UNDP Enhancing Local Capacities on Legal Aid and Alternative Disputes Resolutions in Darfur

UNDP in collaboration with Civil Aid Organization (CAO) has recently conducted a series of training workshops in East and Central Darfur, during July and August 2017, as a part of the joint program for the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Darfur.

UNDP Sudan Youth Volunteers celebrated International Youth Day in Darfur

To celebrate the 2017 International Youth Day, the UNDP Sudan Youth Volunteers Supporting Peace and Recovery in Darfur Project (YoVoReD) held a series of youth centred events from the 10th to 13th August 2017. The events were organized in collaboration with State Governments, UNAMID, UN Agencies other grassroots organisations and groups in West, North and South Darfur States of Sudan. A total of 3,000 Darfuri people from different backgrounds; including 90 YoVoReD Youth Volunteers, participated in the celebration of the occasion across Darfur.

UNDP & GFATM launch the use of Mobile Clinics to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Remote Areas in Sudan

Since 2005, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB & Malaria (GFATM) has been supporting national efforts to combat HIV /AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as well as strengthen health systems in Sudan. Investing around 400 million USD, the project has achieved great milestones in the fight against these diseases during the past 12 years.

Renewable Energy Serves as a Peacebuilding Catalyst in Sudan

Solar powered water pumps run on electricity generated after its absorption by photovoltaic panels. The panels collect the radiated thermal energy from the sun and convert it to electricity that powers the pumps for water extraction. This technology is extremely viable for regions that receive high temperatures and consistent sunlight (Ahmed and Anderson 1995). Sudan is one of the countries on the solar belt zone where radiation of the sun is the strongest.

Global Goals Advocacy Programme - Call for Applications

The Global Goals Advocate Programme, is a series of comprehensive advocacy activities led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sudan aiming to advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals and promoting the UNDP Country Office achievements/activities among Sudanese youth. The programme will be spearheaded by 20 talented young leaders who will work as SDGs advocates and agents of change for UNDP in Sudan.

‘IMAN’ Movie: When faith is at the crossroads

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Sudan National Commission for Counter Terrorism (SNCCT) and) and the have officially presented the movie ‘IMAN’ amidst prominent presence from high level Government officials, diplomatic corps, UN agencies and media. The premiere event of the production is both part of the Partnering Against Violent Extremism (PAVE) Programme.

Japan continues its contribution to the UNDP initiatives on Peace and Recovery

The Government of Japan has provided new funds to UNDP for their work in Sudan. A total of USD 1,481,000 has been given to support UNDP’s peacebuilding and recovery activities in the country. USD 740,500 has been allocated to support UNDP’s Community Security and Stabilization Programme (C2SP) and preventing violent extremism initiative, while USD 740,500 has been given for the Youth Volunteers Supporting Peace and Recovery project in Darfur.

Unite to End TB: 21 GeneXpert machines had been installed all over Sudan to enhance the rapid detection of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Today, marks the world TB Day 2017 under the theme ‘’Unite to End TB’’. On this day, The United Nations Development Programme in Sudan and through the support of The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health, have succeeded to invest 121,000 USD to enhance the rapid detection of the Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. This included procurement and installation of 21 GeneXpert machines, training of 60 lab technician and rehabilitation of 8 laboratories.

UNDP and Partners Join Hand in Fighting Violent Extremism

The Sudan National Commission for Countering Terrorism (SNTCC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have officially launched today the Partnering Against Violent Extremism project (PVE) amidst prominent presence from high level Government officials presided by the First Vice - President of the Republic and Prime Minister, Colonel General. Bakri Hassan and senior visiting UN officials: Assistant Secretary General, UN Department of Political Affairs Tayé-Brook Zerihoun, Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director Regional Bureau for Arab States Sophie DE CAEN, UN Resident Humanitarian Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative Marta Ruedas and UNDP Country Director Selva Ramachandran.

UNDP Appoints Music band Aswat Almadina Goodwill Ambassadors in Sudan

Popular young Sudanese music band Aswat Almadina were appointed today as National Goodwill Ambassadors for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sudan. The signing ceremony took place today at the UNDP Sudan Country office in Khartoum.

Development Partners witness UNDP’s Community Stabilization efforts in South Kordofan

A delegation including UK Special Envoy H.E. Chris Trott, UK Ambassador H.E. Michael Aron, EU Ambassador H.E. Jean Michel Dumond, Netherlands Ambassador H.E. Karin Boven, UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Marta Ruedas, UNDP Country Director Mr. Selva Ramachandran, and WFP Country Representative Mr. Matthew Hollingworth visited UNDP supported project sites in Kadugli. The delegation was welcomed by the Wali of South Kordofan, Dr. Eisa Abbakr.

UNDP and Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity Initiate the Use of Solar Water Pumps for Irrigation

The Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have initiated today the first stage of implementing a solar water pumps project for irrigation in the Northern State. The “Solar for Agriculture” project is a 5 year project implemented in the Northern State of Sudan with a total budget of USD 4.89 million, thanks to generous contribution from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF).

Graduation Ceremony of Darfur Youth Volunteers 2016
Graduation Ceremony of Darfur Youth Volunteers 2016

Darfur- December, 2016: Between 14-21 December 2016, 150 youth volunteers were awarded certificates for successfully completing the nine-month voluntary deployment as community development workers in local communities in all the five Darfur states under the Youth Volunteers Rebuilding Darfur Project (YVRDP). The YVRDP is a joint project implemented by UNDP and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) with the support of the Government of Sudan and funded by the Republic of Korea.

Graduation of First batch of UNDP Labour-intensive project

UNDP Deputy Country Director Abdel Rahman Ghandour and Minster of Social Welfare for Khartoum state Ms. Amal Al-Beili have attended on December 22nd   the graduation ceremony of 500  Labor-intensive project  members. Through generous funding from  India, Brazil, and South Africa (IBSA) UNDP has targeted a...

Partnering Against Violent Extremism

The SNCCT (Sudan National Commission for Counter Terrorism) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) have joined hands in preventing violent extremism in Sudan and have  recently conducted  a study to understand the reasons and triggers for individuals who join violent extremism and radical movements as...

Providing Durable Energy Solutions to Sudan: Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity and UNDP Launch the Installation of Solar Pumps in Northern Sudan

Khartoum , Sudan – December 18th, 2016- Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have launched today the procurement and installation of 28 solar pumps in the Northern State , commencing thus the first phase of the “Promoting the Use of...

Towards Enhancing the Treatment of Patients in Sudan: UNDP and Ministry of Health Reach an Agreement on Broad-scale Procurement of Essential Medicines

Khartoum, November 27th, 2016 - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Ministry of International Cooperation and the Ministry of Health have reached in March 2016 a breakthrough agreement on broad-scale procurement of medicines, medical and laboratory equipment and consumables aiming to extensively...

UNDP Sudan Assists the regional initiative to develop a strategy for Horn of Africa for preventing and countering violent extremism

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Addis Ababa Regional Hub of Africa and UNDP Sudan Country Office, along with the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD)  conducted a series of consultations on 4th - 5th September  with government representatives,  civil society organizations, religious...

Sudan Launches National SDGs Media Campaign

Aug 20, 2016, Khartoum - With the presence of the State Minister of Welfare and Social Security, the Secretary General of the national Population Council (NPC), and the United Nations Resident Representative. The Minister of Information launched the National SDGs Media Campaign. The event took place at the Grand...

UNDP and Darfur Land Commission Reach an Agreement on Strengthening Land Management for Peaceful Coexistence in Darfur

UNDP Sudan and the Darfur Land Commission have signed today an agreement on Strengthening Land Management for Peaceful Coexistence in Darfur within the overall objective and context of the Darfur Development Strategy.   Representing the Darfur Land Commission, Eng. Mohamed Abdulrahman Modalal, asserted that...

UNDP celebrates the International Youth Day 2016 in Darfur

The United Nations International Youth Day is annually held on August 12 to celebrate the achievements of the world’s youth and to encourage their participation in enhancing society. This year, the theme of the day is: “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production”....

Make Cheese Make Peace

Azaza was one of the priority communities to be selected as a Community Security and Stabilization Programme (C2SP) target location given the presence of  large numbers of displaced people nomads and farmers affiliated with different tribes in the state. Traditionally, most of the nomads used to move towards...

End Malaria for Good: Sudan receives additional 30 Million USD to support malaria interventions

Khartoum - 26 April 2016 : With an important new allocation, the goal to end malaria in Sudan is in reach. Over the next two years, Sudan will receive an additional 30 million USD from the Global Fund to support malaria interventions. The Grant Approval Committee of the Global Fund met in Geneva this week to review...

Promoting the Rule of Law and Access to Justice in Sudan

April 24, 2016, Khartoum – The United Nations in Sudan in collaboration with Ministry of Justice held donors’ Conference on Promoting Rule of Law and Access to Justice under the Global Focal Point settings at Al Salam Rotana today. The conference was attended by key partners from the UN system, national...

Bringing Stability to Communities: Japan Contributes USD 4 million to Community Stabilization and Livelihoods in the Southern and Eastern States of Sudan

March 27, 2016, Khartoum— The Government of Japan has allocated a total of USD 2 million to support UNDP’s Community Stabilization Programme in the southern border states and an additional USD 2 million for the creation of youth employment in Eastern Sudan. This generous contribution enables UNDP to support the...

Broadening Darfur’s Peacebuilding Platform: GOS Contributes a total of SDG 6.4 Million to promote the Darfur Internal Dialogue Consultations (DIDC) Project

Khartoum, March 16, 2016 – Amongst the presence of key national partners, international community and official representatives from Sudan Presidency’s office, the Federal Minister of Finance Mr. Badraddeen Mahmoud on behalf of the Government of Sudan -signed today the first cost sharing agreement with UNDP to...

Bringing Lifesaving Medicines and Health Commodities to Sudan: UNDP & Ministry of Health Reach an Agreement to Enhance Treatment of Patients in Sudan

Khartoum, March 10th, 2016- The Federal Ministry of Health, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Ministry of International Cooperation have signed today an agreement on “Procurement Support to the Federal Ministry of Health in Sudan”  with a total budget of USD 60 Million for a duration of three...

Marking 50 years of Bringing Prosperity to the People of Sudan

Sudan is as a land of vast development opportunities. Protracted conflict however, has left numerous parts of the country in need of immediate development interventions. UNDP has been present in Sudan since 1978, following the signing of the First Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA) on October 24th 1978....

UNDP Sudan Supports Sudan National Human Rights Commission in Darfur

El-Fasher, February 02, 2016 – Cognizant of the need to bring services closer to the Darfurian citizen, Sudan National Human Rights Commission with technical support of United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Sudan has inaugurated today a regional office in El- Fasher, Darfur. The establishment of the regional...

When the future is sweet as honey

“Since I began my beekeeping business in honey production, processing and wax refining with the Value Chain project, I am now able to support my family. I am now able to sell my products at the local market, as well as further afield in Nyala, Khartoum and Omdurman,” says Abdul-Aziz, a 50-year old father of four,...

Onto the Future: Solar Energy in Sudan

 “We are now seeing what we had started is beginning to materialize ”, said engineer Adel Jaafar Arbab, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Resources, Fishery and Irrigation in Sudan’s Northern State. It is a look of optimism and hope to move forward in alternative energy projects in the Northern State, where a wind...

Changing their future, one basket at a time

Partnering with civil society organizations and the private sector to promote and empower the socio/economic status of women in Sudan through capacity development and advocacy has been one of the pillars of UNDP’s work in Sudan. Cognizant of the need to establish self-sufficient, communities based on economic...

When my Voice Counts

Participants from across the state deliberated intensively on the notion of oversight, recommending greater technical collaboration between the legislative and executive organs of the government and a succinct strategy for building the capacity of Audit Office to follow and track finances and performance....

Improving the Lives of Women in Prisons in East Sudan

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with its local partner Zenab for Women in Development recently launched a project for improving the lives of female inmates in Gedarif, Kassala, and Red Sea states in East Sudan. The project is funded by the Embassy of Finland in Cairo and has a...

Darfur on the Move: Going Home

Having fled from conflict and instability, Eida Adam Abbaker finally returned home to Angime in West Darfur in 2012. Eida has since become one of the key community members working in Angime’s vegetable garden. In the past, her income stemmed mainly from firewood collection and charcoal production, work which was not...

Local development gives Kassala a new lease of life

Khartoum, June 2014 - 40 year old Ibtisam Abaker only had primary school education before she got married. Now, she is divorced with five children, the oldest 12, and the youngest, 6. Ibtisam lives in Banat, west of Kassala. She sells mainly kisra, a popular Sudanese bread made from sorghum. She usually wakes up at...

DARFUR ON THE MOVE - Growing Peace Today

Fatima is a local hibiscus producer in West Darfur. She runs her farm together with her eldest son and up until last year she had been growing hibiscus the way she had always done it. This was until she met Abubaker. Abubaker had been nominated by his village elders to participate in a UNDP youth volunteer...

Community Services and Access to Markets in Blue Nile State

More than 5,300 community members in Damazine and Roseries localities in the Blue Nile state are benefitting from an entire package of basic social services and livelihoods opportunities provided in partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Embassy of Japan. The aim is to address...

DARFUR ON THE MOVE - Mediation, not escalation

“We are getting back to square one (2003) in Darfur” says Saaed Adam Sharfeddin.  Due to an upsurge in fighting between the Government’s Rapid Support Force and rebel groups in South Darfur, a total of 19,582 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have recently moved into Kalma camp in Nyala, South Darfur. Most...

Windows of Opportunity: UNDP Help Empower Women and Reduce Poverty in Rural Areas

Making ends meet is what Fatima and other women in Sharg Al-Nil area struggle to achieve each day. With rapid increases in living expenses and diminishing work opportunities, securing a decent living to families becomes more of a challenge every day. In a country where poverty is affecting almost half of the...

Conflict Reduced in Blue Nile State: Livestock corridors demarcated and farmers compensated

In the Blue Nile State, a demarcation and compensation process led to the re-opening of 109 kms of livestock corridor late last year. As a result, the reported police cases of conflict between farmers and pastoralists have declined sharply. According to the Blue Nile Peace Council, in previous harvest seasons,...

Training for a Better Future in Blue Nile State

Last November, twenty three year old Alhindi Abdalla arrived at the Khartoum Vocational Training Centre along with 41 youth from Elhay Elgnoubi, Rosairis locality in Blue Nile State to start their two month vocational training in auto-mechanics and auto-electrics. The training aimed at  addressing  the high levels of...

Art for Fighting Corruption: Drawings for Development

Every year, the people of the world mark 9 December as the International Anti-Corruption Day, which serves as a global call for action against corruption. The theme for the 2013 International Anti-Corruption Day campaign is ‘Zero Corruption, 100% Development’. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sudan...

DCPSF Supported Health facilities Bring Hope for Conflict Affected Communities in Darfur

Every day, brought in a new challenge for the Internally displaced persons of  Kerinding II camp in West Darfur.  With no health facility present nearby, around 3000 individuals have suffered immensely to gain access to health treatment for their families.  In previous years, the lives of pregnant women and young...

Success Calling in Kilo 26 Camp

Twenty years ago, Mubarek’s parents found refuge in Eastern Sudan and settled in Kilo 26 camp, Kassala State, fleeing the harsh Eritrean civil war in the mid-80s. Approximately 74,000 protracted refugees live in camps in the East, 58% of whom were born in Sudan. When Mubarek, 23, and his brother reached...

The Challenge within the Challenged Conflict Settings

The daily security advisories, sounds of radio checks, news of aid workers or peace keepers under attack is something you hear quiet often in the conflict ridden Darfur. The life inside for an aid worker itself is a challenge in the conflict which is intensive care towards peace and stability. The years 2012-13...

Hides and Skins Production Taken to New Heights in Darfur

Darfur’s poorest hides and skins producers are getting an opportunity to benefit from the growing demand of finished leather products, and unfinished skins with a new UNDP project designed to improve production techniques and economic returns of leather production. Globally, trade in hides and skins, and...

Celebrating Peace: Sports and Music for Peace

In the Blue Nile State, a place that has long been known by wars and tensions, more than 7,500 men, women, youth and children gathered peacefully and joyfully in a full day of events marking celebration of the Universal Peace Day on September 21, 2013. The gathering that took place in Damazine, capital of the Blue...

Delivering Security, Securing Deliveries
Delivering Security. Securing Deliveries: UNDP works for women in Darfur

On a balmy Wednesday afternoon in the “North Darfur Midwifery Training Centre” in El Fasher, thirty young women listen attentively to Reproductive Health Tutor Hawa Osman Ushak, as she discusses the necessity of sanitation when delivering a baby.

Khartoum Social Good Summit Meet up

Not less than hundred persons representing civil society organizations, social media activists, university students, government officials and the private sector in Sudan came together on Tuesday 24th September to participate in this year’s Social Good Summit.

Businesses bloom in Sudan

Picking flowers is not generally considered hazardous, but Alhadi Ibrahim Muhammed is using a gargara for his protection as he plucks blooms from a hibiscus plant. The small, metal tool allows him to avoid painful skin reactions as he picks the colourful crop. Muhammed, a 45-year-old farmer in Waada, northern Darfur,...

A Fresh Crop: Exciting Environmental Initiatives Take Hold in Northern Sudan

In the highly arid ecosystems in the northern part of the country lies River Nile state. Under the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) framework in the state, six villages that lay alongside the western bank of the River Atbara have been targeted by UNDP for increasing the resilience of the local communities to the effects of climate change in Sudan.

 Darfur, Sudan
Ending Impunity- UNDP's Legal Aid Programme in Darfur

Women and girls continue to suffer from widespread insecurity in the conflict-ridden region of Darfur. For 13-year old Aisha, her childhood ended when she was brutally raped by an adult man while on the way to the market of the small town of Garssila, in former West Darfur, now Central Darfur.

Climate Change: If You Can't Beat it, Adapt to it

In Bara, a locality in North Kordofan that encompasses 90 tiny villages, the greenery can be deceptive. The flat desert sprawls for miles around, dotted with tiny villages where the only colors to be seen are the bright clothes of women coming back from their weekly trip to the central market of Bara town. A...