Category Archives: Political Prisoners

Call for Anti-Prison Actions in Solidarity with Imprisoned Comrades (Eng/Esp)

Received and translated on 17.07.17: The bars and the physical and mental walls are present in every corner of the planet and we reproduce them in different ways in our everyday life, although it is more comforting and less sad … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Direct Action, Fernando Bárcenas, International Solidarity, Mexico, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Uncategorized

USA: Call for an International Week of Solidarity with #J20 Defendants July 20-27

We are calling for a Week of Solidarity with the J20 defendants from July 20 to 27, 2017. July 20 marks six months from the initial actions and arrests during Donald Trump’s inauguration, and on July 27, a motion to … Continue reading

Posted in #DisruptJ20, #J20, Anarchist Prisoners, Antifa, Antifascism, Antifascist Prisoners, Fuck Trump, International Solidarity, Political Prisoners, Repression, USA

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Justice Tribunal paint-bombed in solidarity with imprisoned comrade Rafael Braga (Eng/Port)

Received and translated by Insurrection News on 16.06.17: On Saturday, May 6th, a few days after we learned of the absurd sentence, when night fell, we walked towards the Justice Tribunal of Porto Alegre and we threw paint bombs at … Continue reading

Posted in Brazil, Direct Action, Fire To The Judiciary, Fire To The Prisons, Paint Bombing, Political Prisoners, Porto Alegre, Rafael Braga Vieira

Santiago, Chile: Incendiary Attack Against a Transantiago Bus in Memory Of Mauricio Morales

During the night of May 26, 2017, about 20 encapuchados (‘hooded ones’) left USACH (University of Santiago, Chile) to erect barricades on the corner of Matucana and Romero, where they managed to stop a Transantiago route 513 bus belonging to … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Barricades, Chile, Combative Memory, Direct Action, Incendiary Attack, Mauricio Morales, Political Prisoners, Punky Mauri, Santiago

Greece: Attack against Nafpaktos Police Station in solidarity with Tasos Theofilou & all imprisoned comrades

21.05.17: At 5:00 today about 10 people attacked Nafpaktos Police Station as a sign of solidarity with Tasos Theofilou and all imprisoned comrades. First the guards outside and the cop’s cars were attacked with stones and then Molotovs were thrown … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Direct Action, Fuck The Police, Greece, Molotov Attack, Nafpaktos, Political Prisoners, Tasos Theofilou

Athens, Greece: 13th hearing – Provocative questions highlight the political nature of Tasos Theofilou’s trial

Sylvia and Giant reporting for OmniaTV from the 13th hearing of the appeals trial of imprisoned anarchist communist comrade Tasos Theofilou. Translated into English for Insurrection News by BlackCat, with thanks to ΚαρβουΝινα for their assistance.  The 13th hearing started … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Greece, Political Prisoners, Repression, Tasos Theofilou

France: Former Action Directe militant Jean-Marc Rouillan sentenced on appeal to 18 months on ‘apology for terrorism’ charges

Last Tuesday, Jean-Marc Rouillan, sentenced to life imprisonment in 1989 and enjoying a semi-liberty regime since 2011, was convicted on appeal by the Paris Court of Appeal for apology for terrorism on the basis of a truncated quotation about the … Continue reading

Posted in Action Directe, France, Jean-Marc Rouillan, Political Prisoners, Repression, State Of Emergency