Keeping Your Clothes Safe and Clean

Every now and then, your clothes will require to be cleaned. Not only does it get rid of the dirt, it also helps them to regain their shine. The downside is, if not done the right way, it can cause your clothes to age faster and even worse getting damaged.

Keep clothes clean is more of an art and according to, here are some tips that you can use that can help you get clean clothes that are safe for you to wear and those that will last longer.

Dry on a leash or use a tumble dryer

If the weather allows and you have the space, the best way to dry clothes is by letting them dry outdoors on a clothes line. Using this method, you save on energy and the sun gives the clothes fresh scent without any side effects.

Alternatively, you can also use a clothes dryer. There are many options in the market. The best and the safest for your clothes is the tumble dryer. Drying using this kind of machine is ideal if you would like to wear the clothes on short notice, the weather outside is wet or, you don’t have the space to let the clothes dry outside. To help you save energy the best type of tumble dryer to use is the heat pump tumble dryer.

Choose the right settings

When using a tumble dryer, it is imperative that you use the right setting for the different types of clothes that you have. With appreciation to technology, most tumble dryers are capable of not only drying but have the capability to dry depending on the requirements of the fabric. This allows you to use even delicate fabrics like wool into the machine. Before inserting clothes into the dryer, it is important that you consider the preferences of each fabric. If possible, bundle the clothes together depending on the type of fabric that it has.

The degree of drying

Another important feature that tumble dryer have is the ability to select how dry you want your clothes to be. Ideally you would think that going for the highest setting is the best option. But, in most instances, you should opt for the ironing dry setting. This leaves some moisture in the fabric which makes ironing much easier and more time effective.

Have a good spin

There are two reasons why you should opt for a machine that has strong spin. The first is that it helps the clothes to dry faster and saves you a lot of energy. It is best to throw in the clothes when the dryer is at a high speed for even better results.

Fill the machine

When drying your clothes, it is best to have it done when there are plenty of clothes to be dried. The cost of drying just a handful of clothes makes it very expensive energy wise even with the most effective machines. When drying, try to fill the heat pump tumble dryer so you have many clothes drying at a go. This helps to keep the clothes safe and the drying process is also more efficient.

It is imperative to keep your clothes safe during the cleaning and drying process. If you would like to keep enjoying your favorite coat, learning how to do it safely is very important and these laundry room and drying tips should come in hand

Tips to Steampunk Your Home

Even though steampunk has become very popular in the recent past, the steampunk lifestyle has not be fully embraced. Most enthusiasts, while very able with their steampunk costumes, are not able to transfer the creativity to their homes and living space. This is the case because most people don’t know how to get around the design and even worse, getting good furniture, curtains and accessories that blend well with your home can be hard. But with the tips you’re about to get, you will not only be able to make an impression at steampunk events but also in your home.

Use muted natural colors

You have to understand the colors that work best to bring out the steampunk appeal. These include cream, black, dark red, dark green and brown. You can choose to have a theme of one dominant color or mix them up depending on what you want the room to look like. To add more depth to the combination you can also throw in some metallic colors which would work great. The aim is to have just enough blend and not too much that the room ends up looking and feeling confusing.


Feel free to use refurbished furniture

Usually, this is a cost cutting measure. But, in this case, the old furniture will actually throw in some special charm to the home. If you want to nail that steampunk interior, buying new furniture will only dent your goals and your pocket. Instead, invest in used furniture. If you have to buy new, make sure that you choose those that are from a particular Victorian age. They will be easier to work into the room and will require less work to have the steampunk appeal, texture and look.

Let the bricks be seen!

Save yourself the business of having to look for the best paint or even an interior designer. To give your home that industrial feeling and look, showcase the exposed brick walls. If your home is not lucky enough to be made from bricks a good wall paper with a similar design could help you achieve the perfect look. Run down bricks would look even better.

Use old maps as decorations

Whether you frame them or plaster them across the wall, old maps are a great addition to steampunking your home out. If you want to get a little creative, you can also use the old maps to decorate the lampshades. Don’t worry if the maps are too old. In fact, the older the better. If you can get enough old maps, they could even save you from having to buy wall papers. In this case, the older the maps the better.

Break out with a terrestrial globe

In case you don’t already have one, you will have to buy one. It is the ultimate centrepiece to any room. You should make sure that you it is old and used when buying it. Even though it might not look like it, this is going to be one of the most popular items in your home.

There are tens of other ways that you can use to give your home that steampunk effect. Some of these are as simple as exposing leather seats and furniture and other as complex as hanging gear clocks on the wall. Nevertheless, with each of the little steps you make, you get that much closer to making your home a steampunk paradise.

Ingenious Ways to Add Life to Your Old Furniture


If you were living upcountry and recently relocated to the city, you probably brought with you old furniture to your new and modern house. If you are honest enough, you will admit that you have, at some point, thought of throwing them away and getting new furniture altogether for a fresh start. After all, a new home deserves new furniture, right? Well, not quite. They say old is gold. And clearly, given the fact that you have dragged your furniture to your new home, they have some sentimental value. You love your furniture, but you just do not know how to make them work for your new home – this is your problem. Good thing, you are reading this. Below are some tips to get you to fall in love with your furniture all over again.

Go local

It’s the little things that matter. Tweak your old furniture slightly to give them a refreshed and urbanized look. For your old chest, you can lacquer it in a crimson hue, or if you want to achieve a more elegant and stunning look, you could add a marble top (preferably a streaked marble top)

If you are going for a classy vintage look, you could pace old Peranakan tiles on top of that dresser. It will look daring and edgy. The contrast will be perfect, and everyone who sees it will want to know what you were on when you designed it.

Compliment them with new friends

Match up your new flings with your old ones. You will be astonished at how well they go together. It's like they were designed for each other. Plus think about it, new and old looks, contemporary and vintage styles – they create a perfect signature look that never fails. So instead of being cliché, go for a unique style and design courtesy of your old furniture.

Don't forget to tie the two styles together seamlessly. Work with texture, shape, color or motif. Just let your creativity run wild – thank me later.

Throw in some flowers


Flowers will brighten up any room and accentuate any furniture they are placed on or beside. Try matching the different blooms to the cushioning in the living room or the main painting on your walls.

A bowl of Mangosteen placed on the dining table may seem too simple but the effect it will have is highly sophisticated. Many people will think you majored in interior design. When they ask where you learned all this, direct them here.

Know when to let go

It’s important that you to know when to let go. When things have outlived their purpose, there is no need to string them along. Be of good courage and let them go. If you need that contemporary and vintage mix in your home but have got no furniture to pull it off, you can visit a local store dealing in old furniture or wait for a yard sale and pick out what you need. With the internet, you are bound to land something sooner or later and at a great price. You could sell your old furniture in the process.

History and Benefits of The Master Cleanse

Guys I'm taking a break from regular furniture blogging and wanted to talk about something that I deeply care about, researched into and I'd like everyone to know about.


We spend billions of dollars each year on a variety of diets, supplements, and books on dieting. In this article we will look at a diet that has been around for many years, the master cleanse diet.


History of the diet


The master cleanse diet, or lemonade diet as it is sometimes known was invented by Stanley Burroughs over 50 years ago, and the original diet was based on lemonade, Cayenne Pepper and Maple Syrup with no food to be eaten during the course of this diet. Its main aim was to detoxify the body, and restore health after an illness. Stanley Burroughs also felt it was beneficial for overweight people. Originally he thought that it should be followed for between 10 and 40 days however times have changed, and  in the master cleanse reviews relating to today’s diet it is now felt that between 3 and 10 days is more a more sensible timescale.


Benefits of the diet


In the master cleanse reviews I have read it claims to detoxify your body, help you lose weight, increase your energy and focus, clear your skin, and lift depression and clear acne. Let us look at some of these claims in a little more detail


Detoxification – It is claimed that up to 20 lbs or more of putrid fecal plaque, mucus and phlegm can built up in your body. This diet helps remove that.


Lose weight – Due to the nature of this diet, which is a form of fasting, it is stated that you will lose weight. I personally think, and this is reflected in various master cleanse reviews, that if you are not eating for between 3 and 10 days you will most certainly lose weight. I guess the trick is not to put it back on again.


Increased energy and focus – If you are constantly fatigued or tire easily it is said that by following this diet it will recharge your cells and vital organs.


Getting rid of acne – It is claimed that due to the really powerful detoxifying effect that this diet has on the body that it will help clear up acne.


After reading a lot of master cleanse reviews I sum up the 3 pro’s and con’s of the diet below.




The master cleanse diet is likely to rid your body of toxins.


The preparation of the drink is very straightforward and easy to make.


There are numerous web pages and user groups devoted to this diet as well as many master cleanse reviews that are helpful in explaining everything you will need to know.




This diet is not felt suitable for anyone with health problems.


It is generally felt that as this is an extreme detoxification program following it for more than 10 days could be damaging to your long term health.


This diet may not help you lose weight in the long term.


As I have mentioned there are enough master cleanse reviews available for you to go into information overload, but I guess what that is saying is that there really is interest, and genuine users out there who swear by its success.


Interior Design Trends Taking Over London

Just as the fashion world is taking a turn for the better, Interior design in London seems to be close on the heels and does not appear to be letting up. In the recent decades, it has been so drastic that most people are finding it hard to keep track of the changes in the field. Luckily they are all for the better, and they are helping to diversify how homes are looking and other interior spaces. Gone are the days that all homes had only one interior design trend to adhere to. It felt more like visiting a hospital where all the rooms and floors are the same. Now, you can enjoy a broad range of options, and some are quite unusual. Here are some of those that are tearing up English homes currently.


Grays and blacks might be starting to succumb to pressure, but neon colors are getting an upsurge and are becoming a highly preferred color choice for a lot of homes. They are being used to bold up pure white walls with an excellent collection of colors depending on the palette of the property owners. They seem to be doing precisely well with the open plan architecture and help to a sense of depth and likeability to the interior. The best thing about this emerging trend is it’s versatile that it has to offer both regarding color and how diversely it can be used even in the upholstery and furniture. It is one that you should be considering.



Traditional tiles

Back in the 19th century, patterned and geometric tiles were a common factor in most of the top tier houses and more so the Victorian properties. They were replaced by carpets and wood floors as home owners looked more taste intensive options. They are making a resurgence and with the added knowledge they are proving to be quite the compliment to modern taste. They have been mainly used to liven kitchens up and add a hint of decorative detail to the traditional bathrooms or even boost the welcoming feel of hallways. The best thing about this trend is that it is among the few that does not require you to take down your entire house or buy a new one to incorporate them.




You might have heard that architects are moving towards metal for construction. As opposed to the past where concrete was the most visible part of a building, metal is quickly becoming more dominant as architects and interior designers are finding ways to make it more attractive. It has slowly but surely crept indoors and not only are you able to enjoy its longevity but also the utter beauty and rustic feel it offers. You do not have to go all metal; you can also experiment with metallic shades that will give you an authentic and profound feel as well.



Other trends that seem to be picking up in recent times include the bold blues where different and brighter hues of blue are being used. It has that oceanic feeling, and if you are the wallpaper person, the floral prints and foliage are also making a splash currently, and you should try them out. A lot of higher end homes in London tend to incorporate American minimalist furniture designs such as these. There is so much happening in the interior design niche, but these will put you in the forefront.  

House Cleaning Tips For A More Productive You

Speaking about outsourcing, another thing we're admant about is reducing time wasters in order to increase productivity. One of which happens to be home cleaning. Imagine if you never had to clean again?! How much more stuff can you get done with all that time.. think about it! Like it or not though (unless you're balling out of control lol) we all HAVE to clean. Here are some cleaning tips to help you get the most done as quickly as possible.

 We are all trying to find ways to make house cleaning much easier. It is a task that a great deal of us would rather not tend to but then again, we do not have much of a choice. You can only call the house cleaning company to come in so many times but there are those tasks that you have to handle on your own. While it is at times a bitter pill to swallow having to get down and dirty to get a clean house, there are some great house cleaning tips and tricks that you could use to make it faster, easier and more fun.

Use a timer

Everyone loves the thought of being able to beat time. It is a worthy challenge that you can incorporate into your cleaning as well. Start by deciding how long you want to spend cleaning. Then divide your time into chunks depending on the complexity and how hard each task is. If you have a timed deadline to beat, you will tend to work harder and faster. Additionally, knowing that you will only spend a couple of minutes getting a chore you hate done, you will be more inspired to get it done.



Have a system in place

One of the best tricks that you can use when house cleaning is to have a cleaning pattern. It makes it easier to clean and you never miss a spot.  It is always a great idea to start every room from the furthest end and work your way to the door. It saves from having to carry all the dirt around and risk of dropping it on the areas that are already clean. Once you wrap your mind around your home cleaning system, it is going to be easier to clean knowing where to head next.


Keep Cleaning Supplies Within Reach

One of the best ways to combat those boring cleaning days and reduce the time that you have to spend cleaning the house is by cleaning on site. To make this easier you should stash your house cleaning supplies in different parts of the house to make sure that they are easy to access. It will greatly reduce on the amount of house cleaning that you have to do once you get down to it.





Squeegee the shower and the door

The bathroom has to be the one place that people hate cleaning the most. The soap scum and pieces of hair can be quite a disgusting scene. However, by using a squeegee on your door and wall of the shower after use, you can save yourself the hustle of battling soap scam when it’s cleaning time. It is also a great idea to leave the door open to allow for better aeration. After all, it’s not any fun cleaning a place flocked with mildew.



Put your mind into it

Put the phone down. Even better, switch it off as well as any other appliance that might be a distraction. If you put your mind into it, you will be able to complete cleaning your house faster and do a better a job.

These house cleaning tips and tricks can make an otherwise boring cleaning exercise fun and more doable. Not only do these tricks make it easier for you to go about your cleaning but also ensure that you do not compromise on the results that you are able to enjoy.

Local SEO Express – Our Review

As you may already know, we're located in beautiful Bournemouth, England and being in Bournemouth, it was important for us to drive visitors to our blog and be seen on search engines. I've recently had the opportunity to speak with and hire Local SEO Express, a Bournemouth SEO company.

After I launched London Class War I initially wanted to stray away from politics and blog more about things that unite us like art and modern furniture & decor and share my passion with the world but I knew I needed a lot more search engine traffic

What I did was google "SEO Bournemouth". I wanted a local SEO company to help me work my way to the top of google for my niche. The problem was, there was quite a few and I was not sure which would work for me. My web designer referred me to Local SEO Express since he had dealt with them before and since I did not want to waste time second guessing myself, I gave them a call hoping for the best.

A soft spoken voice picked up the phone and considering this was my first time, I had no clue what I wanted so I expected her to run out of patience and disconnect the line at any time. Surprisingly, she did not. But that was just the beginning of my marvelous journey.

Noting her patience, I blasted her away with questions. Her name was Sarah by the way. Remembering her name is the least I can do after all the trouble I put her through. She calmly and cheerfully helped me understand what I was looking for in an SEO company and what would work best for my new blog and went ahead to let me know what they would do to help 

Of all the customer care reps I have ever talk to, if they are not trying to get rid of you, they are trying to shove something down your throat. This was not the case. I felt like I was getting solid advice from a good friend.

 A few days later, I called back, unfortunately she did not pick up but the gentleman was equally helpful. I have not really grown to trust virtual business so I asked for a face to face meeting. Even though I was on time, James who told me he was assigned to work on my project had already arrived. We exchanged pleasantries then started. What I liked most has to be the way he suggested ideas.

It was cordial and optional. I did not feel the pressure to say yes. He elaborated on the results each tactic would have and a bit of how it’s done. After it was settled and done, I decided this Local SEO Express company was it for me.

I gave them everything they needed and the work started. They were nice enough to suggest tools that I could use to supervise them and the progress of the page in-terms of new views and all those other logistics. You would think that the company would have taken advantage of my lack of information to make a quick buck. They didn’t.

When the period of the contract ended and their work was done, James, from the SEO Bournemouth company took the time to come around my office and share some of the tips and tricks I could use to improve or maintain the rankings on my page. I still call him occasionally for direction and he never disappoints.

The best thing about this Local SEO Express is, instead of taking a blanket approach, they have taken a personal feel and dedicate a professional to attend to you and your specific needs. This to me was like a gem. The experience was humbling and I consider myself lucky to have come across such a professional SEO firm who actually know what they're doing. In no time I expect my blog's traffic and views to dramatically increase. If you're looking for a local firm in Bournemouth, I'd highly recommend Local SEO Express!

Help Your Furniture Age Gracefully

For most people, furniture is more than just pieces that makes a home complete. There is a fond and unexplainable attachment to them. While it is impossible for the furniture to feel how much you love and appreciate them, you can show other people. After all, with all that service, you do owe them that much. That aside, most furniture will have two primary aspects. Wood and leather or some other form of material. It is how they have been made for thousands of years. Surprisingly, you do not want your furniture to look that old. So, here are some great ways that you can use to take care of your furniture and watch it age gracefully.

Dump and dust frequently.

It would be unfathomable for one to think that such a simple task would add value and life to your furniture. Well it does! Unfortunately, you share one similarity with dust even though it is a hard pill to swallow. The love for your furniture! Only that the dust destroys the whole elegant look and feel. For this, you need to have a clean, soft and damp piece of cloth. Do not make it too wet or spray the wood directly with water as it does not respond very well to water. At least once a week, give your furniture a thorough wipe down to retain its elegant look. It’s not a great idea to always use commercial dusting sprays as they slowly evolve into a foggy residue that can be quite the turn off.


Keep the shine bustling.

As much as you try to take care of your furniture, time and aspects of weather will eventually reign supreme. The shine might turn dull and a couple of scratches might appear overtime. By using wood friendly wax or polish, you will not only be able to restore the shine but the glory of your furniture as well. Always make sure that you follow the instructions as they appear on the product strictly for the best results. While at it, you can get creative and create more interesting pieces.


For your Leather and other materials.

Ideally, most of your furniture will have either leather or some other kind of material. This needs equal care and loving as well.

If this happens to be leather, you should know that uncoated leather like suede easily stains so it requires more care. Play it safe by using some commercial sprays that make it more resistant to spills. Better prevention than having to scrub out the stains which happen to be quite stubborn.

Leather and other materials should also be dusted every once in a while to ensure they are clean and free from dust. You can also use a vacuum on some of the materials but not on leather.

The heat from the vacuum could cause the leather to become brittle and lose its shine. Even worse, because it is very sensitive to heat, it could end up damaged. Equally important is to make sure that any furniture that has leather is kept away from direct sunlight.

Of course, it would not hurt to show some tenderness to your leather accented furniture by applying a mild conditioner or leather cream to the leather part as you recoat the finishing on the wood part. You can see what a difference this can make.

Your love for your furniture should not be told but rather shown. By using these tips, you are in a great position to show this. Just remember, if you are not very sure about something, you might want to consider calling in a professional. Especially with the repairs. After all, it is more economical to pay for the service than replace your furniture and all the memories it had.


Classy Fine Dining

Classy and Contemporary

FineDining3If you like a fusion of both classy and contemporary dining space with minimalistic style, then consider a dining room that has a largely black and white palate such as the ones I found at this company. Monochromatic backdrops enhance the minimal appeal of a space and instantly lend a sense of sophistication. While you might cut back on color, you can still make the space exciting with color accents through wall art and smart lighting options. A cascading chandelier or an oversized pendant light can also enhance the minimal dining space without detracting from classy sophistication.


Remember that a minimal dining room is not just about picking a futuristic, sleek dining table and chairs. Minimalism is the art of cultivating more from less and requires the discipline to cut out any excesses from your existing dining room. The unnecessary decorations, the ornate patterns and other frills that distract from the main purpose of the room need to be sacrificed. Only the bare essentials should be accommodated.

Elegant Greys and Neutrals

The charm of gray is something that that has stood the test of time and trends; and the world of interior design has FineDining2fully tapped into the potential of this hot neutral in the last few years. Gray is the ‘go to’ color for designers and homeowners across the globe these days, and it has definitely replaced the white and beige trend of the 90s and early 2000s. What was initially dubbed a passing fad has now turned into a lasting ‘style statement’, which has joined the ranks of what is considered as classy and sophisticated.

The many versatile shades of gray ensure that you can easily use it as both a soothing, neutral backdrop and a stylish, dark hue that highlights the architectural features of your choice in the dining room. Many homeowners prefer a tone-on-tone approach to gray, as it is easy to work with, gives the room visual intrigue and breaks away from monotony. Picking a shade of gray for your dining room depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the space, the available natural light, and even the climate of the city you live in. The adventure of a grey dining room is definitely the way to go in 2015.



Preventable damage refers to events or conditions that one can avoid in order to keep furniture safe. Furniture damage takes different forms but careless handling by user still stands as the major threat their safety. Furniture is part of everyone’s daily life and should therefore be prevented from certain damages if at all they are to last long enough. Almost every individual likes to have a neat and well decorated home or office but a good number forget that the pieces of furniture also need to be taken care of. Preventable damages include poor transportation, a poor environment and careless maintenance or handling of furniture.

Poor Environment


Environment basically entails the existing condition of the pieces of furniture. Although the best environmental condition for a piece of furniture is most the times used to describe the caretaker’s ideal place for them, the well being of the furniture must also be considered. According to experts, there is never an ideal condition to place the furniture as it all depends on the type of material used in making the furniture. Factors such as temperature, light and humidity play a massive role when it comes to an ideal environmental condition for furniture.

Among all the environmental factors, light remains as the easiest condition to deal with, yet it continues to destroy furniture in homes or offices. Most of the furniture surfaces are easily destroyed by constant exposure to direct sunlight. Getting rid of such damages is quite simple as it only takes a curtain or window shade to keep the pieces of furniture safe. One also has the option of keeping the pieces of furniture in darkness whenever he or she is not using them.


According to experts, the environmental factor that poses a great threat to furniture is humidity. This is because wood that is used to make the pieces of furniture easily absorbs water via humidity, thereby causing them to shrink and swell. The changes in pressure make certain parts of the furniture to loosen and in the process weaken the entire furniture. A relatively low temperature raises the humidity of a given place therefore the modern heating systems can come in handy in controlling room temperature.


Biopredation is also an environmental problem that experts think has always been overlooked by many. Most pieces of wood are easily destroyed by insect infestation, micro-organisms and certain animals. If not attended to, these factors are capable of massive destruction of furniture. One therefore has to know the conditions leads to these factors and stop it with immediate effect. Fungi and mildew for instance, are common during humid conditions and therefore one has to find an expert opinion on to stop them from destroying his or her pieces of furniture. Rodents destroy furniture in search of food, therefore one is encouraged to clean up after eating or rather avoid eating on sofas at all costs.