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Blackbird, Australia's 'science non-fiction' fund, promotes Wong to partner

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In 1982, Samantha Wong's parents emigrated to Australia and started a computer sales business. 

According to family folklore, so determined was Wong's mum to succeed, that eight months pregnant with her first child, she was still lugging around Commodore VIC-20 machines to sales meetings in the Perth heat. 

A little over three decades later, that child has landed one of the most coveted jobs in Australia's technology industry: Wong, a lawyer turned start-up founder turned operations whiz, was this week promoted to partner at Blackbird Ventures, one of the country's pre-eminent tech start-up investment firms.

Plenty of people like to say they have entrepreneurship running through their veins. But in Wong's case, it's actually true. 

"My earliest memories are of being at my Mum's office," she says, "growing up around these bits of technology and seeing her build this business bit by bit." 

Over the past couple of years, Blackbird Ventures has emerged as one of the most fascinating investment houses in Australia. It is among a new wave of local venture capital funds seeking to back the nation's brightest technology start-ups, helping fill a funding void that has arguably crippled innovation in this country for too long. 


As a partner, Wong will be entitled to a share of Blackbird's profits, and have greater responsibility for making investments, at a critical juncture for the tech industry, both here and abroad. 

The start-up sector globally has been rocked by a series of damaging sexual harassment and cultural scandals this year, and has copped criticism for its lack of diversity. 

And on a more fundamental level, technologies that drove the last wave of extraordinary returns for investors - such as the rise of smartphones and the mobile apps that run on them, and the shift from hosting software on company-owned servers to storing it remotely in the cloud - are rapidly maturing. 

"There is this profound sense that we are in an 'in-between zone," says Wong. "We have had this great rush of SaaS [software-as-a-service], cloud and mobile. But we don't know what is coming next."

Blackbird raised most of the $230 million it manages in 2015, attracting funds from wealthy tech luminaries such as Atlassian founder Mike Cannon-Brookes as well as superannuation funds such as First State Super and Hostplus.  

Its fund raising had represented a major breakthrough for venture capital as an asset class in this country, which had almost vaporised itself after the dot-com bust.

'Potential next waves'

In one sense, it is a challenging time to be founding or investing in a tech start-up. The giants of the internet (Facebook, Google, Amazon) are so powerful, people are worried about them strangling everyone else. 

In another sense, it is a great time to be founding or investing in a startup. There is a lot of fundamental and potentially epochal innovation going on. It's just a question of which platforms will win, and who will control them.  

"All of the platforms that drove the last wave of growth appear to have stabilised or dried up," says Wong. "And there are all these new potential next waves, it could be bots, it could be Artificial Intelligence, it could be the Internet of Things, insert buzzword here. But no one knows."

Blackbird's approach to this dynamic has been to shift its focus away from software and towards companies engaged in what it describes as "science non-fiction". 

It has invested in Zoox, a secretive company using artificial intelligence and robotics to develop a self-driving vehicle designed to replace the car. Zoox, which was founded by a Melbourne illustrator and designer and is now based in California, is currently valued at more than $US1 billion ($1.26 billion).

Blackbird has also tipped money into two space-related companies: Fleet, an Adelaide firm trying to develop a network of nano-satellites, and Gilmour Space Technologies, which is trying to build cheaper rockets designed for smaller satellites that fly much closer to the earth than traditional ones.

'Emotional work'

These are not the type of businesses people usually associate with Australian capitalism - but evidently they do exist. Someone just needed to go out and find them - and fund them.

For the past two years, Wong has run operations at Blackbird - steering through the legal and financial aspects of each of its deals. She also took the lead on its diversity efforts, which so far has resulted in steps to ensure the firm meets with more entrepreneurs from more varied backgrounds.

She started her career in the law, with a six-year stint at respected firm Minter Ellison.

After two years of working on the nitty gritty of investment deals, one thing that stands out to her is that the nexus of finance and technology is actually less scientific than outsiders think.

"It is really emotional work. People think, venture capital, finance, spreadsheets, but it's really not like that," she says.  

In part that is because investing at such an early stage is really a bet on people and personalities.  

As someone who has been exposed to tech entrepreneurship since before she was born, Wong seems well placed to judge them.