Water Sector Reform and Flood Management Pilot Workshop on Flood Management Planning

Sughd Province, Tajikistan, 14 September, 2017. On the September 13th, 2017, UNDP Tajikistan together with the SDC funded National Water Resource Management Project, implemented by the HELVETAS Consortium (Helvetas, ACTED, and GIZ) held a pilot Workshop on Flood Management Planning in Khujand, Sughd Province.

Joint TAJSTAT and UNDP Donor Meeting on Improvement of Statistics to feed the Needs for Reporting on the SDGs
Joint TAJSTAT and UNDP Donor Meeting on Improvement of Statistics to feed the Needs for Reporting on the SDGs

August 28, 2016, Dushanbe. The Agency for Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (TAJSTAT) jointly with the UNDP in Tajikistan hosted a donor meeting to review the implementation results of UNDP-supported sub-projects: System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA), and trade-related statistics for establishment of information base for trade registry. The meeting also aimed at raising awareness among relevant state institutions and engaging the wider donor community for improving the system of national statistics to feed the needs for reporting on the SDGs.

UN in Tajikistan celebrates World Humanitarian Day: Interview with UNRC Ms. Pratibha Mehta

On August 19, World Humanitarian Day proclaimed by the UN General Assembly is celebrated to honor humanitarian workers who stand for the implementation of humanitarian assistance and for those who have given their lives. In honor of this date, we met with the UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan, Ms. Pratibha Mehta, who told us about the humanitarian activities of the UN in Tajikistan.

World Humanitarian Day, 19 August 2017

Today, on World Humanitarian Day, UN in Tajikistan pays special tribute to and honour all humanitarian workers around the globe who stand on the front lines of war and disaster, carrying on their dignified mission in the name of those who are suffering. Humanitarian workers provide life-saving assistance consisting of first aid, nutrition, shelter and help rebuild after disaster has struck. These workers often battle violence, local diseases and hunger while attempting to save lives and provide relief to those most in need...

Statement by Dr. Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan at the International Youth Day 2017
Statement by Dr. Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan at the International Youth Day 2017

Statement by Dr. Pratibha Mehta, UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan at the Opening Ceremony of the International Youth Day 2017 Honorable Chairman of the Committee of Youth and Sport, Dustoni aziz, salom aleykum, I am very happy to be here today with all of you to celebrate the International Youth Day,...

Training for dispatchers and IT personnel on information and communication technologies of the Unified Emergency Call Center

During 24-27 of July 2017, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tajikistan jointly with The Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense (CoES) conducted a refresher training on information and communication technologies of the Unified Emergency Call Center for the dispatchers and IT personnel of three emergency services, i.e. Ambulance, Firefighters and CoES...

EU-BOMNAF upgrades Border Crossing Point (BCP) Aqina on the Afghan-Turkmen border

To improve legitimate flow of people and goods and enhance counter trafficking capacity, UNDP’s EU-BOMNAF Project recently completed construction of a new facility for passport control, registration, customs inspection, and vehicle search...

Government of Tajikistan and United Nations in Tajikistan jointly held a high-level conference on partnership for sustainable development in Dushanbe

12 June 2017, Dushanbe, Kohi Navruz. Government of Tajikistan and United Nations system in Tajikistan jointly held a high-level conference on partnership for sustainable development during the visit of H.E. UN Secretary-General Mr. António Guterres to Tajikistan. The conference was opened by H.E. President of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon...

Roundtable for National Adaptation Plan to cope with Climate Change

9 June 2017, Dushanbe, Tajikistan: A roundtable was held by UNDP aimed at initiating development of National Adaptation Planning process (NAP) focused on integrating climate adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies in Tajikistan...

‘Connect with Nature’ on the World Environment Day

Dushanbe, June 5th, 2017 the campaign for nature celebrating World Environment Day in Tajikistan’s has been held in two largest cities: Dushanbe and Khujand. The campaign exposed the way to an improved stewardship of our planet and in turn keep citizens healthy.

UNDP Strengthens Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacities of the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defence

On 15 May 2017, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tajikistan handed over eleven vehicles to the Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defenсe (CoES) under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to strengthen their search and rescue capacity.

Houses for 18 flood affected Households in Sari Chashma jamoat of Shamsiddin Shohin (Shurobod) district, Khatlon province

Khatlon Province, Tajikistan, 21 April, 2017. In April 20th, 2017, UNDP Tajikistan in cooperation with the Local Executive Authorities of Khatlon Province officially handed over 18 three-roomed single-unit houses to the to 18 households, whose houses were destroyed by....

Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon met with the UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative Dr. Pratibha Mehta

On April 11, 2017, President of Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Emomali Rahmon met with United Nations Resident Coordinator Dr. Pratibha Mehta. The current state and prospects of cooperation between Tajikistan and UN have been discussed.

Tajikistan Hosts Central Asia Regional Meeting of the Heads of Emergency Services on Disaster Risk Reduction

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 31 March, 2017. A regional ministerial meeting of the Heads of Emergency Services of the Central Asian countries was held today in Dushanbe hosted by the Government of Tajikistan to discuss and agree on the Regional statement of the countries of Central Asia at upcoming Fifth Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), which will be held in May 2017 in Cancun, Mexico...

Peaceful neighbors - good friends

“Peaceful neighbors are the good friends” is the slogan of all youth activities in 80 bordering communities of Tajikistan. The five-day training program on tolerance, leadership and active participation is the first part of the youth capacity-building program. The training program is developed based on the needs and capacity assessment of 8 Youth Contact groups and concords with the UNDP project aims.

Start-up Choihona II brought more new entrepreneus on stage

The project enables young people to get feedback on their business ideas so that they can further refine them. The final goal is to encourage the youth to be more self-reliant and to promote the entrepreneurship mind-set and attitude. UNDP in Tajikistan is happy to support this initiative together with our partners in the year of youth, as proclaimed by the President...

UNDP Presents Regional Human Development Report for 2016

Dushanbe 9 March 2017. Regional Human Development Report for 2016 on inequalities in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia. Mr. Ben Slay, UNDP Senior Advisor and Report lead author introduced participants, development partners, UN agencies, media representatives, academia on the importance of this Report and the impact of global narratives on inequalities in the region.

DRR initiatives implemented under LITACA will ensure the safety of 6025 people

17 February 2017 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The abnormality with weather conditions back in 2015 triggered several mudflows and floods throughout Tajikistan highlighting the threat posed by climate-related disasters. Recognizing this threat , the United Nations Development Programme within the framework of “Livelihood Improvement in Tajik-Afghan Cross-border Areas (LITACA)”...

UNDP Connects Microfinance to Environmental Sustainability

February 13, 2017. The series of trainings on the “Integration of environmental management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and the microcredit funds (MCF), as well as on «Criteria for environmental sustainability of business activities...

Qualification improvement and management skills courses conducted for SHHP employees in Tajikistan

From December 2016 to January 2017, professional courses were conducted as the part of the UNDP / GEF project "Transfer of technology and market development of small hydropower plants in Tajikistan" to enhance the capacity of the technical staff of small hydropower plants, according to UNDP Tajikistan.

300,000 people benefit from 76 implemented infrastructure projects under Litaca
300,000 people benefit from 76 implemented infrastructure projects under LITACA

Dushanbe January 24, 2016. The 6th Steering Committee (SC) meeting of “Livelihoods Improvement in Tajik-Afghan Cross-border Areas (LITACA)” project brought together representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan....

Three new ...
Towards Improving Disaster Risk Reduction and Response capacities in Tajikistan

Dushanbe, 19 January, 2017. The first joint Steering Committee meeting of projects recently launched within UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme for the period of 2016-2021 has been conducted with participation of all contributing agencies, national implementing stakeholders and international partners.

Project Implementation in Rasht valley
48000 population benefited as a result of project implementation in Rasht valley

Dushanbe, 10 January, 2017. The last Steering Committee meeting of “Empowering Rural Communities with Better Livelihood and Social Protection” project, jointly implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women and UN WFP for the last three years has been conducted...

Dushanbe, Tajikistan - December 5, 2016. International Volunteer Day (IVD), celebrated worldwide on 5 December, was designated by the UN General Assembly in 1985 through Resolution 40/212 as an international observance day to celebrate the power and potential of volunteers. The day gives an opportunity to thank and celebrate the billion volunteers all over the world who are making peace and sustainable development a reality. By merging UN support with a grassroots mandate, IVD is a unique opportunity for volunteer-involving organizations and individual volunteers to promote their contributions to development at local, national and international level.
International Volunteer Day 2016
International Volunteer Day 2016

“Volunteering is not just noble, but necessary. Let us give a round of an applause for all volunteers who are working for improving lives of others, and encourage those to volunteer, who wish to help making the world a better place,” says UN Resident Coordinator in Tajikistan Pratibha Mehta.

EU-BOMNAF equipping border police units in Northern Afghanistan

As well as infrastructure and training provision, UNDP’s EU-BOMNAF project also supplies the Afghan Border Police with essential equipment to increase the efficiency and capacity of border police units on Afghanistan’s northern border.

Workshop on Gender
Regional Workshop on “Gender and Diversity in Mine Action”

On 2 – 3 November a Regional Workshop on Gender and Diversity in Mine Action is being held in Dushanbe city.