
by clopy August 04, 2012
Papuan Voices by Enrico Aditjondro — last modified January 19, 2016
Many of us know that West Papua is fighting for independence from Indonesia – but what else goes on there? How often do we hear directly from the Papuans themselves about life in Indonesia’s most secretive provinces? Papuan Voices is a project training and curating content from citizen video journalists and human rights advocates.
Crossroads by Crossroads — last modified May 13, 2016
Crossroads is a video advocacy initiative aimed at developing and strengthening the advocacy and documentation capacity of migrant workers, refugees and stateless persons and their support organisations.
Video4Change by Anna Helme — last modified May 13, 2016
Co-founded by EngageMedia in partnership with WITNESS video4change is a network, toolkit and series of projects bringing together more than 15 organisations from around the world. The network was started in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in June 2012.
Research by EngageMedia — last modified April 30, 2015
EngageMedia undertakes a range of research initiatives, primarily focused on the social change use of video, the Internet and open technologies.
Video Slam 2013: Remixing the 1965 State Propaganda Film by EM News — last modified November 14, 2013
'Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI' is an Indonesian film released in 1984. It depicted the historical events of September 30 to October 1, 1965. The film was directed by the renowned Arifin C. Noer. It was well funded and blessed by the Suharto Regime. The film shows the brutality of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), and the killing of army generals in a coup d'état attempt. Almost three decades later, a group of young video-makers got together to remix this old propaganda film.
Plumi by Andrew — last modified May 19, 2013
EngageMedia produces Plumi, a video-sharing web application, in partnership with developers Plumi is a package of software modules and customisations built on the popular open source content management framework Plone.
Confronting Religious Intolerance by Andrew — last modified July 16, 2013
Bhinneka Tinggal Duka? (Diversity Leaves Grief?) looks at the rising tide of religious intolerance in Indonesia. In 2012 EngageMedia partnered with a coalition of groups to run a film competition and produce a compilation of Creative Commons licensed videos and education materials for feminist, queer and diversity activists to use in their campaigns for greater tolerance.
Lingua by Seelan Palay — last modified April 25, 2016
In partnership with Amara, we've enabled online subtitling of all of EngageMedia’s videos and are building a Southeast Asia network of human rights and environmental translators and subtitlers.
Camp Sambel by Andrew — last modified November 24, 2012
EngageMedia has hosted two regional Southeast Asia video skills and networking events, bringing together activists from Southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor and West Papua.
ASTEKI by anggit saranta — last modified November 24, 2012
Masa depan distribusi video tergantung pada teknologi media offline maupu online yang sebenarnya bisa digabungkan menjadi sebuah media hibrida sehingga menjangkau pemirsa/publik yang lebih luas. Hal ini juga memungkinkan pelibatan lebih mendalam media terdapat isu-isu lokal dan tujuan-tujuan keadilan sosial dan lingkungan yang jelas. Dengan alasan-alasan inilah Engagemedia menciptakan kerjasama dengan ASTEKI, sebuah asosiasi televisi lokal di Indonesia.
Cerita Buruh Migran by Anna Helme — last modified May 26, 2015
Di tahun 2012 EngageMedia bekerjasama dengan buruh migran Indonesia dan organisasi-organisasi buruh migran untuk meingkatkan kapasitas mereka dalam produksi video dan teknologi online. Hal ini melibatkan perlatihan-pelatihan di Kuala Lumpur dan Jawa Barat (Cianjur dan Indramayu). Hasilnya adalah video-video online dan sebuah kompilasi DVD yang bisa diakses disini.
VideoChronic by EngageMedia — last modified February 04, 2013
In 2009 EngageMedia and Kunci Cultural Studies Center launched VideoChronic, a collaborative research project charting how activists are engaging with video technologies in Indonesia, addressing some of the issues of technology-mediated social movements, and exploring the potential and limitations of online video distribution.
Dispatches EM TV by Yerry Nikholas Borang — last modified December 23, 2012
EngageMedia content is now being screened on TV! We are broadcasting our new TV show called “Serangkai Kabar dan Cerita” on several local TV stations in Indonesia affiliated with our local and community TV partners.
Migrant Worker Stories by Anna Helme — last modified June 12, 2013
In 2012 EngageMedia worked with Indonesian migrant workers and migrant worker advocacy organisations to build their capacity in video and online technologies. This involved a number of hands-on workshops in Kuala Lumpur and West Java. The result is an online and DVD compilation which you can access here.
Bhinneka Tinggal Duka? by Dhyta Caturani — last modified July 16, 2013
Bhinneka Tinggal Duka? mencoba mencermati meningkatnya intoleransi beragama di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2012 EngageMedia bermitra dengan beberapa kelompok/organisasi mengadakan kompetisi video online dan memproduksi sebuah kompilasi video yang berlisensi Creative Commons dan materi pendidikan untuk aktivis feminis, queer dan keberagaman untuk digunakan dalam kampanye-kampanye mereka dalam upaya menumbuhkan toleransi lebih luas.
Moviemento by Yerry Nikholas Borang — last modified April 15, 2016
Collaborating with Transparency International Indonesia (TII), EngageMedia launched 'Moviemento', a video project to train youth communities campaigning on issues such as gender, the environment, social development, and culture. The youth would then produce their own videos with their perspectives on corruption.
WTOunplugged by Yerry Nikholas Borang — last modified January 06, 2014
In response to the WTO Ministerial Conference, EngageMedia held a Workshop and Alternative Media Center in Bali from 2-6 Desember 2013 for Indonesian video journalists/activists. (Menanggapi Konferensi tingkat Menteri WTO, EngageMedia menyelenggarakan Lokalatih dan Media Centre Alternative bagi para jurnalis/aktivis video Indonesia di Bali dari tanggal 2-6 Desember 2013.)
Rightscon Southeast Asia by EngageMedia — last modified February 16, 2016
RightsCon Southeast Asia brought together civil society, engineers, activists, lawyers, companies, and governments on the subject of the internet and human rights in Manila in March 2015.
Pilpres 2014: Suara Baru by Yerry Nikholas Borang — last modified November 12, 2015
Suara Baru (New Voices) invited young filmmakers to create video stories in order to understand youth perspectives on the elections, its candidates, and ultimately their hopes and aspirations of 2014 Indonesia's Presidential Elections.
Camp Chindwin by EM News — last modified November 12, 2015
Camp Chindwin brought together 33 video activists, filmmakers and citizen journalists from Southeast Asia to a camp in Myanmar from 3-6 June 2015.
Traveling Projector by EM News — last modified February 09, 2016
In May 2014, EngageMedia traveled over 18 days across the island of Java, Indonesia, to screen social justice and environmental videos in 11 different cities.
Good Pitch Call for Entries by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
Good Pitch 1 by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
Good Pitch 2 by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
Ford Foundation by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
Jia by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
EngageMedia by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
BritDoc by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
Good Pitch Call for Entries by EM News — last modified April 25, 2016
GoodPitchPromo2.png by EM News — last modified July 25, 2016
v4clogocolours.png by EM News — last modified July 25, 2016
Khaw Than by EM News — last modified June 05, 2017
A film screening, outreach and engagement program to develop understanding of minority rights in Myanmar.
Southeast Asian Film Festivals List by EM News — last modified June 12, 2017
COCONET: Southeast Asia Digital Rights Camp by EM News — last modified August 16, 2017
CC-logo by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
logosafenet1.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
thainetizenlogo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
copy_of_thainetizenlogo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
MIDOlogo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
WITNESS_Logo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
EmpowerLogo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
cchrlogo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
copy_of_cchrlogo.png by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
EngageMedia_Logo2.jpg by EM News — last modified February 05, 2017
seapalogo1.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
thainetizen1.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
apclogo.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
EngageMedia_Logo.jpg by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
copy_of_EngageMedia_Logo.jpg by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
copy2_of_EngageMedia_Logo.jpg by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
copy_of_MIDOlogo.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
copy_of_WITNESS_Logo.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
copy_of_EmpowerLogo.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
cchrlogo1.png by EM News — last modified February 15, 2017
copy_of_ID_2.jpeg by EM News — last modified March 31, 2017
sida-logo by EM News — last modified May 30, 2017
sida-logo by EM News — last modified May 30, 2017
Coconet Logo by EM News — last modified July 11, 2017
Coconet Logo by EM News — last modified July 11, 2017
Coconet Logo by EM News — last modified July 11, 2017
Purple Code by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017
Purple Code by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017
Mozilla by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017
Sida by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017
TFD by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017
HBS-logo by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017
Internews logo by EM News — last modified July 14, 2017