Photo of The Sex Killers

The Sex Killers


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Released: Jan 1, 2009

General Info

  • Genre: Garage / New Wave / Punk

    Location Sacramento,Seattle, California, US

    Profile Views: 18544

    Last Login: 2/2/2012

    Member Since 12/8/2007

    Website this one

    Record Label unsigned

    Type of Label Indie

  • Bio

    .. ........ hot girls love us cuz we are sleazy dirtbag band. we dont care about hipster sissys shit,or boring idiot nazi sweating with each other type of people. we are only fuckers and alcoholic lazy laying arounds. fuck off trendy old timey shit. all hot girls give us money. you can and will fuck off.
  • Members

    ..Bob The All Night Rocker..has too many warrants,a bad drinking habit,bangs on the guitar and hollers about shit .... ..J Beer..kicking the dope beats like a meth dealer at an inbred picnic in the night..
  • Influences

    .......... .. iggy & the stooges,rolling stones,ny dolls,sacramento,,drugs, alcohol,blood,new wave hookers.. ......
  • Sounds Like

    .......... ..


00:00 | 0 plays | Jan 1 0001

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  • The Raws

    hello i am you fans
    and we managed to listen the songs!

    1 year ago
  • The Raws

    fock yeah!we like that shit!

    1 year ago
  • Zulema C. Posey

    hello,i am you fans.

    1 year ago
    • John Watson

      Thank you folks, very much!

      1 year ago
  • strangemagic starfucker

    hey man...whats up....just checkin in...phones dead in ya later...fix my head and in defence at the morgue tonight if yr around...blah

    1 year ago
  • vodkaandtheblackouts


    1 year ago

    Fuck yeah! Hails for the add. You guys kill! Great whiskey drinking music! And maybe a bar brawl or 10! If you have cds or songs online I'm interested! HORNS OF UNHOLY HELLFIRE!

    2 years ago
  • strangemagic starfucker

    that guy is kinda hot....nice cheek bones....from personality seven

    2 years ago
  • Hotbox

    What's up The Sex Killers? May you be as vivid as your hallucinations. I relentlessly desire cotton candy lollipops. What wonderful vibrations you are capable of. Your eyes show as many deep and full shades of fire as a volcano in heat. The stickers hugging the fruit smell better than the perfume of ambergris. I find your eyes to be a wondrous amusement park filled with neo-plastic pleasures and turkish delights. The elves that play in the toasters wash their drum sticks in honey and sing strikingly colored anthems in perfect harmonious pleasure. In your absence I am forced into finding other forms of amusement while thinking about you. Transistors bridge where your vanity would never go. Blinking reveals the true visage of beauty hidden within your eyes. The sand runes crossing your divided consciousness do speak of contemptuous monsters being slayed by flying phoenixes. Your intoxicating reflection can but incorporate freely into the powerful surface of a disintegrating mirror set afloat upon a swarm of locusts.

    2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
10 of 232More


hot girls love us cuz we are sleazy dirtbag band. we dont care about hipster sissys shit,or boring idiot nazi sweating with each other type of people. we are only fuckers and alcoholic lazy laying arounds. fuck off trendy old timey shit. all hot girls give us money. you can and will fuck off.

Member Since:

December 08, 2007


Bob The All Night Rockerhas too many warrants,a bad drinking habit,bangs on the guitar and hollers about shit

J Beerkicking the dope beats like a meth dealer at an inbred picnic in the night



iggy & the stooges,rolling stones,ny dolls,sacramento,
porn,drugs, alcohol,blood,new wave hookers

Sounds Like:


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