26 September, 2017

A better political economy of the Rohingya crisis

Lee Jones

Crude speculation about ‘land grabs’ obscures the complex historical roots of today’s Rohingya persecution.


Fences and ghettoes aren’t the answer in Rakhine

If the government doesn't turn back from the path it's taking in Rakhine, the consequences for Myanmar's future will be severe.

Rohingya identity and the limits to history

The discussion around the history of the Rohingya, at its worst, deflects attention away from the problem of defining citizenship through ethnic indigeneity.

On the latest Rohingya crisis

The likely result of leaving the Tatmadaw to its own devices in dealing with ARSA is the creation of yet another insurgency.


"the place of...[Myanmar's] non-national-race groups is precarious...the only way available to them politically...is to submit to the politics of domination inherent in the national races project"


Study Asia Pacific Affairs at ANU

New Mandala’s home base, the ANU Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, offers world class degree programs on regional politics, security, and more. Learn from globally-recognised experts at Australia's #1 university.


Capturing Yingluck

Nick Nostitz reflects on photographing the political rise and fall of Thailand's first female PM.

A year after referendum, only bad news about Thailand’s constitution

The new constitution leaves booby traps for any incoming civilian government.


Is Indonesia’s mosque-building boom a myth?

A spike in mosque construction is an oft-cited symbol of Indonesia's "Islamisation". But data suggest it's not actually happening.

Duterte’s “drug war” migrates to Indonesia

Alarming rhetoric from officials is coinciding with an apparent spike in the use of deadly force by police.

East Timor’s “Red Rosa”

A look back at Rosa "Muki" Bonaparte Soares' life of anti-colonialism and feminism, cut short by Indonesian occupation.

Distinguishing piety and fundamentalism in Indonesian Muslims

Survey data show no evidence of a link between piety and intolerance, let alone violence.

Jokowi’s political prisoner problem

It’s one step forward, two steps back for the right of Papuans and Moluccans to peacefully advocate for self-determination.


New Mandala leads the conversation on Indonesian Islam, politics, and political economy ahead of Jokowi's fight for reelection in 2019.

Click here to see all our Indonesia coverage

Indonesia in the new world: globalisation, nationalism, sovereignty

ANU's premier Indonesian studies conference will explore the nationalist zeitgeist [re]emerging under Jokowi.


Explaining the crackdown in Cambodia

Two factors: the CPP is spooked by its declining electoral fortunes, and the west hasn't spoken up for democracy.

Cambodia, a party with a country

Cambodian officials in their own words on how the CPP and state power are one and the same.

Cambodia’s society is changing fast, and its parties slowly

The 2017 commune elections don't point to a decisive result for either the CPP or CNRP next year.


Rebuilding Marawi, or rebuilding extremism?

Mounting Maranao frustration could cause further radicalisation after military operations end.

Rediscovering Rizal

The schooling system makes reading Jose Rizal a chore in the eyes of many young Filipinos. Vicente Rafael and Benedict Anderson's work on Rizal can help them to rediscover the power of his literature.

Marawi and beyond: a look at violent extremism

Preventing more Marawis means appreciating how failures of governance open pathways for radicalisation in Mindanao.


Selfie with the Prime Minister

A new film tells the bittersweet story of a young Rohingya refugee's quest for a selfie with Najib.

Malaysia must wake up to its human trafficking problem

As Rohingya and supporters gather to remember those buried at Wang Kelian, corruption and official inertia perpetuate human trafficking.

The allure of Joget Gamelan

Threatened by neglect and officialdom, can the great Malay tradition of Joget Gamelan make a comeback?


Remembering Professor Joel S. Kahn

A tribute to the life and work of the acclaimed anthropologist, who passed away on 1 May 2017.