Support the Bloomington ABC Anarchist Prisoner War Fund!


Since October 2015, Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross has been providing consistent  monthly funds to anarchist prisoners throughout the United States via our Anarchist Prisoner War Fund. We are now asking for help keeping this project going strong into the future.

We have specifically chosen comrades who were receiving very little money or support from the outside, who have no familial support, or who were otherwise in need of monetary aid. These funds have been essential when some comrades did stints in solitary due to activities surrounding the September 9th prison strike, aiding their survival in the most oppressive conditions. We also emphasize support for rebellious prisoners who have maintained the struggle behind the walls. We want to make it clear to our comrades in prison and those taking action on the outside that they can continue to struggle without fear of abandonment if they are caught.

Currently, we provide $40 each month to five anarchist prisoners:

  • Michael Kimble, a gay, Black anarchist and long-time prison rebel imprisoned for the self-defense killing of a racist homophobe.
  • Sean Swain, an anarchist prison rebel in Ohio.
  • Eric King, an anarchist doing 10 years for attempting to firebomb a Congressman’s office in solidarity with the Ferguson rebellion.
  • Jennifer Gann, an anarchist trans woman and long-time prison rebel in California.
  • Andy H., a local anarchist comrade in prison for assaulting a cop.
  • In addition, we have sent substantial amounts of money to other comrades and projects on a temporary basis: Casey Brezik, the Cleveland 4, Marius Mason, prison rebels facing repression for organizing and revolt, an anarchist social space in Malaysia in need of repairs after a fire, and imprisoned fighters of other social struggles.

Thus far, we have raised this ourselves through fundraising, exclusively through the support of local friends and comrades. This constant need for funds means our other efforts (two prison zine distros, a monthly anti-prison info night, letter writing events, a widely-distributed prison newsletter, correspondence and visits with our imprisoned comrades, sending monthly packages of zines and books to anarchist prisoners, maintaining anarchist infrastructure in Bloomington, etc) sometimes have to take a backseat. We live in a small town, and the pool of people willing to give money to anarchist prisoners isn’t large. In an effort to alleviate this, we’re asking people elsewhere to help us keep the War Fund going.

All money sent to us will go directly to imprisoned comrades:  consistently to those on our list, and periodically to others who need it.

If we can meet our goal, we will begin sending consistent funds to additional imprisoned comrades.

We thank anyone who donates, and we carry forth the promise of expanding and deepening our efforts to set our comrades free and destroy the  prison society that keeps us all confined.

Bloomington ABC

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Running Down the Walls 2017: 5k Run for Political Prisoners

WHAT: Running Down the Walls – 5k run/walk/jog
WHEN: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Sunday, October 1st
WHERE: Ninth Street Park, Bloomington Indiana
COST: Suggested registration $20 (food and drink afterwards)

Running Down the Walls is an annual 5k run/walk/jog organized by Anarchist Black Cross chapters internationally to raise money for political prisoners/prisoners of war. This is the first year that Bloomington ABC will be participating.

Register as, or Sponsor, a Participant

* Promote – Print and distribute this poster to friends and around town.

* Run/walk/bike/roll in the 5k – If you want to participate, please contact us to register with your name (or an alias) and how much money you plan to pledge. We are asking for $20, but any amount of money will work. Please contact us at rundownthewallsbloomy [at] riseup [dot] net to register.

* Sponsor a participant. If you have a friend or family member participating in the 5k, you can sponsor them by giving them money to bring to the event, or coming yourself and donating there.

All money raised during Running Down the Walls will go directly to eco-anarchist trans prisoner and former Bloomington resident Marius Mason.

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Post-June 11th statement from Michael Kimble

From Anarchy Live

One of the things that power wants to do is isolate all those held captive by the state and induce a sense of helplessness and abandonment in the captive’s psyche towards those on the outside – especially towards those who are part of resisting the state’s excesses. But i’d like to give a big thanks to all those who have sent me letters and cards this June 11th.

You don’t know how much it really means to me and there are no words that i can adequately use to express what it means. i can tell you this, i know that i am not alone and forgotten. The banners, drawings, pictures, and descriptions of the environment (flowers, butterflies, etc.) really gives me a moment of escape as i picture it all in my mind from the dreary and suffocating experience of this physical captivity. i long to be out there with you all and this gives clarity to my sense of agency in joining you all, and reminds me that i must dislodge the police from my head and put that agency into action in gaining my freedom from power’s institutions of control, coercion, and authority. Never should we lay down and accept the state’s logic of submission by depending on the state to free us. Freedom is in our hands. Thanks for reminding me of this. The best solidarity one can give.

You truly are beautiful people.

Love and Rage in my heart and mind.

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[Mexico] Updates on Anarchist Prisoners Abraham Cortés and Fernando Bárcenas

From It’s Going Down

Abraham Cortés is free!

Update received on July 26:

This afternoon we received a phone call from compañero Abraham Cortés in which he told us that after more than three years in prison he is finally out after being granted early release.

We’re very pleased to share this news, as Abraham was rebellious prisoner during his entire time in prison, a compañero who always maintained a combative stance in the face of imprisonment.

Yet there are compañeros who remain behind prison walls…the struggle continues until we’re all free.

Anarchist Black Cross – Mexico

Fernando Bárcenas is out of isolation

According to the latest update from the Anarchist Black Cross – Mexico, on July 26 Fernando was transferred to general population thanks to the pressure and mobilization of individuals and collectives in solidarity. Below is another public letter from Fernando, dated July 25.

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International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners: August 23-30, 2017

This year, the International solidarity week for anarchist prisoners will be spent for the fifth time in 23rd to 30th August and we come stronger than ever!

Some political prisoners are already supported, but far from all of them. Also, the supported are usually involved in authoritarian politics and not grassroots activities. Anarchist prisoners are not often well-known people, even though they might be long term activists. Their ways to fight back oppressors and wrongdoings are not necessarily following the current laws of their location, which is judged by some authoritarian organisations. The vast amount and diversity of cases of anarchist prisoners is surprising to many.

We wanted to choose a week, so that it would be easy as possible to organise different kinds of expressions of solidarity, which would be supported by one another. The beginning of the week was chosen to be the execution date of Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italian-American anarchists, in 1927. They were convicted with very little amount of evidence, and many still consider that they were punished from their anarchist views.

Welcome to join!
Solidarity can express itself in many forms.

Please report us your done actions to the address You can also announce your event in advance in the same address, we list them on our page From the pages you can also find examples and tips of actions and support mail to anarchists, links to prisoner lists and more.

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[Germany] Send Lisa a letter

From Contra Info

[2013 Aachen bank robbery case]
In December 2016, an anarchist from Amsterdam was acquitted of a bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2013.

[2014 Aachen bank robbery case]
Since early 2017, two comrades from Barcelona stood trial for a Pax-Bank expropriation that took place in Aachen in 2014:

On June 7th 2017, anarchist compañera Lisa was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison, while the other comrade (who recently wrote a thank-you note) was acquitted by the Aachen court.

After being sentenced and sent to Cologne’s prison, the compañera decided to publish her contact address:
Buchnummer: 2893/16/7
Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln
Rochusstrasse 350
50827 Köln – Germany

Lisa speaks Spanish, German, English and Italian, and she will be glad to receive your letters.

That other forms of solidarity continue to be expressed with her and all other prisoners. That prisoners always remain a part of social struggles and be embedded in all actions of the social war. For anarchy.

More info:

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June 11, 2017 roundup

From June 11th

[PDF for reading] [PDF for printing]

Communication is a weapon: June 11th 2017

This year, the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners emphasized how communication aids our struggles against prison society and disrupts the isolation imposed on comrades who are locked up for the long term.

The state aims to make our comrades disappear, but we want their names and deeds spread throughout the world. During the months preceding June 11, word was circulated far and wide about both our imprisoned comrades and the upcoming day of solidarity. Newly designed June 11 promotional materials – including stickers, flyers, and posters – reached individuals, social centers, and distribution projects around the world. The call for June 11th this year was translated into French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

We conducted several moving and insightful interviews with former prisoners and outside supporters, who eloquently wove connections between past and current struggles. Solidarity with long-term prisoners can strengthen our struggles by forcing us to look back and learn from theirs, and deepen our collective memory.

As June 11th has come and gone, we want to affirm again that our commitment to our imprisoned comrades is not limited to one day, but extends in all directions:

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Walter Bond is in solitary confinement

From Support Walter

Walter was placed in the SHU on Monday because he is being investigated for an assault. He can’t discuss the incident because he is being investigated. He said he could be there for a few months. He would like to receive letters from you all, and include your address in the body of the letter even if you are already a correspondent, because he doesn’t have anybody’s address where he is now. He sounded okay. We can make his time in the hole go faster by sending him entertaining letters and cards. Jokes and funny stories and pictures are good.

Walter Bond #37096-013
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville, IL 62246

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June 26: Veganism & the Prison System

JUNE 26, 2017
Boxcar Books
408 E. 6th St

Join us for a discussion about staying vegan while incarcerated, Green Scare laws that target animal rights and eco-activists, and cases of vegan and animal rights prisoners, including Marius Mason, Joseph Buddenberg, Nicole Kissane, and Eric King.

Former animal liberation prisoner Kevin Olliff will be calling in.

Vegan potluck! Bring a dish to share.

Letter writing to vegan prisoners!

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New support flyer for Bill Dunne

Bill Dunne is a long time anti-authoritarian and anarchist prisoner who since 1979, has been doing time for his involvement in an armed attempt at freeing a comrade from imprisonment. Please download and distribute this up-to-date support flyer for Bill Dunne and let us never forget our comrades on the inside.


Get to know Bill Dunne, a political prisoner who has been a prisoner of the state since 1979.

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