Tag Archives: Italy

Italy: Incendiary Sabotage of Train Line

from contrainfo, translated wos: During the night between the 19th and 20th of November we placed an incendiary device on a lateral conductor on the tracks of the Turín-Milán line. Onward with the sabotage of the tentacles of the system! … Continue reading

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Sergio Maria Stefani – ‘To End with the Cult of the Carrion’

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: Four years ago Mauri died, while the trajectory of struggle he chose would continue without vacillation. To the lightning of the explosion, which unfortunately struck him instead of the enemies for whom it was reserved, … Continue reading

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Nicola Gai – ‘For a single hour of furious anarchy’

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: The lightning which four years ago lit up the night of the Chilean capitol and which kept Mauri from carrying out his action made evident to all of us the beauty and strength there is … Continue reading

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Italy: Letter from prison by Alfredo Cospito four years since Mauri’s death

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: When I read the news of Mauri’s death, the accidental explosion of the device he was carrying, it was a blow to the heart, even if I didn’t know him, even if I never saw … Continue reading

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Italy: Nicola and Alfredo interrogated one year since the shooting of Adinolfi

from refractario, transl waronsociety: Three prosecutors, three ROS (special operations) agents and two DIGOS (special investigations) agents from Genoa presented themselves in cheery procession in the Ferrara Prison in the morning of May 7, 2013, after exactly one year had … Continue reading

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Posters in solidarity with the prisoners of Operation Ardire

we receive and publish:

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“All About Nothing” – Marco Camenisch on the case against Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa di Bernardo

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety: From the 27 pages of “justifications” from the 10/30/2012 “review” in Milan which Elisa and Stefano recently received for remaining in preventive prison. I copy and disseminate excerpts and comments from these justifications which I have … Continue reading

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Europol and Mexico to cooperate against anarchist groups

Note from WOS: It goes without saying that we do not share the analysis of the Europol or of the press that are reported below. What we do consider important is to be aware of international police cooperation. It is … Continue reading

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“A Fact” – Letter from Massimo Passamani

Letter from Massimo Passamani, who has been in preventive prison for over four months in the Trento, Italy prosecution’s “Operation Ixodidae” targeting persons in the NO TAV movement which is resisting the construction of the high-speed train infrastructure through Italy, … Continue reading

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Solidarity letters from Italian anarchist prisoner Elisa to Luciano Pitronello and Mario López from inside Rebibbia prison in Rome.

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Dear compa Luciano, We do not know each other yet every time I hear news surrounding you and your incarceration (your wounds and capture by the Chilean state) I feel we have met, every time my … Continue reading

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Italy: To write to anarchist prisoners of ‘operation boldness’

from contrainfo: July 24th, 2012: Currently the eight Italian anarchist prisoners of ‘Operazione Ardire’ (Alessandro Settepani, Sergio Maria Stefani, Katia Di Stefano, Stefano Gabriele Fosco, Elisa Di Bernardo, Giuseppe Lo Turco, Paola Francesca Iozzi, Giulia Marziale) can receive mail ONLY … Continue reading

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Italy: Communique for incendiary attacks on two banks

from actforfreedom: Dedicated to those who are in prison, wanted by police, sentenced and searched…. to the anarchists hit by the repressive forces of the State/Capital… FRASCATI (ROME) In the night of Wednesday July 18 2012, two banks were attacked … Continue reading

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Italy: Brief note from Tomo on a couple of questions

from parolearmate, transl waronsociety: I have felt the necessity to write this brief reflection regarding two communiques that I have read thus far by those seeking to “defend” the persons involved in various operations (in this case, the recent Operation … Continue reading

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Rojoscuro – Facing yet another repressive operation of the Italian state

from ParoleArmate, transl act for freedom now/B.pd: “Operation Ardire” is the name of the recent repressive assault on our anarchist comrades. A number of rebels were arrested, others are under investigstion. Moreover arrest warrants were issued against dear comrades who are locked … Continue reading

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