Editorial policy

by EngageMedia July 25, 2013

We welcome contributions of a variety of styles and genres, whether it be documentary, fiction, experimental or as yet un-categorisable.

Our key focus is to present video that promotes social change. We want to promote work that challenges corporate dominance and government arrogance, that exposes the people and mechanisms behind environmental destruction or human rights abuses. We want to build media that questions how the world works.

We are looking to create a more thoughtful space for works that have significant impact on viewers but we also want the space to be diverse and open to people with many different approaches.

Submission Guidelines

Decisions regarding the publishing videos will be made on the basis of our Editorial Policy. This will involve consideration of potentially conflicting factors weighed against each other and decisions will be made at the discretion of the editors.

We will be accepting work that:

  • is well researched
  • is well produced and edited
  • focuses on the Asia-Pacific region
  • aids in the development of social movements
  • is innovative, engaging or entertaining
  • is constructive, critical of the status quo or highlights key issues

We won't be accepting:

  • work that promotes sexism, racism or homophobia or discriminates against dis-empowered members of the community
  • advertising or advertorial
  • videos that overtly promote the interests of any particular religion or religious groups, governments or corporations as a primary purpose

Open Content

EngageMedia operates on the principles of open content. We want visitors to this site to be able to freely copy and redistribute the works here as long as it is for non-profit purposes, unless you choose to let others use your work for commercial purposes also. Work should preferably be share-alike, which means "I share if you share", allowing others to re-edit or use part of your work in theirs, so long as they allow others to do the same with their work. Apart from the ethics of such a policy, we believe it is practically impossible to stop people reproducing your work once it is in digital form. This is also a positive, however, as people will help you distribute your work around the globe if they enjoy it.

This site cannot directly generate revenue for producers, although we would like to implement a donations-based micro-payment system a bit further down the line, so other Members may contribute financially, on a voluntary basis, to future work by the Producers whose videos they enjoy or want to see more of. Indirectly, EngageMedia and Internet distribution in general may expose film-makers to other revenue streams such as festivals, compilations and broadcast.

EngageMedia uses the Creative Commons licenses as they are currently the most developed. When you publish your work you will be asked to specify a Creative Commons license.

What will happen to your work once you have submitted it?

Once you upload your work to the site you'll be sent an email telling you the server has received it. The site moderators will then view the video and publish or reject it. You'll receive an email about this too. If you continue publishing solid content we'll invite you to become a site moderator and help review and approve other people's content too.