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Smashing Conf Barcelona

You know, we use ad-blockers as well. We gotta keep those servers running though. Did you know that we publish useful books and run friendly conferences — crafted for pros like yourself? E.g. our upcoming SmashingConf Barcelona, dedicated to smart front-end techniques and design patterns.

Monthly Web Development Update 09/2017: Functional CSS, Android 8 And iOS 11

Editor’s Note: Welcome to this month’s web development update. It’s actually the first one that we publish, and from now on, Anselm will summarize the most important things that happened over the past month in one handy list for you. So that you’re always up-to-date of what’s going on in the web community. Enjoy!

Monthly Web Development Update September 2017

Today, I’d like to begin this update with a question I’m asking myself quite often, and that was fueled by the things I read lately: Where do we see our responsibility, where do we see other people’s responsibilities? And how do companies fit in here?


We’re Touring Through Southeast Asia: Join The Mozilla Developer Roadshow!

We love exploring opportunities. While many of us are quite familiar with publications and events surrounding us, we often lack the global perspective on what's happening in the web industry across the world. For example, do you know what the state of web design in Singapore is? What about front-end events in Kuala Lumpur? What about the acceptance of UX-driven processes in Hong Kong? That's exactly what we want to find out!

We're Touring Through Southeast Asia: Join The Mozilla Developer Roadshow!

For that reason, we're happy to have teamed up with our friends at Mozilla for the Developer Roadshow Asia, so we can connect and learn from designers and developers in southeastern Asia. Together, we're planning on organizing a series of informal, free meetup-style events for people who build for the web. On September 19th to 25th, folks from around the globe will be getting together in Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Hong Kong. Do join us, won't you?


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Why I Switched To Sketch For UI Design (And Never Looked Back)

User interface design has changed dramatically in the last few years, as traditional computers have ceded dominance to smaller screens, including tablets, mobile phones, smartwatches and more.

My Ideal Sketch Setup For UI Design

As the craft has evolved, so has its toolset; and from one app to rule them all — looking at you, Photoshop! — we have gotten to a point where it seems like a new contender among UI design tools crops up every month. And I have to admit that many of the new UI design tools look pretty good and promising.


Launching Your Design Career: Which Type Of Education Is Best For You?

If you’re stuck in a job you hate and have dreams of becoming a designer and working in a creative role that fills you with excitement daily, the road to entering this completely new industry can feel daunting.

Launching Your Design Career: Which Type Of Education Is Best For You?

Making a major career shift late in life to follow your passion is scary. Not only is it sometimes difficult to know where to start to learn about an expansive field like design, but it can also feel risky, especially if you’re working a secure job.


UX At Scale 2017: Free Webinars To Get Scaling Design Right

Design doesn’t scale as cleanly as engineering. It’s not enough that each element and page is consistent with each other — the much bigger challenge lies in keeping the sum of the parts intact, too. And accomplishing that with a lot of designers involved in the same project.

UX At Scale 2017: Free Webinars To Get Scaling Design Right

If you’re working in a growing startup or a large corporation, you probably know the issues that come with this: The big-picture falls from view easily as everyone is focusing on the details they are responsible for, and conceptions about the vision of the design might be interpreted differently, too. What we need is a set of best practices to remove this friction and make the process smoother. A strategy to scale design without hurting it.


Meet XRespond Testing Tool: Let’s Make Building Responsive Websites Simpler

The way people consume information is constantly evolving. As web designers and developers, we keep up with all of the different screen shapes and sizes, learning to create beautiful, flexible software. Yet most of the available tools still don’t reflect the nature and diversity of the platform we’re building for: the browser.

Let’s Make Building Responsive Websites Simpler

When I was making my first responsive website in 2012, I quickly realized how inefficient and time-consuming the constant browser window resizing was. I had just moved from Estonia to Australia, and with a newborn, time was very much a precious resource.


The CSS Grid Challenge: Build A Template, Win Some Smashing Prizes!

Layout on the web has always been tricky, but with CSS Grid being now supported in all major browsers, most of the hacks that helped to achieve complex layouts have become obsolete. Firefox even has a CSS Grid Inspector built in, so that there’s nothing to hold you back from making even the most challenging flexible layout reality.

The CSS Grid Challenge: Build A Template, Win A Prize!

To explore the possibilities and features of CSS Grid together, we’d love to invite you to a little contest. Because there’s nothing better to completely grasp a new technology as getting your hands dirty and playing with it, right?


Dwelling On The Past: The Importance Of Project Retrospectives (Part 1)

We should always look for opportunities to grow and improve. Retrospectives and reflections allow you to codify what you’ve learned from experience, to document mistakes and avoid future ones, and to increase your potential to grow in the future.

Dwelling On The Past: The Importance Of Project Retrospectives (Part 1)

Agile methodologies typically include time for retrospectives throughout a project. Regardless of your methodology, all teams would benefit from having a retrospective at the conclusion of a project.


A Guide To Virtual Reality For Web Developers

Recently, there has been a proliferation of virtual reality (VR) web browsers and VR capabilities added to traditional browsers. In this article, we’ll look at the state of browsers in VR and the state of VR on the web via the WebVR APIs.

A Guide To Virtual Reality For Web Developers

The web community has experimented with VR before, with VRML, but now WebVR takes a new approach to VR, one more suited to the modern web. We've accelerated 3D on the web since 2011 with the release of WebGL. Now the web can handle VR thanks to new web APIs that take advantage of VR hardware using WebGL.


Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn! Inspiring Wallpapers To Start September Off Right (2017 Edition)

As designers we usually turn to different sources of inspiration, and, well, sometimes the best inspiration lies right in front of us. With that in mind, we embarked on a special creativity mission nine years ago: to provide you with inspiring and unique desktop wallpapers every month. Wallpapers that are a bit more distinctive as the usual crowd and that are bound to fuel your ideas.

Desktop Wallpaper Calendars September 2017

We are very thankful to all artists and designers who have contributed and are still diligently contributing to this mission, who challenge their artistic abilities each month anew to keep the steady stream of wallpapers flowing. This post features their artwork for September 2017. All wallpapers come in two versions — with and without a calendar — and can be downloaded for free. Time to freshen up your desktop!


An Introduction To Gravit Designer: Designing A Weather App (Part 2)

Welcome back to the second part of this tutorial on Gravit Designer. In the first part we took a general look at Gravit and set everything up, created the background image in the weather app and the status bar, and then started to make the initial elements of the design’s content. Let's continue where we left off.

An Introduction To Gravit Designer: Designing A Weather App (Part 2)

Having created the main text layers of the content area in part one of this tutorial, let’s continue with the weather conditions for the different times of day.


Is Success Down To The Quality Of Your Work?

One of the biggest fallacies of our industry is that good work speaks for itself. It is a self-delusional lie that those with a good reputation tell themselves to explain their success.

Is Success Down To The Quality Of Your Work?

I will let you in on a secret; I am not that amazing at my job. Don’t get me wrong; I am good. But I am not a leading mind in our industry or anything. But, people often talk as if I am.


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