Category Archives: Rojava

Raqqa, Siria: IRPGF Comunicado por Santiago Maldonado

Primero de septiembre. Hace ya un mes que no sabemos nada sobre el paradero del compañero anarquista Santiago Maldonado. Pasan los días, se acerca la primavera en la región pampeana. Todo es cálido en primavera, pero nuestros días son negros; … Continue reading

Posted in International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, Mapuche Struggle, Raqqa, Rojava, Santiago Maldonado, Syria

IRPGF Celebrates the Birthday of Ş-Ivana Hoffmann, nom de guerre Avaşin Tekoşin Güneş (MLKP)

Şehid Ivana Hoffmann lost her life fighting Daiş, which is an undoubtedly selfless and courageous act. However, today, on her birthday, we choose not to focus on what she died for, but rather what she lived for. Today, we want … Continue reading

Posted in Combative Memory, Germany, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, Ivana Hoffmann, Kurdistan, MLKP, Rojava, Syria, Turkey

Raqqa, Syria: IRPGF Statement on the Forced Disappearance of the Argentinian Anarchist Comrade Santiago Maldonado

September 1st. A month ago and we still do not know anything about the whereabouts of the anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado. The days pass, and spring is approaching in the Pampean region. Everything is warm in spring, but our days … Continue reading

Posted in Argentina, Mapuche Struggle, Raqqa, Rojava, Santiago Maldonado, Syria

‘Not One Step Back!’: TQILA-IRPGF Communique (Rojava / Syria)

The current social revolution in Rojava (Western Kurdistan – Syria) is one of the greatest beacons of militant self-organized and autonomous revolutionary praxis of the 21st Century. Within a brutal civil war in Syria that has cost upwards of half … Continue reading

Posted in Abdullah Öcalan, Insurrection, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), Kurdish Struggle, Kurdistan, MLKP, PKK, Queer Struggle, Rojava, SDF, Syria, The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army (TQILA), TKP / ML-TiKKO, United Freedom Forces (BÖG), YPG, YPJ

Rojava: The Formation of the Queer Liberation and Insurrection Army (TQILA) – IRPGF

We, the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) formally announce the formation of The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army (TQILA), a subgroup of the IRPGF comprised of LGBT*QI+ comrades as well as others who seek to smash the gender binary … Continue reading

Posted in Armed Struggle, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), Kurdish Struggle, Kurdistan, Queer Struggle, Rojava, Syria, The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army (TQILA), Transgender Struggle

IRPGF Statement on the One Year Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Ş. Eylem (BÖG) and Ş. Sevda (MLKP)

  30.06.17: One year ago, two heroic women revolutionaries fell Şehîd in the Battle of Manbij against the fascism of Daesh and their allied gangs including the Turkish state. Şehîd Eylem and Şehîd Sevda were fighting simultaneously for the liberation … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Combative Memory, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), Kurdistan, Manbij, MLKP, Raqqa, Rojava, Syria, TiKKO, Turkey, United Freedom Forces (BÖG), YPG, YPJ, Şehîd Eylem, Şehîd Sevda

IRPGF: Solidarity with Spanish anarchists on trial in Aachen (Rojava / Germany)

On January 23, the trial began against two Barcelona anarchist comrades accused of expropriating banks in Aachen (Germany). The two are currently in the prison of said city, in solitary confinement from their arrest in April of 2016. It seems … Continue reading

Posted in Aachen, Aachen Bank Robbery Case, Anarchist Prisoners, Germany, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, Repression, Rojava