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Current Issue of The Guardian

September 13, 2017 - click here for index of articles.

Towards a renewable future

Running around like a headless chook, the Prime Minister has spent the last few weeks in damage control over his government’s failure to address a looming energy crisis. PM Malcolm Turnbull’s claims energy prices would come down, after his meeting with the power company barons last week were met with ridicule.  more ...

Editorial – Military-industrial complex demands infinite warfare

Fifty-six years ago retiring US President Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex, an amalgamation of “an immense military establishment” and “a permanent arms industry of vast proportions” that exercised unwarranted influence over government policy, consumed an enormous proportion of the US federal budget, and dictated intellectual research so that “public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite”.  more ...

CPA statement – Reza Shahabi on hunger strike

The Communist Party of Australia condemns in the strongest possible terms the treatment of trade unionist Reza Shahabi currently on hunger strike in the Rajai Shahr Prison in Iran.  more ...

Our class history

When I first planned to emigrate to Australia because I was so sick of the snobbery and class system in England, I remember my cousin from Perth telling me that Australia didn’t have a class system. That’s how politically ignorant he was.  more ...

Charlottesville – Trump must go

The racist, fascist demonstration in Charlottesville was in fact an uprising by the far right. These Hitler “brownshirts” came to Charlottesville fully prepared to intimidate and terrorise peaceful citizens. They came not to hold a rally; they stormed into town in full military gear, armed to the teeth. Photos show many carrying AK-47s as well as pepper spray, bats, and clubs. This was an armed uprising designed to see how far they could go and to incite similar actions across the country. It is reminiscent of the Beer Hall Putsch by Hitler in the 1920s.  more ...

Georgi Dimitrov – Against Fascism and War

On August 2, 1935, Georgi Dimitrov delivered to the 7th Congress of the Communist International his report “Against Fascism and War”. Hitlerism had come to power in Germany two years earlier and had launched a savage offensive against the German working class.  more ...

Korea – What the media isn’t telling you

Here’s what the media isn’t telling you about North Korea’s recent missile tests.  more ...

Culture & Life – The real “rogue state”

Continuing our saga as to which country is the real “rogue state”. In this instalment, which is by no means exhaustive, we will deal mainly with the 1960s.  more ...

Comrades with the South Korean Rep Sung Hee Choi at the IPAN national conference entitled “War, Peace and Independence: Keep Australia out of US Wars”. THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defence). Full report next Guardian.

Quote of the Week

Women should have a revolution.
They should shoot, kill, maim, destroy
until they are given the vote.

George Bernard Shaw, 1906

This web page was last updated: Wednesday, September 13, 2017

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