September 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Price gouging at Amazon and the case for public ownership

By Eric London, 8 September 2017

Single mother in Pittsburgh fired by Amazon for not working forced overtime

Working life at a Pittsburgh Amazon warehouse

Protests against Amazon’s bid to seize land from historic African-American community in Virginia

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook


Oppose the militarist high school graduation policy of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 5 September 2017

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »