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New AK Press books this week

Hi Jurans,

Here are the new titles from AK Press this week:

'Revolution by the Book - AK Press' T-shirt, $24.

You're in the Wrong Bathroom: Trans gender..., Laura Jacobs et al, $24

From Democracy to Freedom, Crimethinc, $19.50.

Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord (annotated by Ken Knabb), $23.

Intersections of Anarchism and Community Organising, by Dave, $6.

The Autonomous City: A history of urban squatting, Alexander Vasudevan, $40.

Guerrillas of Desire: Notes of organising to make revolution possible, Kevin Van Meter, $28.50.

Burn Down the American Plantation; Call for a revolutionary abolitionist movement, RAM, $18.

The Zapatistas: Zapatista Encuentro, Open Media, $8.

See you soon.