In Baranovichi riot police attacked presentation of Alexei Sutuga

Today around 14:00 in Baranovichi riot police smashed presentation of Alexei Sutuga, russian anarchist, anti-fascist and former anarchist prisoner. All the people that were present were detained – 15 people in all. Part of the arrested was from Bereza, part from Baranovichi. Detentions were performed by people in black uniform, supposedly riot police and people […]

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Week Of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners August 23-30

This year, the International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners will be spent for the fifth time in 23rd to 30th August and we come stronger than ever! Some political prisoners are already supported, but far from all of them. Also, the supported are usually involved in authoritarian politics and not grassroots activities. Anarchist prisoners are […]

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Belarusian anarchists express solidarity with the people of Venezuela

“On August 2 anarchist from Minsk organised a solidarity action with the people of Venezuela fighting against Maduro’s regime. Around 10 am activists postered a bus stop that is situated at Simon Bolivar Square. The posters inform about the uprising in Venezuela and call people of Belarus to follow the heroic actions of the fighters. […]

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