EngageMedia Blog

A Guide on Open Source Video Editing

by cheekay cinco March 27, 2013

Mick Fuzz and Anna Morris from Floss Manuals have developed a guide on using video editing software for the video4change network. The guide called, A Guide to Open Source Video Editing with Kdenlive, takes users through a range of different video editing tasks.

The guide is aimed for both beginners and experienced users, and uses KdenLive as a sample video editing software. It takes its readers through the different video editing processes -- from editing a single video track to creating video mash-ups.

One of the more interesting parts to this guide is called 'Transferring Your Skills', in which the writers mention how video editing tasks on Kdenlive can be done on other proprietary video editing software (iMovie, Windows MovieMaker).

This guide is currently available in English and Arabic.

We would like to thank Internews for supporting the development of this guide.

    Video Making on Android

    by cheekay cinco March 26, 2013

    The popularity of Android devices has grown in the last five years. As an open source mobile operating system, more and more companies are developing Smartphones and tablets on Android. There are also more software developers who create apps for Android.

    The Video Making on Android Guide unpacks what video makers can do on an Android device. Written by Richard Hering for Floss Manuals and the video4change network, the guide covers video streaming, editing, and mobile distribution, and the available Android apps support those topics.

    This guide is the first of its kind. Its aim is to allow Android users, specifically those who are looking to use their Android devices for video making and distribution, to navigate through the enumerable number of Android apps for video, and choose which ones are relevant to their needs.

    As more and more people have access to Android smartphones and tablets, and as more and more video activists rely on these devices to capture, edit and distribute video, this guide can only grow.

    This guide was developed with the support of Internews. This guide is currently available in English and Arabic.

    Hybrid Distribution -- New Version!

    by cheekay cinco March 26, 2013

    The most successful video activists and video campaigns use both online and offline tools and strategies to distribute their videos, raise awareness and encourage action on social issues. The common name for such strategies is Hybrid Distribution.

    Anna Helme has updated the Hybrid Distribution Guide, which was originally found on Tactical Technology Collective's Message in a Box site.

    The guide covers the following topics:

    • Online Distribution
    • Offline Distribution
    • Other Examples of Online/Offline Distribution
    • Creating Subtitles

    Basically, this guide covers the issues and strategies that every video activist must consider in order to effectively distribute their videos.

    This guide is currently available in English and Arabic.

    We would like to thank Internews for their support in updating this guide.

      Secure My Video -- Updated!

      by cheekay cinco March 26, 2013

      As activists aiming to use video as a tool for social change, the security of both video activists and of video 'subjects' is of paramount importance. Video activism (otherwise known as video4change) cover topics that can be subversive, rebellious, and anti-status quo. As such, everyone involved in such videos are at risk -- from the video maker to the ones who are being interviewed. More than that, at each point of the video production process to the distribution of such videos, there are physical and virtual security risks that video activists must consider.

      Secure My Video is an attempt to provide a guide to address such security issues. The original guide  grew out from a one-day sprint in Jakarta in 2011. At the end of 2012, the guide was updated to expand on the topics covered. The original guide by Andrew Garton was updated and expanded by Cheekay Cinco.

      The updated guide still covers three main security issues in video production, storage and publishing.  The update expanded on these topics to cover a wider range of issues and solutions.

      One of the 'new' parts to the guide is a 'Things to Ask Yourself' for each topic. This is designed to help video makers think about security issues as they go about the process of producing and publishing their videos.

      As video security issues evolve and grow, we hope that the guide will continue to be updated to reflect new issues and scenarios.

      This guide is currently available in English and Arabic.

      The update on this guide was done with the support of Internews.

        Maria Goreti Bikin Penasaran di Malam Minggu

        by Wensislaus Fatubun March 07, 2013
        Dewan Pengurus Pusat Mahasiswa Katolik Cendrawasi Papua Santo Albertus Agung mengadakan pemutaran dan diskusi film documenter Papuan Voices di Asrama Putri Katolik Santa Monica, Kota Sorong, Papua Barat, Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013.

        PV screening and discuss

        (Foto: Suasana pemutaran video-video Papuan Voices di Asrama Putri Katolik Santa Monica, Kota Sorong)

        Siswa dan siswi di asrama putra santo Agustinus dan asrama Putri Santa Monica, yang di damping oleh beberapa biarawan-biarawati Ordo Santo Agustinus dan para pembina asrama memadati ruang belajar asrama putri Santa Monica. Ada yang duduk di kursi, ada juga yang berdiri.

        “Kita hadir di ruangan ini untuk menyaksikan film documenter yang diproduksi oleh kawan-kawan kita di Jayapura dan Merauke. Tapi, ingat! Kita bukan hanya menonton saja dan pulang tidur. Kita diharapkan untuk setelah menonton, berdiskusi dan berefleksi tentang persoalan keadilan, perdamaian dan lingkungan hidup di tanah Papua”, ungkap Pater. Bernat Baru OSA membuka acara pemutaran dan diskusi film. Papuan Voices

        Pemutaran film dimulai. Satu persatu film karya tim Papuan Voices di Jayapura dan Merauke diputar. Semua peserta tampak santai menonton. Suara tertawa dari para peserta pu terdengar ketika ada gambar “anak kecil pakai sepatu berjalan memasuki ruangan sekolah” dalam film “Harapan Anak Cendrawasi”. Bukan hanya itu saja. Para peserta juga tertawa ketika seorang bapak berkata “kelapa ini sekarang buahnya berwarna warni. Ada yang merah, kuning....” dalam film “Kelapa Berbuah Jerigen. Tapi, ada juga reaksi spontan dengan nada kritis dari para peserta ketika menonton film “Surat Cinta Kepada Sang Prada”. “Disini banyak kejadian seperti yang dialami oleh Maria”, ungkap salah satu peserta.

        Setelah semua film Papuan Voices diputar, Januarius Lagowan, Ketua Umum Dewan Pengurus Pusat Mahasiswa Katolik Cendrawasi Papua Santo. Albertus Agung, tampil ke depan ruangan dan memandu diskusi tentang film Papuan Voices dan kenyataan hidup warga masyarakat di Sorong.

        Orang mudah sekarang harus mengetahui identitas diri dan potensi bakatnya, sehingga dapat menjadi pribadi yang menjadi rahmat bagi manusia dan alam di tanah Papua. Kita juga harus membuka mata hati kita untuk melihat dan tanggap terhadap persoalan yang terjadi di tanah Papua dengan menciptakan rasa solidaritas yang utuh dalam mempertahankan kearifan local tanpa terpengaruh dengan proses pembunuhan karakter dan mental masyarakat Papua akhir-akhir ini dengan berbagai kebijakan investasi yang kurang berpihak pada masyarakat adat. Demi kepentingan investor, pemerintah menindas dan mengorbankan masyarakat”, ungkap Januarius Lagowan.

        Dalam memandu sesi diskusi, Januarius Lagowan didampingi oleh Fredy dari Komunitas Belantara di Sorong.

        Diskusipun menjadi hangat ketika terungkap semua persoalan yang sering siswa-siswi ini rasakan dan lihat. Film-Film Papuan Voices terasa mengugat pikiran dan perasaan para peserta. Para peserta sangat penasaran dan tidak mau menyudai acara nonton dan diskusi film Papuan Voices ini, khususnya ketika mendiskusikan film “Surat Cinta Kepada Sang Prada”. Ada peserta yang sedih dengan perjuangan Ety sebagai korban kekerasan seksual dari Prajurit TNI – AD. Ada juga peserta yang marah dengan sikap Prada Samsul Bakri Baharudin yang mentelantarkan Ety dan anak mereka. (Yan Lagoan)