- published: 06 Feb 2017
- views: 555024
Coordinates: 62°N 15°E / 62°N 15°E / 62; 15
Sweden (i/ˈswiːdən/ SWEE-dən; Swedish: Sverige [ˈsvæːrjə]
listen ), officially the Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish:
Konungariket Sverige ), is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe. It borders Norway to the west and Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund. At 450,295 square kilometres (173,860 sq mi), Sweden is the third-largest country in the European Union by area, with a total population of over 9.8 million. Sweden consequently has a low population density of 21 inhabitants per square kilometre (54/sq mi), with the highest concentration in the southern half of the country. Approximately 85% of the population lives in urban areas. Southern Sweden is predominantly agricultural, while the north is heavily forested. Sweden is part of the geographical area of Fennoscandia.
Germanic peoples have inhabited Sweden since prehistoric times, emerging into history as the Geats/Götar and Swedes/Svear and constituting the sea peoples known as the Norsemen. Sweden emerged as an independent and unified country during the Middle Ages. In the 17th century, it expanded its territories to form the Swedish Empire, which became one of the great powers of Europe until the early 18th century. Swedish territories outside the Scandinavian Peninsula were gradually lost during the 18th and 19th centuries, beginning with the annexation of present-day Finland by Russia in 1809. The last war in which Sweden was directly involved was in 1814, when Norway was militarily forced into personal union.
86 IMPRESIONANTES datos de Suecia
Suecia, Lo bueno y lo malo.
Resto del Mundo - SUECIA (Capitulo completo) 16/03/2015
Mudarse a Suecia, vivir y trabajar. (Mi experiencia)
Cosas que debes saber antes de viajar a Suecia | Michelle Dessant
Empresário é baleado ao abrir mercado no Jardim Suécia I
Peruanos en el Mundo - PXM: SUECIA
Madrileños por el Mundo: Sur de Suecia
24 Curiosidades sobre Suecia [This Universe]
AxEuropa - Estocolmo (Suecia) - 02 de octubre de 2014 - Temporada 2 - #AxEstocolmo
Cómo es la pobreza en Suecia
Cauê Moura e o mito do socialismo na Suécia
La realidad de lo que pasa en Suecia. Lo que los demás medios no cuentan.
Conoce más sobre Suecia: historia, cultura, etnias y demás detalles por medio de este entretenido vídeo. En portada: Liza Lindggren, modelo Sueca. --------------------------------------------------------- Dale like a mi Facebook: @djslash20 Vídeo anterior: https://youtu.be/aY9kA_56SnI
Gracias por ver el video , por comentar , puntuar y por suscribiros!!! Mi Instagram: @damian_vlogs www.instagram.com/damian_vlogs Mi facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DamVlog Cuanto cuesta vivir en Suecia (Estocolmo): https://youtu.be/S9tF9VNo_uo Transporte Estocolmo: http://sl.se/en/ Apoya DamianVlogs: https://www.paypal.me/DamianVlogs Gracias por la ayuda! Las donaciones se invertirán en la creación de una página web, en mejorar la calidad de los vídeos y en mejorar el canal Damianvlogs. -Music from Youtube Audio Library
Resto del Mundo es un programa que podes verlo a las 00:15 por El Trece todos los domingos, y la idea es compartirlo para aquellos que no lo pudieron ver. Los videos se suben generalmente un par de días después de que salió dicho programa por lo que lo vas a tener que ver desde El Trece si querés verlo antes.
COMO ALUGAR UM IMÓVEL NA SUÉCIA(+ CUIDADO COM GOLPES!): https://youtu.be/W_LpRNuxRp8 - Morar na Suécia tem seus pontos negativos também, e neste vídeo eu conto alguns deles (alguns são problemas sérios e outros nem tanto assim). • GRUPO DO CANAL NO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/canalaquinoexterior/ • PÁGINA NO FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/aquinoexterior • INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/aquinoexterior • TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/aquinoexterior #Suécia #Suecia #Escandinávia #Escandinavia
✈✈✈ Video en el canal de Michelle: https://youtu.be/sKRYofFaRuo ✈✈✈ En este supercapítulo... Michelle Dessant nos explica lo PEOR y lo MEJOR de VIVIR EN SUECIA. ¿Para qué? Para que de esta forma entendáis mejor como es esa cultura tan desconocida para la mayoría de nosotros. Ya que aunque no lo conozcamos mucho, Suecia es un país maravilloso. Hablaremos sobre temas como... los impuestos en Suecia, el frío de suecia, cuándo visitar Suecia... y otras muchas cosas que os pueden interesar. ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª Makeaventuras es un canal para gente con espíritu aventurero en el que te doy consejos basados en mi experiencia para que salgas de tu zona de confort y puedas vivir de una forma más feliz y llena. SUSCRÍBETE para vivir nuestra aventura: ...
Gracias por ver el video , por comentar , puntuar y por suscribiros! -Mi video sobre Como aprender Sueco: http://youtu.be/8VY4pfpTOaw?list=UUiRBfjfueWJ_A6JHP8IZwqg Links interesantes: http://www.swedenabroad.com/es-ES/Embassies/Madrid/Trabajar--vivir-en-Suecia/Trabajar-estudiar-y-vivir-en-Suecia/ http://mynordicside.blogspot.se/2013/11/personnummer-el-ser-o-no-ser-en-suecia.html https://sweden.se/other-languages/spanish/ Exportar paro: http://www.citapreviainem.es/exportar-el-paro/ -Arbetsförmedligen(Oficina de Empleo Sueca) http://www.arbetsformedlingen.se/Globalmeny/Other-languages/Languages/Espanol-spanska.html -Migrationsverket (la Oficina de Inmigración) http://www.migrationsverket.se/Other-languages/Espanol.html -skatteverket(la Hacienda sueca) http://www.skatteverke...
Si planeas viajar a Suecia, te recomiendo ver éste vídeo sobre algunas de las cosas importantes que debes saber antes de viajar a Estocolmo. MÁS VIDEOS: * CONOCER ESTOCOLMO GASTANDO MENOS : https://youtu.be/arjWllryzZk * VIVIR EN SUECIA Y APRENDER SUECO: https://youtu.be/ppUjfuH1PZI * VIVIR Y TRABAJAR EN SUECIA: https://youtu.be/7z9VYNpCo40 * CÓMO REGISTRARSE EN SUECIA: https://youtu.be/JqZB9oyymGQ * TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO DE ESTOCOLMO: https://youtu.be/PlLyWXGUg6M INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE: * Página para adquirir los tickets de Arlanda Express: https://www.arlandaexpress.com/ * Precios de Arlanda Express: https://www.arlandaexpress.com/fares.aspx * Información y precios de Flygbussarna (puedes ver las diferentes rutas y el precio de c/u): http://www.flygbussarna.se/es ¡Suscríbete y compa...
Esta semana en ‘Peruanos en el Mundo” una estudiante de cocina nos muestra Estocolmo, la nostalgia de un inmigrante, además un empresario nos confiesa su pasión por la música y el Flash Mob de marinera en el centro de la ciudad…Todo esto y mucho más en PXM desde Suecia!
Venha saber mais sobre o custo de vida na Europa, mais especificamente sobre alimentação na Suécia. Como é um supermercado barato por aqui? Será que os preços são iguais no Brasil? - Me siga no instagram: @aquinoexterior | http://www.instagram.com/aquinoexterior Assista mais: PASSEIO E COMPRAS NA SUÉCIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQzO4FzqiAI 10 DICAS PARA QUEM QUER IR PARA O EXTERIOR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZn7QiE764U UNIVERSIDADE NA SUÉCIA É DE GRAÇA? EXISTE BOLSA?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy2tcDgVMw4 COMO É O McDONALD'S AQUI NA SUÉCIA?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSlTBAjO-9Y #Suécia #Suecia #Escandinávia #Escandinavia #MorarnoExterior #VidanoExterior
Descubra o que você pode comprar com o equivalente a "R$150" em um supermercado na Suécia! • GRUPO DO CANAL NO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/canalaquinoexterior/ • PÁGINA NO FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/aquinoexterior • INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/aquinoexterior • TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/aquinoexterior Clique aqui para saber quanto recebem os profissionais de diversas áreas na Suécia (site em sueco, mas é só usar o Google Translator caso você não fale o idioma): http://www.lonestatistik.se/
Todos los destinos en: http://www.telemadrid.es/mxm Hacemos las maletas para irnos a 2.084 km de Madrid, hasta el sur de Suecia. La región de Escania es la más agrícola y templada del país. Suecia está considerado uno de los países con mayores impuestos del mundo, pero también con los mejores beneficios sociales. Un país en el que la baja por maternidad es de 480 días, de los que 60 están reservados al padre. Un país pequeño en el que hay 9,5 millones de personas y que es el quinto con más premios Nobel. Algunos objetos cotidianos del día a día como el cinturón de seguridad o el Tetra Brik se lo debemos a los suecos.
No olvides suscribirte y dejar tu like Eso me ayudaría mucho :D Quieres hacer alguna donación al canal para mejorar mi contenido? Aquí puedes hacerlo https://www.patreon.com/thisuniverseyt o Paypal this-universeyt@outlook.com Contacto this-universeyt@outlook.com Redes Sociales Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thisuniverseyt Twitter https://twitter.com/thisuniverseyt Segundo canal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7ygPm-IJogsHOyT6YmuPQ
MONETIZACION DENEGADA POR YOUTUBE. Tú eres el espectador. Tú juzgas. ¿Hay algo en el vídeo que justifique el no ser monetizado o es ésta una manera que usa Google para desanimar a creadores que presentan un contenido de actualidad a que se marchen de aquí? DISTRIBUYE ESTE VIDEO PARA HACERLE SABER A GOOGLE QUE NO, NO QUEREMOS UN YOUTUBE SÓLO DE SALSEO Y TOPS, NI UNA SOCIEDAD DE IMBÉCILES ¡Guaú! Las violaciones en Suecia son las que son, no menos pero tampoco más. Este vídeo te muestra la cifra real y te explica cómo esa cifra es confeccionada por las autoridades suecas. Otro tema es el propósito de TRUMPetear estas violaciones con bombo y platillo. Fuentes: http://www.snopes.com/crime-sweden-rape-capital-europe/ http://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20170225/42306640678/suecia-datos-a...
A situação econômica na Suécia é clara: o país enriqueceu com liberdade econômica e o capitalismo malvadão, e seu welfare state é de maneira geral redistributivo, não planeja a economia, deixando o mercado livre para produzir. O problema é que a parasitagem foi excessiva e agora o governo está em gravíssimos problemas. Ou seja: foi capitalista e deu certo, virou mais socialista e deu errado. É incrível que isso ainda seja debatido. Portanto quem defende o "socialismo escandinavo" não é um socialista, um bolivariano ou um mortadela, apenas um ignorante econômico no mais puro sentido, como a enorme maioria dos libertários também já foi. O mito do socialismo escandinavo (Molyneaux) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNtyV0CXfzU Os perigos do welfare state (Molyneaux) https://www.youtube.com...
Quer morar na Europa, mais especificamente aqui na Suécia? Então este vídeo é para você! 😃 • GRUPO DO CANAL NO FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/canalaquinoexterior/ • PÁGINA NO FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/aquinoexterior • INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/aquinoexterior • TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/aquinoexterior Links relacionados ao vídeo: - Números de telefone importantes, em sueco: https://www.sosalarm.se/113-13/Sveriges-viktigaste-nummer/ - Veja onde fica a estacao de reciclagem mais próxima da sua casa, em sueco: http://www.ftiab.se/173.html - Lâmpada especial que pode ser usada no inverno: https://www.google.se/?gws_rd=ssl#q=ljusterapilampa - Cortinas especiais: https://www.google.se/?gws_rd=ssl#q=blackout%20gardiner Livros citados no vídeo*: http://www.bok...
http://bookinghunter.com Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and the largest city of Fennoscandia. Stockholm is located on Sweden's south-central east coast, where the freshwater Lake Mälaren - Sweden's third largest lake - flows out into the Baltic Sea. The central parts of the city consist of fourteen islands that are continuous with the Stockholm archipelago. The geographical city centre is situated on the water, in Riddarfjärden bay. Over 30% of the city area is made up of waterways and another 30% is made up of parks and green spaces. The most important places to visit in Stockholm: Vasa Museum (this is Sweden's National Maritime Museum. On display is the famous Vasa ship, the only preserved 17th century ship of its kind), Stockholm Royal Palace (the official residence of the Swedish...
Unusually clean, fresh air, dense, dark green pine forests, sparkling lakes among seemingly endless forests, bright blue sky, wide rivers, green grass in contrast with red-painted houses with white doors and window-frames… That’s Sweden. Vast free landscapes where mass of flowers bloom in May and trees glitter in unrealistic colors in September. Among the plains, the lakes and the hills ancient cities are located: the red-bricked Malmö, the port Gothenburg, the medieval Ystad, Helsingör and Helsingborg, and the university town Uppsala which is always full of life. Stockholm, built between Lake Malaren and Baltic Sea, rivals any European capital city. Near to it, there are castles which enchant the travellers, for instance Skokloster Castle or Gripsholm Castle. -------------- Watch more tr...
In this video I explore Stockholm, Sweden and show how much things cost. To watch the video tour of the Vasa Museum CLICK HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyG7qz2GeLs PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. Just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Or feel like reading something else that's fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" features 26 exciting travel stories from around the world. Also available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/ Support Gabriel's videos on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/gabrieltraveler Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabri...
Sweden Travel Guide and Tips: Here are 10 Best Places to Visit in Sweden and Tourist Attractions in Sweden. Copyright: Video created by BynnDu Website: http://bynndu.blogspot.com/ Thank For Creative Commons of Authors: Music: "Old Friend" Silent Partner Licensed under Creative Commons: YouTube Audio Library Creative Commons Photos: 10. Ystad Allie_Caulfield: www.flickr.com/photos/wm_archiv/4731913395 Armando Calderón: www.flickr.com/photos/armandocalderon/17009780666 9. Kosterhavet National Park Bengt Nyman: www.flickr.com/photos/97469566@N00/7768311874 Petr Vodicka: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kosterhavet-Ursholmen_01.jpg 8. Marstrand Kristoffer Larsson: www.flickr.com/photos/kristofferlarsson/15688980897 Isen Majennt: www.flickr.com/photos/isenmajennt/29753287330 7. Malmo Maria ...
These little films are designed to whet the appetite of the undecided traveler and of all who long to escape their daily routine for a weekend in an exciting city. These “appetizers” take viewers to the main sightseeing destinations as well as to little-known attractions. Among the cities visited are Amsterdam, Antwerp, Dublin, Milan, Turin and Vienna, and there’s even an excursion to the popular island of Majorca. “Weekend” is the ideal pocket guide for everyone who itches to travel!
Please, s u b c r i b e for more: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sharing__adventures/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2EPpuFzTYF6n1nr0LiiQ8Q Our Way North - lead us through Sweden and Norway where we experienced beautiful landscapes like calm lakes, ancient woodlands, amazing fjords, dramatic mountains, stunning glaciers, white beaches and turquoise water. After 8800km and 7 weeks of road tripping we made this video to share our great adventure with you. Enjoy and follow our adventure. #sharingadventures #studyandtravel
/ / THOUGHTS (attractions and time durations posted below for each excursion) I visited Gothenburg for a conference where I presented a poster on behalf of my college. But, there is always time for a little sightseeing when you're travelling with a purpose. Want more tips on Gothenburg? Comment and let me know. Have some tips on Gothenburg? Comment and let everyone know. / / WHAT TO DO IN GOTHENBURG 1) Garden Society of Gothenburg (Trädgårdsföreningen) / 2 Hours 2) Gothenburg Museum of Art / 3 Hours 3) Padaan Sightseeing Boat Tour / 50 Minutes 4) Liseberg Amusement Park / Half Day (Evening) - Full Day 5) Skansen Kronan / 1 - 3 hours 6) The Island Ferry leaving from Saltholmen / 3 hours 6A) Pit Stop at Branno / + 3 hours 7) Seafood Feast at the Fish Church or at an Upscale Restaur...
Amazing trip backpacking across Scandinavia over the Easter break travelling through Denmark (Copenhagen) visiting the Little Mermaid and the beautiful Nyhavn area, Sweden (Stockholm) wandering the streets of Gamla Stan & Norway travelling between Oslo and Bergen on the Bergen Railway one of the world’s most scenic train rides. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peterruck27/
Sweden is much more than meatballs, maypoles, IKEA, Vikings and of course, ABBA! In this film we learn about interesting destinations in Sweden which is worth visiting, where the camera crew shoot remarkable places for travellers and where the history of Sweden is being told. We start in Malmö and then travel to the port of Gothenburg, the medieval Ystad, Helsingör and Helsingborg, and north to the university town of Uppsala which is always full of life. We discover Stockholm, built between Lake Malaren and Baltic Sea, rivals any European capital city. Near to it, there are castles which enchant the travellers, for instance Skokloster Castle and Gripsholm Castle. Production: Shepherd Entertainment Inc. Producer: Eugene Shepherd Camera - Director: Eugene Shepherd Text - Camera: Leslie ...
Travel Sweden | 10 Best Places to Visit in Sweden Sweden is famous around the world for lots of things: Saab and Volvo automobiles, the music group ABBA, pickled herring and the DIY megastore IKEA. It is equally as famous for its stunning scenery, picturesque fishing villages, being the land of reindeer and endless summer sun. Sweden is filled with colorful wooden buildings, traditional huts, stone fortresses and cathedrals, and some pretty innovative contemporary architecture. Whether it’s hiking trails or art museums you’re looking for, Sweden has it. An overview of the best places to visit in Sweden: 10. Kosterhavet National Park 9. Marstrand 8. Malmo 7. Ystad 6. Stockholm archipelago 5. Uppsala 4. Swedish Lapland 3. Gothenburg 2. Gotland 1. Stockholm
What Travelers & Tourists Should Know About Visiting Sweden Before They Go. Looking at the Swedish language, the restaurant culture, how the Swedes treat tourists & more. What you should know before you visit Sweden. Filmed in The Skansen Open Air Museum, Stockholm, Sweden Copyright Mark Wolters 2015 10 Things That Will Shock You About Sweden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhuKS92qCBA 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Sweden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdsr5xoxF7I 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Scandinavia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W58csIcCKQ 5 Things You Will Love & Hate about Stockholm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Woia6xq7dWI Top 10 Sights in Stockholm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZAJMzunggg Denmark vs America: What You Should Know Before You Visit Denma...
We join up with our friend & fellow photographer Bret and cruise out to Stockholm to start an epic two week trip through Europe. We hopped on an insanely cheap Norwegian Airline flight direct out of Los Angeles and fell in love with Stockholm right away. Currently working on putting together a blog, so I'll be able to upload more behind the scenes content for you guys on how I shoot/edit & how to travel affordably! ------ Shot & Edited by Mike Dewey - Social - Mike's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mike_dewey Mike's Snapchat: mike_dewey Jay's Instagram: http://instagram.com/jaymantri Jay’s Snapchat: amantri - Gear - Sony A7s (http://amzn.to/1KzxoEG) Sony FE 16-35 F4 (http://amzn.to/1KUHykL) Sony FE 28mm F2 (http://amzn.to/1KzxE6P) Sony RX100m3 (http://amzn.to/1KUHzFa) GoPro He...
Top Places to Visit in Sweden http://voyagerezine.com Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and the biggest city of Fennoscandia. Stockholm is situated on Sweden's south-central east coastline, where the freshwater Lake Mälaren - Sweden's 3rd biggest lake - flows out into the Baltic Sea. The main par
These little films are designed to whet the appetite of the undecided traveler and of all who long to escape their daily routine for a weekend in an exciting city. These “appetizers” take viewers to the main sightseeing destinations as well as to little-known attractions. Among the cities visited are Amsterdam, Antwerp, Dublin, Milan, Turin and Vienna, and there’s even an excursion to the popular island of Majorca. “Weekend” is the ideal pocket guide for everyone who itches to travel!
GREAT DESTINATION - the ultimate travel guide for the passionate and curious travelers! World is a beautiful and magical place. You must see it! With our video guide on TRAVEL & FUN you will be able to visit amazing, distant places, cities and monuments. You will have a chance to rest by the seaside or in the mountains. Join us on this exceptional trip. Make sure to subscribe our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkK-fNOdO-0t9gUATMaRWWg?sub_confirmation=1 And watch more of the Great Destination travel series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFLveqS5wXAmv1Kl5FRAVWDl1ElyV-PRd
The major attractions things to do in Sweden. There are so many places to visit and things to do, but we try to narrow them down to the Top 15. Here are the Top 15 Things To Do: 15. Oresund Bridge, Malmo (Sweden to Denmark). 14. Liseberg Theme Park, Gothenburg. 13. The Göta Canal (Sweden's greatest feat of engineering). 12. Sigtuna (Sweden's first ever town). 11. Djurgården park. 10. The Vasa Museum (Sweden's most popular museum). 9. Drottningholm Palace. 8. Visby/Gotland. 7. Skåne. 6. Kosterhavet (Sweden’s first Marine National Park). 5. ICEHOTEL. 4. Malmö. 3. Gothenburg (Sweden’s biggest botanical garden). 2. The Stockholm Archipelago. 1. Abisko National Park, Lapland. Subscribe to Fasten Seat Belts
4K SWEDEN, STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE VIDEO, Best Places To Go, Top Attractions, Best Things To Do Welcome my world travel guide channel. If you like my video, please subscribe my channel and share my videos. I would be really happy. And you can also follow me on other social media platforms: https:// www.facebook.com/dunyabirmasaldir https:// www.instagram.com/ozgur_cagdas/ https:// www.youtube.com/user/OzgurCagdas https:// www.twitter.com/Ozgur_Cagdas https:// www.plus.google.com/+OzgurCagdas and my blog: https:// www.dunyabirmasaldir.com (The World is a Fairy Tale) In my travel channel, I share my own trip videos from my journeys. Until now, I traveled around 40 countries and I produced 10.000 stock footage. I am professional traveler and videographer, working many microstock footage co...
Travel video about destination Stockholm in Sweden. Stockholm is a city that floats on water, the 'Venice of the North' was built on 14 islands. Gamla Stan, or 'Old Town', is the name of the city's three central islands that are linked by numerous bridges. Its ambience is that of the Middle Ages and small and mysterious alleys and beautiful buildings that date back to the 7th century characterize the life of the traders who once lived there. The old town's most dominant building is the royal castle of Kungliga Slottet. Larger than London's Buckingham Palace, it contains 608 rooms. The Stadshuset is one of the city's landmarks and was designed in Medieval style eith a tower that is almost 106 metres tall. The most important artists of the time were engaged in the creation of the Blue Hal...
Tour of a supermarket (grocery store) in Stockholm, Sweden and how much things cost. PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info. Just $10 on Amazon! For more info, CLICK HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/ Or feel like reading something else that's fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" features 26 exciting travel stories from around the world. Also available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/ Support Gabriel's videos on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/gabrieltraveler Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrieltraveler Join Gabriel's Facebook travel group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/224985...
Mets-toi tout nu, si t'es un homme.
Histoire de voir où nous en sommes.
Qu'on me donne un primate.
Sans cravate.
Un Zorro.
Sans rien sur le dos...
t'es bien plus beau comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Je t'aime comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Sans artifice.
Où est le vice...
enlève la tenue.
Si t'es un homme.
Qui peut le plus.
Peut le minimum.
Et comme ça.
Tu restes la faiblesse.
De mon for intérieur.
Et moi, maîtresse.
En ta demeure...
t'es bien plus mâle comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Je t'aime comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Sans dessus, ni dessous.
Et puis c'est tout.
Et c'est comme ça...
gageons que tes états sauvages.
Feront moins de ravages.
Que tes plumes de paon.
Quand toi Tarzan.
Moi j'aime.
Quand tu tiens d'Adam.
Moi je tiens à toi.
t'es bien plus beau comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi...
Je t'aime comme ça.
Un point c'est tout.
Un point c'est toi.
Sans rien du tout.
Sans rien que toi.