- published: 11 Nov 2014
- views: 37234
Datum is a singular form of "data".
Datum may also refer to:
A brief overview of Datum and why there are so many different Datum around the world. It also explains why Google Earth uses WGS84.
Do Datums confuse you? Then watch this free GD&T; Tip from Tec-Ease! For more Tips visit http://www.tec-ease.com.
In this video we explain the basic concepts behind geodetic datums, where they are used, and why it is important to know about and use the correct datums. For more information on geodetic datums, visit http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov/.
Você se atrapalha com os os conceitos de DATUM, Sistemas de Coordenadas Geográficas e Códigos EPSG? Então você vai gostar desta aula que resume este assunto em menos de 10 minutos. Download: Lista dos Códigos EPSG mais Usados no Brasil http://goo.gl/2sGhWk
The road to choosing custom projections is not paved with sundrops and lilies. It is time to start learning the nuts and bolts of coordinate systems. Minute Markers: -0:27- Geodesy, the geoid. -1:10- Ellipsoid, geographic coordinate system. -2:09- Can't effectively measure with ellipsoid. -3:21- Planar coordinate system. -3:49- Geodetic datums. -5:41- Projections. -6:47- REMEMBER this, degrees vs. linear units. -7:10- Three types of projections. -7:32- Recap. All images included are in the public domain, though the geoid image was originally created here I believe (correct me if I'm wrong): http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2004/10/The_Earth_s_gravity_field_geoid_as_it_will_be_seen_by_GOCE
Čau lidi! Je to tady Legendárky potvrzené a už se ví i datum! Niantic to oficiálně už zveřejnil na svých stránkách! Řekneme si o tom všechno info! Oficiálně od Nianticu:http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/legendarypokemon Oficiální video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvSe6pMvUjM České znění updatu od Pokestopu: https://pokestop.cz/aktualizace-pokemon-go-0-69-0/ Instinct skupina na fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teaminstinctcz/ Moje sociální sítě: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jakubdestropokemongo INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/JakubDestro Odebírej, sleduj a sdílej, moc vám děkuji! Stránka, která mě podporuje. Díky! Je plná informací, novinek a věcí ze světa Pokémon GO! https://www.facebook.com/PKMNGOCZSK/ Songs: Geoxor - You & I [NCS Release] https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
sfi studieväg 1 kurs A och B
sfi studieväg 1 kurs A och B
HappyLife, with the machines
Scattered around the room
Look what they made, they made it for me
Happy Technology
Outside, the lions roam
Feeding on remains
We'll never leave, look at us now
So in love with the way we are
The World That The Children Made
The World That the Children Made
The World That The Children Made
The World That The Children Made
Every night, they rock us to sleep
Digital family
Is it real, or is it a dream?
Can you believe in machines?
Outside, the beating sun
Can you hear the screams?
We'll never leave, look at us now
So in love with the way we are
The World That The Children Made
The World That the Children Made
The World That The Children Made
The World That The Children Made
The World That The Children Made
The World That The Children Made
HappyLife, with the machines
Scattered around the room
Look what they made, they made it for me
Happy Technology
Outside, the lions roam
Feeding on remains
We'll never leave, look at us now
So in love with the way we are
The World That The Children Made
The World That the Children Made
The World That The Children Made
The World That The Children Made
The World That The Children Made