Peter Tatchell


For human rights, democracy, global justice & LGBTI freedom. Views expressed here are my own & may not reflect those of the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

Na Twitteri od apríl 2009

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  1. Watch talk about his hunt for anti-gay Nazi Doctor, SS Carl Vaernet

  2. 61 names takes the petition to 20,000! Final push, take 2 mins to sign for equality in NI >>

    , , a 7 ďalších
  3. : Pride parade banned. Police use teargas against LGBT activists in Istanbul

  4. Turkish border guards shoot dead at least 8 Syrians, including 4 children, trying to cross into Turkey,

  5. massacre = Islamist terrorism. Killing = neo-Nazi terrorism. Some on right & left denounce one terrorism but not the other

  6. My piece for : shooting is wake-up call to LGBT community to strengthen vigilance

  7. Well done to UKs Chief Rabbi 4 publicly stating that synagogues should embrace gay Jews

  8. 22yr old woman detained for 3 months in on suspicion of adultery after reporting being drugged & raped

  9. . video of thousands united at London vigil commemorating LGBT victims

  10. London kiss-in for . Against xenophobia. For human rights & equality in all EU.

  11. My hunt for anti-gay Nazi Doctor, SS Carl Vaernet WATCH

  12. London: kiss-in for . Love better than hate. In EU is better than out. Solidarity across borders

  13. Help fund mass killing awareness campaign. DONATE

  14. Today 12 noon: I'll be in Parliament Square to join & help break the world kissing record. Join me:

  15. Evidence that Russian football hooligan attacks were planned & had Kremlin links. Putin bid to destablise the West?

  16. .: LGBT people in the need protection, not persecution

  17. : Nearly 4000 judges & prosecutors reassigned - pro-freedom judges demoted & exiled in "judicial coup"

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