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The 'tech-lash' against Google, Facebook and Amazon is finally upon us

The world's biggest technology companies all had to overcome ridiculous, seemingly insurmountable odds to get where they are today. Having scaled the summits of capitalism, they are now facing a different, and arguably even more unpredictable, kind of challenge.  

Back in 2013, The Economist magazine predicted a looming "tech-lash", in which the increasingly powerful tech industry, like finance and oil industries before it, would eventually be demonised.

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In the US at least, something along those lines is beginning to ferment.

Sentiment is starting to turn sharply against the giants of Silicon Valley, among populist politicians (of which there seem to be increasingly many) and in the press, if not (yet) customers.

Tech giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon "that used to be seen as bright new avatars of American innovation are increasingly portrayed as sinister new centres of unaccountable power" wrote BuzzFeed News' top global editor Ben Smith, in an essay this week.

This represents deeply uncomfortable territory for the giants of the internet, who are control freaks when it comes to the narratives surrounding them.


They are used to being praised by customers who, it must be said, still love their products and services; and by investors, who are basking in the spectacular returns they've achieved on the stockmarket.  They have also, broadly speaking, enjoyed support from both sides of US politics - at least until now. 

In Australia, this "tech-lash" has manifested itself in the looming enquiry into Facebook and Google's practices by the competition regulator, which the federal government agreed to on Wednesday night to help secure its long debated media reforms in Parliament.

As is often the case, the broader conversation around the technology industry in the US is vastly different to what is going on here in Australia.

For a while now, there have been concerns about Google and Facebook's dominance of the Australian digital ad market and their tax practises (in the media, which competes with these companies for ad dollars).

Even Paul Bassat, one of Australia's top tech entrepreneurs and investors (he helped found employment website Seek and runs Melbourne venture fund Square Peg Capital) has expressed misgivings.

Yet when it comes to innovation and technology, we are still in a positive and earnest phase.  

This is entirely understandable. 

Our economy and stockmarket are still dominated by giant banks, who have engaged in world-beating levels of bad behaviour lately; and mining companies, who have little interaction with consumers and frankly (sorry mining industry) aren't particularly inspiring. 

At the same time we are only beginning to see the green shoots of an Australian tech industry, something we desperately need to flourish if we want to remain a wealthy country. We have not produced anything resembling an all powerful tech giant yet (Atlassian, the biggest success story to date, is still small by US standards). But we are increasingly affected by those from America.  

Regardless, for inexplicable and often dumb reasons, themes that emerge in US politics often play out here as well. That's why shifting sentiment towards tech companies in the US is something our business and tech communities should keep an eye on.

For some time now, Silicon Valley has enjoyed a degree of support from both sides of US politics. Its fiercely progressive streak on social issues endeared it to Democrats, and there has been little opposition from Republicans, who after all, have been the party of business and free enterprise.

Now, opposition to the industry is building on both sides of the political spectrum.  

Calls for more regulation

Steve Bannon, the former Trump adviser who has returned to run far-right website Breitbart News and is a self described anti-globalist, wants to regulate Google and Facebook like public utilities, and has pushed for immigration restrictions that hurt their ability to secure talent.

Meanwhile, Trump himself has directly threatened Amazon (whose CEO Jeff Bezos personally owns the Washington Post).

At the same time, the Bernie Sanders wing of the left seems increasingly uneasy about the tech giants, who aren't just examples of big businesses, but have become the biggest and most powerful corporations the world has ever seen.

With automation poised to render millions of jobs obsolete in coming years, I wouldn't expect these sentiments to subside any time soon. 

One tech executive recently described powerful internet giants to me as being like the kid in the playground who has a growth spurt before everyone else. In the lunch-time game of sport, the big kid beats the living daylights out of everyone else, but doesn't realise it, and has no idea why everyone is so angry with him. 

The idea that this current backlash could actually hurt the booming businesses of the Silicon Valley giants might sound remote. But if we have learned anything over the past year or so, it's that once something enters the realm of politics, outcomes can be highly unpredictable.