Tag Archives: Seattle

Seattle, WA: Update from grand jury proceedings and statement from resisters Leah and Dennison

from Say Nothing: Leah read the statement posted below on the courthouse steps. 80 or so supporters cheered her on as she entered the courthouse. She returned to us less than an hour later to more ecstatic cheers. The prosecutor … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Municipal Court attacked in solidarity

from anews: In the early hours of August 2nd, we attacked a municipal court building in Seattle’s bedroom community-Kirkland. In addition to multiple broken windows and doors, fliers were left inside the newly “opened” building indicating that our small act … Continue reading

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International Call for Solidarity Actions for those facing the repression of the grand jury in the Northwest!

from anews: This an international call out for solidarity actions on behalf of all those facing the repression of the grand juries, fbi, and joint-terrorism task force in the Pacific Northwest.* All of these incidents are related to the Grand … Continue reading

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August 2nd: Call for demo in solidarity with comrades subpoenaed to grand jury in Seattle

from anews: This is a regional call-out for a solidarity demo at the Seattle federal courthouse, 700 Stuart St., starting at 7:30am and going throughout the day, to show support for the comrades being stripped of any sembalence of rights … Continue reading

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URGENT: FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas against anarchists in Northwest United States

from greenisthenewred: As I’ve been reporting on Twitter, there have been multiple homes raided and grand jury subpoenas issued in Portland, Olympia, and Seattle.

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Seattle, WA: Bank attack in solidarity with Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Doug Wright

from anews: A Wells Fargo in Seattle had some of its windows broken last night as a small gesture of solidarity with Gabriel Pomba da Silva who is currently imprisoned in Germany and is facing renewed repression under Operation Ardire … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Two banks and a Starbucks smashed

from pugetsoundanarchists: Last night in Seattle we smashed the windows of two banks and a Starbucks. It is saddening that so many people experience banks as institutions of exploitation yet refuse to take the step of attacking them, as for … Continue reading

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June 11th roundup of actions and events

from anews: Another great June 11th, thanks to everyone who organized events, wrote letters, and followed their hearts! There were at least forty events planned, including lots of international solidarity. We’re excited about the level of commitment and love everyone … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Reportback from June 11th dinner and march

from pugetsoundanarchists: The June 11th celebrations began last night in Seattle with a well-attended benefit dinner that also included the sharing of poetry and words of solidarity and struggle. After the dinner, there was a demonstration of about 60 people … Continue reading

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Sadie and Exile have been transferred to a re-entry facility (IMPORTANT MAIL UPDATE)

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, ELF prisoners Sadie and Exile have been transferred to the custody of the Seattle Community Corrections Office after spending more than 6 years in full confinement.

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Seattle, WA: Wells Fargo attacked in solidarity with Pax

from pugetsoundanarchists: Last night a Wells Fargo bank had multiple windows smashed out. A circle “A” was painted on the building. This was done in solidarity with Pax and all those facing the recent repression in Portland. Fire to the … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Claim for attack on Department of Corrections building

from pugetsoundanarchists: Early in the morning we went to the west seattle community building and smashed out the windows. We also left two messages. One being a circle A, and the other being ” For Oakland”. We did this to … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Mayor’s home attacked

from the press: Seattle police are investigating after vandals threw rocks through windows at the home of Mayor Mike McGinn following violent May Day protests.

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Seattle, WA: May Day riot downtown

from the press: Tuesday’s violent May Day protests resulted in eight arrests and damage to downtown buildings that will cost tens of thousands of dollars, authorities said. Some businesses were forced to close early and commuters were delayed for hours … Continue reading

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