- published: 02 Nov 2017
- views: 975
The Accelerated Graphics Port (often shortened to AGP) is a high-speed point-to-point channel for attaching a video card to a computer system, primarily to assist in the acceleration of 3D computer graphics. It was originally designed as a successor to PCI-type connections for video cards. Since 2004, AGP has been progressively phased out in favor of PCI Express (PCIe); by mid-2008, PCI Express cards dominated the market and only a few AGP models were available.
As computers increasingly became graphically oriented, successive generations of graphics adapters began to push the limits of PCI, a bus with shared bandwidth. This led to the development of AGP, a "bus" dedicated to graphics adapters.
The primary advantage of AGP over PCI is that it provides a dedicated pathway between the slot and the processor rather than sharing the PCI bus. In addition to a lack of contention for the bus, the direct connection allows for higher clock speeds. AGP also uses sideband addressing, meaning that the address and data buses are separated so the entire packet does not need to be read to get addressing information. This is done by adding an extra 8-bit "SideBand Address" bus that allows the graphics controller to issue new AGP requests and commands at the same time other AGP data is flowing through the main 32 address/data (AD) lines. This results in improved overall AGP data throughput.
Charles Marvin "Charlie" Green Jr. (born October 16, 1950), also known as Angry Grandpa or simply AGP, is an American Internet personality. His videos have been featured on HLN's Dr. Drew,TruTV's Most Shocking, Rude Tube, and MTV's Pranked. His YouTube channel, "TheAngryGrandpaShow", has over 2 million subscribers and 400 million views. His second channel, Grandpa's Corner, is his personal channel where he shares stories about his personal life along with a special weekly segment called "Mailbag Monday" where he opens up packages and reads letters sent in by viewers. He also has a fanbase known as "Grandpa's Army", in which he refers to fans as "youngins".
The videos feature Green, who has bipolar disorder (which he takes medication for) reacting, usually angrily, to several things, such as pranks pulled by his youngest son, Michael, also known as "Pickleboy", who works as website webmaster and graphic designer, and current events, such as the Casey Anthony trial. Michael's longtime girlfriend, Bridgette West, is usually in on Michael's pranks but sometimes she will warn Green about upcoming pranks enabling him to turn the tables on Michael. In a 2013 article from the Charleston City Paper, Green stated that he has destroyed numerous articles of furniture, along with electronics, including laptop computers, televisions and cellphones in his fits of rage. He also made some more serious videos, such as in April 2012, when Green had posted a video to his main channel that aimed to publicize the proposed sale of his trailer park where he resided at the time, Trailwood Trailer Park, in North Charleston, South Carolina, to a developer who had aimed to rezone it to light industrial to build a road to a new Boeing plant in North Charleston. The sale, however eventually went through and Green relocated to another trailer park later in that same year.
Giá bán 13.5tr chưa gồm phí vận chuyển. Inbox facebook.com/thichlammoc.
Замечали ли вы, что системы на DDR1 и AGP довольно частые гости на Авито, ЮЛЕ и прочих торговых площадках. Можно ли что-либо выжать из этой, во всех смыслах, устаревшей технологии? Будем выяснять! https://vk.com/id244210452 - я ВК https://vk.com/mawhq - группа ВК
Angry Grandpa caught someone saying something very mean in his chat room....this is his response! From AGPL #8 (original air date 5-14-17) twitch.tv/theangrygrandpalive
This is a re-upload of a funnie video that I archived a while ago. But then I realized the video either got taken down or the creator took it down. Either way, here's the re-upload. - - - If you are the original creator and would like me to take this video down, please let me know.
Twitch Livestream from 8-18-17. www.twitch.tv/theangrygrandpalive Mailing Address: 1605 Central Ave Ste:6 #295 Summerville,SC 29483
Angry Grandpa Best Rages Montage!
Twitter@XieShuangchao:https://twitter.com/XieShuangchao weibo@谢双超仔:http://weibo.com/xieshuangchao youtube:youtube.com/c/谢双超 非常感谢您收看本期的《评头论足》,评头论足主要以第一人称的方式去介绍最新上市的日系模玩产品,给人以把玩在手中最真实的直观感受,为广大模型爱好者选购模型玩具产品提供方便。主要方向为高达等机甲类拼装及成品玩具。欢迎大家为本片添加英文字幕。
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#992です。 #798~#799で紹介した比叡振りの AGP 艦これシリーズの新作を紹介します。 今回は「AGP 秋月」を紹介します。 箱の大きさは大和や比叡のようなサイズではなく 愛宕や高雄と同じ小さいサイズのものとなっていました。 付属品は交換用表情パーツ3種、交換用手首パーツ数種、 長10cm砲ちゃん2個、艤装パーツが付属しています。 また、魂stageのベースと支柱も付属しています。 可動範囲は従来のものとほぼ同様に動かすことが出来ます。 ただ、足首が従来のジョイント式ではなくボールジョイント式なので ジョイント式とよりは癖がなく動かしやすい感じがしましたが 隙間が目立ってしまうので見た目に関しては若干残念な感じがしました。 後ろ髪が軟質素材となっているので干渉したしにくくなっていましたが 頭部側の接続部分と癒着している可能性があるので 無理に動かすと破損させる可能性があるので注意が必要となります。 長10cm砲ちゃんは手や足がボールジョイント接続となっているので 動かすことが出来ますが、地面に置く際には頭部とのバランスによっては 転倒しやすいので調整する必要があります。 また、砲身部分は左右連結されているのでバラバラに動かそうとすると 破損させる可能性があるので注意が必要となります。 艤装前面部に2体の長10cm砲ちゃんを取り付け、 秋月背部に取り付けることで艤装装着状態にすることが出来ます。 艤装は側面はもちろん背部にある魚雷発射管も動かすことが出来ます。 左右のパーツには長10cm砲ちゃんを乗せている関係で やや倒れやすい可能性があるので別途魂stageの支柱を増やすなどして 支えた方がより安定して飾ることが出来ます。 造形自体はとても良く、干渉源となりやすい後ろ髪自体は 軟質素材となっているので問題なく、本体の可動も良好でした。 長1...
Grandpa destroys Pickleboy's Playstation 4 and coffee table after he failed to show up to bake Christmas cookies.. Grandpa on Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheAngryGrandpa Pickleboy on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Lyricoldrap Bridgette on Twitter - https://twitter.com/BridgetteWest Pickleboy's Vlogging Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/KidBehindACamera WANNA WRITE GRANDPA?: Charles Green PO Box 51734 Summerville, SC 29485
В этом видео я расскажу в двух словах о своём видении построения ретро систем и протестирую на системе Pentium 4 3,4 ГГц AGP видеокарты Radeon 9800 Pro, Radeon HD 3850, GeForce FX 5900, 6800, 6800GT, 7800GS в тестах 3Dmark2001-2006, Aquamark3, и играх Doom и F.E.A.R.
Aquí les compartimos un vídeo de nuestro proveedor de Vidrio Blindado Automotriz en donde nos explica los diferenciales que han desarrollado ellos.
Smile! I'ma blow a hole in your neck
And leave you standing there looking stupid like Beck
Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Fuck rednecks, dum diddy dum
Barrels in your mouth, shreds your toungue
Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Fuck Gene Simmons, you make me sick
'Psycho Circus' you stole my shit!
Spit your blood out and do your dance
But I'ma kick that ass through your leather pants
Fuck 'Palooza, big festivals
We'll never sell out with you bitch-ass hoes
Everybody jumps to the Juggalo Sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Everybody razed on the East Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the West Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the North Side (RIZE!)
South Side (RIZE!)
Everybody (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the East Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the West Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the North Side (RIZE!)
South Side (RIZE!)
Everybody (RIZE!)
Fuck money, I was raised up without shit
That's how I'll die, that's how I like it
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
I SCREAAAAAMM! I make towers shatter
I hooped the moon through the rings of Saturn
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
I say what I want, whatever I feel
Fuck your big contract record deal
Paper ain't shit youse amongst the dead
Dark Carnival, Alakoompahed
Fuck Videos, and radio play
Fuck shit, suck my dick all day
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Suck my dick
Micheal Eisler can suck my dick
If he's got some kind of problem with my shit
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
"I'm just a FAGOT!" (Korn) "FAGOT!" Yeah,
They call you that 'cuz you act like a bitch
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here, FUCK OUTTA HERE!
Fuck skin color, everybody's blue
Then what would all these bigots do?
Instead of your tone, they'd hate your size
That's why I must poke out all of their eyes
ICP (yeah), we roam alone
Ever since inner city ghetto zone
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound