Farrah Marolt urges Queanbeyan to get tough in order to beat Arawang in Canberra State league

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This was published 7 years ago

Farrah Marolt urges Queanbeyan to get tough in order to beat Arawang in Canberra State league

By Dominic Unwin

Queanbeyan forward Farrah Marolt says her side may have to get tough if they want to break through for their first win of the season against Arawang on Friday night.

Queanbeyan is anchored to the bottom of the ladder in the State League season, winless after six games while Arawang is second on the table.

Queanbeyan's Farrah Marolt has called on her team to get tough.

Queanbeyan's Farrah Marolt has called on her team to get tough.Credit: Sitthixay Ditthavong

It may look like a forlorn result on paper but Arawang are coming off an 18-point loss against Canberra and Marolt believes they could be ripe for the picking.

"We may have to rough them up a little and try and get them while they're down," Marolt said.

"They're very strong and they always bring it to the court so we'll do our best to give it back to them."

Despite only having a solitary point to their name, Marolt was upbeat and happy with how the season had unfolded.

"The season is actually going pretty well," Marolt said.

"We're a team that is used to not winning a lot of games....we've had the one draw but we're competitive in all the games we've played.

"It can be tough [to stay motivated] but our team is very close-knit, we support each other and we just keep pushing through."


That support is built on more than just ordinary camaraderie, with the majority of the squad having come through the Queanbeyan junior system within a few years of each other.

Goal-shooter Marolt said the familiarity was starting to make its way onto the court.

"I've been playing with a couple of the girls for a few years and you can see [the growth] on court," Marolt said.

"We all played representative netball for Queanbeyan.....spread across a few different age groups but we've known each other for years."

Marolt said the lack of a few senior players made life in Canberra's top division hard and playing a consistent brand of netball was key to improving.

"It's very tough," Marolt said.

"I've been playing netball my whole life and turning up here every Friday, it's certainly the hardest I've played.

"There are a lot of older players spread across the other teams so they have that experience whereas with us being a younger side we're still trying to develop and work as a team first.

"At the moment it's just about consistency, keeping the ball and not throwing it away easily, that's something we'll really need to focus on this week."



Friday: Queanbeyan vs. Ararwang, Canberra vs Belconnen, Tuggeranong vs. South Canberra at ACT Netball Centre, Lyneham. All games at 9pm.

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