Tag Archives: international counter-information and translation network

Attaque – Chronicle of the social war in France

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“All About Nothing” – Marco Camenisch on the case against Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa di Bernardo

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety: From the 27 pages of “justifications” from the 10/30/2012 “review” in Milan which Elisa and Stefano recently received for remaining in preventive prison. I copy and disseminate excerpts and comments from these justifications which I have … Continue reading

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Reactivation communique from Viva La Anarquía

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: We always have been and will continue on the path of freedom… On various problems presenting themselves in our daily lives, we have had to prioritize our interests. Clearly our interest recently has been something other … Continue reading

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Dan and Olivier – “Nothing to declare: Why we refuse to participate in our own repression”

from nonfides, translated by waronsociety: Nothing to declare Why we refuse to participate in our own repression It has now been two years since the investigation into “public defamation of public officials” and “incitement to the commission of an attack … Continue reading

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Black Blocg website is now illegal in Russia; how to bypass the block

from blackblocg: Dear comrades! We should inform you, that our blog is included in Federal List of Extremist Materials in Russia. This is the first time, when anarchist resource is officially recognized as “extremist” in Russia. So the most of … Continue reading

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Final statement of ex-Negasi comrades about the trial of the killer of Ryo

from 325: (This statement was read out two days ago while a meeting was held, this is a final statement from ex-members/comrades of Negasi and affinities, after a long and tired debate among the solidarians in last two months about … Continue reading

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Ryo of Negasi (1986-2012)

To all comrades, On 25th November 2012, we lost our comrade named Ryo. He was killed by a coward in the morning when trying to go back to his place after looking for breakfast. Ryo is a member of the … Continue reading

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France: Yet More Pressure Against the Site Non-Fides.fr [edited]

from Non-Fides, transl waronsociety (thanks to non-fides for the help!): Tuesday, January 22nd at 4:45 PM, the BRDP knocked on the door of Olivier and announced: “Search!” Olivier is targeted this time because his name is the registered host of … Continue reading

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Matthew – “This Was Our Job. But it’s not anymore.”

from This Is Our Job: Three years to the day of the first post to This Is Our Job, I’ve decided to end this particular anarchist project in order to devote myself to other anarchist projects. Primarily, I want more … Continue reading

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1–10 August 2012: Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression

from Contra Info: We make a call out for ten days of propaganda actions, in as many places as possible, aiming to promote struggles which are more or less known but also entirely unknown to many people. Individuals and/or groups … Continue reading

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Italy: Brief note from Tomo on a couple of questions

from parolearmate, transl waronsociety: I have felt the necessity to write this brief reflection regarding two communiques that I have read thus far by those seeking to “defend” the persons involved in various operations (in this case, the recent Operation … Continue reading

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Italy: Massive international repressive operation ‘Ardire’ launched against anarchists; A statement from Tomo [revised]

revised version from contrainfo: At 4 o’clock in the morning of June 13th, 2012, the carabiniers of the Special Operations Group (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, ROS) raided about forty homes, implementing the so-called ‘operation boldness’ (operazione ardire), a crackdown against people … Continue reading

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New Publication: Insurrectionary Anarchism in Mexico 2011

we receive and publish: click photo, here, or here to download pdf (75 MB, 48 pgs, tabloid)

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Text from Culmine – On the Heights of… individualist despair

from culmine, transl waronsociety: On the Heights of… individualist despair Culmine, pack of individualist anarchists, receives, spreads and frames communiques, statements and information from individuals and groups of action that have declared war on this society in different parts of … Continue reading

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