Catholic Review

Local News

Classroom passion runs deep in Westminster

A combined 65 years in the classroom. An endless supply of esteem for, and expertise in, Catholic schools. That’s what Antoinette “Toni” LaFlame and Barbara Ott bring to the 255 students at St. John School in Westminster.
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High schools ‘go and make disciples’

Well-known for their solid academics and structured discipline, Catholic high schools across the Archdiocese of Baltimore are also engaged in a third mission, in effect for 2,000 years: evangelization.
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Filipino community lives out Pope Francis’ call to missionary discipleship

A standing-room-only gathering packed the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland Sept. 17 for the seventh annual Archdiocesan Filipino Saints Fiesta Celebration.
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Father Nawrocki, priest who served Holy Rosary Parish and Polish communities, dies

A farewell bilingual Mass in Polish and English for Society of Christ Father Zdzisław Nawrocki will be held Sept. 18, at 6:30 p.m., at Holy Rosary in Fells Point.
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Ellerslie Avenue building has been a center of ministry for 100 years

Exactly 100 years to the day when Cardinal James Gibbons dedicated St. Elizabeth Home as an orphanage for African-American children in Baltimore, former orphans were among those returning to the building Sept. 17 for a special Mass celebrating a century of diverse ministry at the site.
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National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes to dedicate Shrine of St. Sharbel

The National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in Emmitsburg will host a day of celebration in honor of the dedication of the Shrine of St. Sharbel.
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Blogs & Commentary

Charity in Truth

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Since 2003, the Archdiocese of Baltimore has trained 292,639 adults who volunteer and/or work with children and young people. In addition, more than 44,000 students per year have been trained in child abuse prevention and reporting since 2003, as part of religion class in Catholic schools or in faith formation classes in our parishes.
The Catholic Review picked up 32 awards combined from the Associated Church Press, the Catholic Press Association of the U.S. and Canada, and the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association.

Open Window

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Between soccer, Sunday School, and learning all the states in the U.S., we don’t have much free weekend time.

Coffee & Doughnuts

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The Catholic Review sits down with Mark Teixeira, five-time MLB Gold Glove first baseman and 1998 graduate of Mount St. Joseph High School.

Question Corner

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Father Doyle fields questions about a pastor's duties and the use of incense at Mass.

Word on Fire

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Immediately after caring for their physical and psychological needs, the saint commenced to instruct the slaves in the rudiments of the Christian faith.

The Domestic Church

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As a mother of two growing children, I’m getting used to following along behind. I want them to be cautious and hang back and stay young just a little while longer. But they see a wide open world ahead of them, without a danger in sight. They want to run free.

Our Back Pages

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“One minute before the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 – the moment when an armistice took effect to end World War I – Henry Gunther was shot and killed near the French village of Chaumont-devant-Damvillers."

The Narthex

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If we start sharing stories of heroic virtue and courage, we are bound to inspire religious vocations.

Dust and Dewfall

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What are the false gods that we are tempted to look upon, to hold on to and depend upon, that distract us from the gaze of Christ into our eyes, minds and hearts?

Baltimore Boomer

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Whatever happens, darkness at the break of 2:48 p.m. Aug. 21 is going to be another grand moment with creation.

The Catholic Difference

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To reduce a human being to an object whose value is measured by “utility” is to destroy one of the building blocks of the democratic order – the moral truth that the American Declaration of Independence calls the “inalienable” right to “life.”

Behind the Headlines

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How did a Baltimore boy get connected to Pope John Paul II, and how did he come to write “Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II,” published in the fall of 1999, and “The End and the Beginning: Pope John Paul II—The Victory of Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy.” Listen to...

Fertile Soil

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Jesus is present from the moment I wake up, and he is with me until the moment I fall asleep at night. How do I interact with him? How much of that time do I ignore him?

Guest Commentary

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This month marks a significant anniversary in the history of technology: It is the 10-year anniversary of the iPhone. Apple celebrated by unveiling yet another iPhone, this one called the iPhone X.

Wit & Wisdom

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Christmas does come every day because Christ comes every day. And when you and I live and love, give and forgive, the light of Christ comes through us.


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As I adjusted to life with the few necessities that would prepare our food, I kind of liked the simplicity of having less.

A More Human Society

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Catholics worried about the rise of atheism can take a short-term and a long-term approach. Right now, we need to educate our children, evangelize and respond to attacks on the faith. As for the long term, Catholic couples, can you guess?

World News

Blessed Rother ‘an authentic light’ for church and world, says cardinal

The martyrdom of Blessed Stanley Francis Rother "fills us with sadness but also gives us joy to see the kindness, generosity and courage of a great man of faith," Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes, said Sept. 23 in Oklahoma City.
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Pope says church was late fighting abuse, promises ‘zero tolerance’

Pope Francis has endorsed an approach of "zero tolerance" toward all members of the church guilty of sexually abusing minors or vulnerable adults.
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Church leaders offer prayers, Mexicans pitch in after earthquake

Mexican church leaders offered prayers and urged generosity after an earthquake struck the national capital and its environs, claiming more than 240 lives -- including at least 20 children trapped in a collapsed school.
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Defend life, equality, unity, pope tells Colombians

Consolidating peace in Colombia will mean overcoming "the darkness" of inequality and a lack of respect for human life, Pope Francis said.
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The Least of These: Care for prisoners doesn’t stop after release

“I found Christ in these men, and they shared it with me. It didn’t matter whether they were Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, there was a respect,” Father Canterna said. “The key is love. The key is your presence, your oneness with that person. You have to give of yourself, like Jesus did.”
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For 20 million people, conflict added to drought means no food to eat

Conflict and drought are threatening more than 20 million people in four countries with the prospect of famine, and the U.N. has called this food crisis the largest humanitarian crisis since the world body was formed more than 70 years ago.
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